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Sep 12, 2010 15:26

Name: Alice.
Gender: Female.
Stamped As: Regular - England.


Introverted or Extroverted?: Extroverted to an extent.
Rational or Emotional?: Probably slightly more rational, in general terms. But either one can reign supreme depending on the situation. I'm more emotional if i'm personally invested somehow, or someone I care about is.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Deeply pessimistic.
Dominant or Submissive?: Dominant.
Large Groups or Small Groups?: Small, close-nit, groups.
Cautious or Impulsive?: Cautious.
Pet Peeves: Dirty dishes left in dirty water, when you hold the door open for someone and they don't say thank you, people 'dropping in' without prior warning (I'm usually naked or looking like hell), empty jars being left in the cupboard/fridge (too many times have I been tricked into thinking there's some marmite left), an unprecedented amount of stairs after you decide to to take the lift, when you run a bath but don't realise the hot water hasn't been on, general mess (I can quite happily live in organised chaos, though).


Which traits would you want in a partner?:
A witty and sarcastic sense of humour is a definite must, because I need someone that I can banter with. I'm quite blunt, so have to be around people that can give as good as they get. My last boyfriend and I would actually have (usually) good natured arguments, which I always appreciated. I like being able to not worry about offending my partner.

Individuality is also key, as i'm all for interesting quirks and hobbies. After all, i'm a sci-fi junkie and a serious fan of punk music. Different is good.

Intelligence is a mighty turn on for me, as is creative and inventive talent. Passion is also incredibly important. There's nothing hotter than seeing a guy put his all into something he loves and believes in, whatever that may be. Real drive and ambition is attractive.

I think it's appealing to find someone who is comfortable with the subject of mortality and the shittier aspects of their personailty, as well as the world around them. Generally, I want someone who's aware and feels like they can talk to me about anything. No limits!

At their core, genuinely compassionate and dependable.

Aesthetically speaking, I like tall guys with deep, slightly rough, voices. Well built, but not overly muscled, somewhat messy hair and a bit of stubble. I'm a sucker for a nice pair of arms (tank tops are my most favourite thing), and a nice arse. I like the thought of my partner being quite a bit physically stronger than me. A knock out pair of eyes, and a strong jawline.

Which traits wouldn't you want in a partner?:
Clingy, overly optimistic all the time and idiotic. I can't deal with close minded people, and have little time for ignorance.

I also like my own space, so can't be with someone that expects me to live inside their pocket, so to speak.

Also, people that constantly ramble on about inane things. Sometimes, silence is golden, you know?

As for appearance, I try not let that be a reason for not dating someone. But i'm not particularly attracted to effeminate, showy or flamboyant guys.

Dominant or submissive?: Again, dominant. I don't believe in one partner having to be submissive to the other. Where's the fun in that? Power struggles make things interesting.
Introverted or extroverted? Extroverted in terms of not being afraid to be themselves, and making sure their opinions are heard. I couldn't be with someone that lets others walk all over them.
Romantic or like a 'best friend'? Frankly, I don't think there's anything more romantic than being best friends with your partner. So I suppose that renders this question a moot point... But, yes, best friend.
Would you rather have a fast-paced relationship, or take things slowly?: It depends on the person, and what sort of relationship they suit. I really have no preference as long as it's fullfilling, one way or another.
An ideal date?: I'm not particularly high maintenance, and just like to have a good time, so wherever we can chat and have a laugh is fine with me. Whatever happens, happens. I never think, we're going to kiss on this date, then we'll have sex on this one. Who cares? Life's too short. I just enjoy hanging out with someone I like. And that could simply be a night in, with a movie, you know? Though, saying that, I love seeing live music on dates. What better way to start a relationship than plastered up against their sweaty side, singing along to a band. Typically romantic dates make me uncomfortable.

Links to Three Applications:

Does it matter which gender your 'partner' is?: I'd prefer male, please.
Anything Else?: Nada.

stamped!germany, theme:lover, !stamped

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