[part seven: fill] You Know You Want My Statue of Liberty [America/England, France]

Jul 04, 2011 13:55

Title: You Know You Want My Statue of Liberty
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: America/England, France
Rating: 2 Stars.

Original Request: So. England and America are about to have sex (for the sake of this request, I'd like it if it's not the first time they're about to do it, please!), when America refers to his penis as the Statue of Liberty. Now, America does say moronic things, even in bed. But since we all know who gave said Statue to the US... England is like "D:"... and can't get it up (because, let's face it, France + sexytaims = ew, in England's head), and worst of all, he can't get it up for some time.

Cue lulz. (Yes, lulz. We also know why France gave him the Statue of Liberty, but I'd rather if we keep it lulzy and/or lolarious, along the lines of "WHY OH WHY YOU MAKE ME THINK OF THAT BLOODY FROG IN BED" without making it angsty). Slightly inspired by what I think is probably the funniest fill in this kink meme, here: [see link below].

Obvious bonus for France getting yelled at/getting more hateful stares than usual and probably not knowing why.
Double bonus: ends in seme!Arthur. Because that's hot. But it's not obligatory.

Include whoever you want, also. I just want to laugh. Thank you, anons! /off to write

Summary: England finds the name that America has dubbed his penis to be especially ...off-putting.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Request Inspiration -- [part three: fill] Comment box'd [America/England, ensemble]

p:america/england, c:america, f:part 07, c:england, f: ★★, c:france

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