[part eight: fill] Ten Thousand Stitches Crossed [America/England]

Jul 04, 2011 13:48

Title: Ten Thousand Stitches Crossed
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Complete.
Characters, Pairings: America/England.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: So we all know Iggy is pretty awesome with a needle, right? Anon has it in her headcanon that England made all his kids clothes and stuffed animals himself. When they'd tear their clothes it was right to mommy!England for them to get fixed.

Fast-forward to modern day and America has a pretty serious crush on England, but can't seem to get the words out to admit it and he can't jut keep being around England with no good reason so request is...America keeps purposefully tearing up his clothes for the excuse to go visit England and ask him to fix them! Entirely up to author!anon where it goes from there! Whether to fluffy get together or sexytiems.

Bonus: England starts getting suspicious over his ever-present basket of mending from America (particularly when America is easily able to afford new clothes or capable of fixing them himself).
Super!Bonus: He thinks America keeps tearing them because of an over-amorous lover ~.^

Summary: It all begins with a button. And eventually, a relationship is sewn between America and England, where there had once been a tear.

p:america/england, c:america, k:clothing, c:england, f:part 08, f: ★

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