Mm, gotta have me some of those buono tomatoes~
Name: Alysssaahhh
Gender: I haz teh BIG boobehz
Stamped As: North Italy ♥ Lover: Spain 8D
Introverted or Extroverted?: Introverted. I tend to keep to myself, but it's nice to go out and talk to people sometimes, I'm not shy about that~
Rational or Emotional?: I tend to be a bit both, I think? I try my best to be rational at all times, but my emotions just come pouring out sometimes..and I mean pouring OTL
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: I'm very optimistic..usually. Sometimes when I'm in a bad enough mood I'm very pessimistic. But I think that goes for everyone, non?
Dominant or Submissive?: Ehehe~ I usually just go along with things, so I think that makes me submissive? But I can be dominant, if I'm in the mood or the situation calls for it ;D
Large Groups or Small Groups?: Ahhh, It's easier to talk to people in small groups? But it's also fun being in big groups, especially if you're going 'sploring~ Ahahaw~! If the group is too big, I can get overwhelmed though. Hm.
So small groups, it is!!
Cautious or Impulsive?: This kind of goes with the rational or emotional thing? Anywho. I'm usually cautious, but sometimes it's just more fun to be impulsive. I'm not very good at choosing answers, am I?
Getting pet hair on my clothes or anything else, crowded trains filled with sweaty business men(it sounds sexy at first, until their sweaty back in pressing against your bare arms .___.;;), having a huge bus parking lot behind your dorm kind of sucks; I can hear their beeping when the back in and some of the buses say things like, 'caution, this bus is backing up' NO SHIT?!...sorry ;___;
Which traits do you like in a friend?: Umm, patience. They'd have to be able to put up with my nonsense. They'd also have to be a good listener, funny, easy to talk to, nice~, and be somewhat perverse..just so I can be my perverted self as well. ♥
Which traits don't you like in a friend?: I don't like people who only can talk about themselves, are rude, overly aggressive/obnoxious, mean, know-it-alls, or not very open-minded
Introverted or extroverted? Either one is fine, I think? I wouldn't want someone who'd push me to be more outgoing, nor would I want to have to push my friend to be more outgoing? So, they could be extroverted if they didn't expect me to be as well, or they could be introverted as long as it wouldn't get in the way of our fun~
Would you prefer to be their only or "best" friend, or do you not mind sharing the spotlight? I'm not sure? I would never expect someone to only want to spend time with me, but it would nice to have just one good friend. If their other friend/friends were nice, I wouldn't mind sharing too much, I guess.
You and your best friend have a day totally free from all other obligations and appointments. You can do whatever you want! What do you do? I'm not very good at making decisions like these..I like to just go out and wander the city or wherever a lot of the time. Just being with a friend or friends is nice. We wouldn't necessarily have to do anything to make it more fun =]
You and your friend have an argument. What's it most likely about?Err, I don't usually argue with people. The only person I argue with is my sister because she's not very nice? So maybe if they weren't being very nice to me, I'd say something to make them stop? D;
Your friend needs money. Would you give it to them as a gift, loan it to them and expect money back, or just not give them any? Why? It depends on how much money and how often they need money. If it's not too much and they tend to pay me back, I'd probably just let them have it as a gift.
Links to Three Applications:Yessah!
1. 2. 3. 4. Anything Else?: I wonder who my new buddy is going to be~? \\ (゜ワ゜);;