Entitlement and priorities

Feb 28, 2012 14:52

A friend of mine translates and subtitles various Japanese fan-made RPGs on YouTube, including HetaOni. There hasn't been a new part posted of this game in over a year, presumably because the creator of the game was personally affected by the earthquake and tsunami from last year. As far as I know, there has been no news of the current status of the game and whether it will ever be continued.

What do you think is the reaction of a lot of fans? Are they understanding of the fact that the creator had far more important matters to attend to than worry about Hetalia, that she may have lost interest in the project since then or that she might have abandoned it for other reasons?

The entitled whining that goes on in the comments on YouTube is absolutely disgusting. Now, I know that YT is the place where intelligence goes to die, but the reasons for the game's hiatus have been explained several times. Despite this, there is a steady trickle of comments about how it's cruel of the creator to not continue the game, how everyone should band together and send her messages in order to bully encourage her into continuing and so on.

I can understand being disappointed that the game will most likely never be continued, but the entitled attitude in the comments really gets under my skin. It really feels like lots of people think that their free fandom entertainment is more important than the well-being of real people. This recent comment is my reason for posting this rant. It just made me snap.

Dear Earth, Why? Why, out of the other countries of the world, you decide to pick on Japan when it's in the middle of finishing the last of Hetaoni? Now we won't know what happens to Italy and his friends! Or what happens to Spain and Romano! >:U. We'll promise to be good to you! We won't litter or do anything else bad! ;3;. Just don't attack Japan again whilst in the middle of something so damn important! //sob -Hetaoni Fangirls.

Yeah, because the possible discontinuation of HetaOni is such an important after effect of the disaster. :T

And on a more general note, the authors, artists, AMV makers etc. don't owe anything to their audience. It's incredibly frustrating when something you love is abandoned, but fandom is free entertainment. I know from personal experience that whining and spamming only decreases the motivation to continue instead of increasing it. So, stop acting like your human rights have suddenly been taken from you just because your favourite fanfic or whatever has been discontinued.

Edited because my LJ cut failed.
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