Right after getting back on campus school work hit me hard, I've spent the last two days working furiously and have finished revising two of my memoir pieces. I still have a lot to do, including creating two lesson plans to present to Natalie on Friday and in two weeks be prepared to lead them for two groups of kids at two different schools. Especially intimidating since I haven't been to either of these schools and have no 'feel' for the children or teachers.
There's just so much to get done.
But there's two things that are keeping my spirits high. The first is that yesterday I got a package from my ex-roommate, Nick, contained within was a letter and underneath a whole lot of packing material - my very own homemade Jayne hat! The best part was the box was filled with the same shredded paper materials that Jayne's package was from the show! Brilliant, thanks Nick! I'm already putting together your reciprocal package...Mwoohahaha.
The second thing is this Saturday's Casino Night organized by the Interns. Everyone should come because it is going to totally be amazing. How, you ask? Well, number one there's going to be lots of food some great prizes (with real cash values!), and we have rented real casino equipment. I'll be manning the roulette table and busily crushing dreams, so you should at least come and blow all your money at once at the roulette table!
Convention Madness!
So with Arisia coming up in January, I've become really excited for working at AnimeBoston 2006. We've just completed a pretty ambitious and innovative re-oganization of ConOps and the staff overall. It's interesting that I'm barely even interested in Anime anymore, perhaps because there hasn't been a great release in like seven or eight years - but whatever. I don't think it's something I'm outgrowing, but it's certainly something I've become much more out of the loop about - I've got gophers that'll tell me if anything good comes my way. Yet, I'm still really excited to work at an Anime Convention.
Moment of Zen
By now, just about everyone has heard about the Lesbian Dalek porn but not everyone has seen the
awful, awful, trailer. Or seen the great screen caps. This is going to become a rarity as the BBC and the estate of Terry Nation (probably because his little bratty offspring are angry they didn't get money for it, not because it's Dalek porn) are suing the production company and have had all the copies pulled off eBay.
In other related news, I have ever Doctor Who theme and end theme ever made because I am a total loser. I even have the "incredibly rare" full version of the Ninth Doctor's theme! Whoo, hoo I'm special and you're all jealous with my specialness!