New Yorkers rate as worst drivers - here's an example of how to make data work for you. because NYers, you find when you read the article, did not necessarily rate as the worst drivers. they rated as the worst written driving test takers.
believe me. that is a very different thing. how many people do you know that know the right thing to do... but don't necessarily do it? everyone knows there's a big to-do about using a cell phone whilst driving. or eating. or whatever. so nearly everyone would agree that you shouldn't do it.
but then they'll go home and do it.
nay, NYers are certainly not the worst drivers. as proof, i submit a portion of a message i sent to a friend of mine back in buffalo, a coupla weeks ago:
she had written, in jest of course:
besides, no one should have the same freedoms as i have. i mean, for example, they're all willie nillie in traffic getting in my way. driving around like they have the right to or whatever. don't they know i'm on the road? where are they going that's more important than where i'm going? i mean, who do they think they are??
i'm not sure what that has to do with freedom, something i suppose, but either way it sure does piss me off.
i replied:omg, never drive down here in suburban DC. maryland or virginia.
for some retarded reason, people like to stop 3 or 4 car lengths behind the car in front of them at a light. and then, whilst waiting for the light, they creep up. and then usually get to the car in front before the light even changes anyway.
a lot of times, this will stop you from getting into the left-only lane that doesn't appear until later.
in virginia, there's all these jesus-fish cars going 55 in the fast lane on the highway. because they have to teach you a lesson: jesus wants you to rear-end them in to the hospital.
in both states, people like to pace along in the lane next to you in your blind spot.
they also pile up in one lane at a light. there can be, like, one dude in one lane, and 56348795637 in the one next to him. and they both go straight.
i once got rear ended because of that.
you've got it easy.