[part ten: fill] I think I have a reservation in your pants [France/America, England, Japan]

Aug 24, 2011 01:13

Title: I think I have a reservation in your pants
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: France/America, England, Japan
Rating: 2 Stars

Original Request: America's boss has told him to be entrepreneurial to get through the economic slump. America's plan is to open a nice restaurant. France somehow gets word of these plans and is very interested in this... [full request here]

Summary: France and America's efforts to run their restaurant are going...colorfully.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Request Inspiration: Pixiv -- Hetalia cast as waiters (2 stars), Tinypic mirror

c:america, c:england, f: ★★, p:america/france, c:japan, c:france, f:part 10

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