[part ten: fill] Close Every Door [America/England, France, Prussia, Japan, Russia, ensemble]

Aug 26, 2011 22:53

Title: Close Every Door
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: America/England, France, Prussia, Japan, Russia, OC!India, Scotland, Canada
Rating: 3 stars

Original Request: England has been kidnapped and every nations try to find him (Since they are worried afraid that human know about their existence?). But in all truth, it's America that kidnaps England. It's up to anon what will happen! Do every other nations know that America kidnaps him or they never know and England never get found... Let your imagination come free, anons!

Bonus: America kidnaps England since he think that England is spending too much time to other nations.
Bonus: America rapes England multiple times during the kidnapping as to show him that England is 'his'.
SUPER BONUS: America said to England that he done this because of his fault.

Notes: non-con, violence

Summary: Despite their best efforts, they never found England, never discovered the one leading the search is the kidnapper.

c:original nation, p:america/england, c:canada, c:japan, k:non-consensual, c:prussia, c:russia, g:ensemble, c:america, c:england, c:france, f:part 10, f: ★★★

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