[part six: fill] Ever After [Russia]

May 30, 2010 02:23

Title: Ever After
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Prussia, Hungary, Lithuania.
Rating: 1 Star

Original Request: Russia, the Hero, goes out into the world to get rich and get hitched in classical Russian fairy tale fashion. The princess could be whomever the anonfiller desires! Crack-pairings are welcome!

Just don't forget the magic, the snow (General Winter?!) and a bit of creepy Russia.

Notes: Some character death.

Summary: Russia ventures out into the world, searching for help in breaking the curse of eternal loneliness cast upon him.

- Parts 6 - 7

d:character death, d:alternate universe, d:fairy tale/folklore/mythology, f: ★, c:russia, d:no pairing, f:part 06, c:lithuania, d:magic/supernatural

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