Apr 25, 2011 18:34
Normally I'm pretty laid back about things and I don't let a lot get to me, but I've had two incidents in the past week that have really irked me.
The first was during a discussion on Facebook in which a couple of people and I were sharing our favorite subjects in History and which wars were our favorites to learn about. Then one girl pops in and says something along the lines of "You know which war is my favorite? None. Because wars cause nothing but pain and suffering and trauma for the soldiers and their families." I don't have the exact quote because the admin of the group we were in deleted it, but that was the gist of it.
The second incident happened on DeviantArt when I posted a comic about WWI with a short commentary about the war so as to give a brief history lesson since it seems more people know about WWII than WWI. It simplified things a bit, but I don't think it's particularly offensive. As a matter of fact, a lot of people enjoyed it. Then I get one comment that says this: "And then we all remembered that, despite this adorable summative scene, this was a quickly escalating world conflict and that lives were beinglineduptobedestroyedinabattlebetweencountriesthatwouldleadonlytofurtherconflictandbloodshedtheend"
I mean, really? I'm not a moron. I know about the horrors of war and it's not as if I have no idea what happened. I'm not trying to promote warfare or say that the sacrifices of the soldiers didn't matter. I'm not even trying to pretend the bloodshed didn't happen. I didn't discuss it because I think it's safe to assume that most people already know what war causes. These people were getting on to me for taking wars too lightly but what do they expect me to do, bow my head in reverence of the lives lost every time I discuss any war? Even those wars that are long over and done with?
And the thing that really kills me is that both of these people were Hetalia fans. Hetalia, the series that takes events in history, including wars, and makes them ridiculously cute and lighthearted. Hell, the main storyline even revolves around WWII. Not to mention it's way more offensive than anything I've said, at least in my opinion. Doesn't that seem a little hypocritical? I mean, are these people trying to say it's okay when Himaruya does it, but not when I do it?
Don't misunderstand. I know that we should never forget the atrocities that have occurred throughout history, or that war is a terrible, traumatizing thing, but I don't think you need to take events in the past so seriously all the time. There's being respectful and then there's just being ridiculous.
general: fandom