[part ten: fill] Unalienable Rights [America, Thomas Jefferson, OCs]

Aug 26, 2011 23:03

Title: Unalienable Rights
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: America, Thomas Jefferson, OCs
Rating: 1 star

Original Request:  Moral Dissonance...why is there so little fic about the huge moral dissonances during History? I know we all like our cute characters being good and all but...well.

I'd like some child!America (or teen!America) ordering around some black slaves. Maybe with England, to show what a competent master he is (aka, impress him) or even slap one of the servants in a fit of anger post-Revolution. I want Prussia, or maybe France, taking advantage of the household service, a maid, the butler, whoever. Sexual abuse or something, in the old masters&servants way. Maybe the complete Bad Touch Trio?

Veneziano happily ignoring poverty while he goes aorund collecitng for the Church. Romano's incredible ease to kill in the spirit of the Mafia. Any nation who persecuted homosexuals being very obviously hypocritical (seeing as all nations have at one point or another bene involved with someone of their sex).

I'd love to see Japan raping China the way the japanese did in World War...I or II, can't remember. I want to see gender bias (more than the whole "bah, Francis has a girl fight for him" going on with Jeanne). Maybe a Jeanne fic when she's raped by England (she WAS raped in prison waiting for trial/execution).

I want Spain mistreating Turkey badly just because he's muslim. America and Canada behaving like total dicks to Germans, Italians and Japanese living in them in World War II. I'd like to see Netherlands abusing a little girl (since he's canonly sorta pedo for them). England being incredibly racist toward...pretty much every of his not-white, not-caucasian colonies/protectorates/whatever. Erradicaitng the North Americna natives; mistreating or using as cannofodder/distracting manoveur Scots, Irish, Walish.

Summary: America doesn’t understand why the slaves keep running away, he takes good care of them, doesn’t he?

o:original character, f: ★, d:no pairing, o:historical figure, c:america, d:na-colonial era, d:young nation, f:part 10

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