Title: Little Sisters Just Want To Have Fun Author: nike2422 Rating: PG Character(s)/Pairing(s): Belarus, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Russia, Prussia, Germany Warnings: Liechtenstein is a head banger. Germany realizes Belarus is all grown up, and wishes his porn collection was available. Russia will never be afraid of where his sister is hiding again.
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Title: Protect Your Vital Regions Genre: Humor Characters/Pairings: One-sided Switzerland/Austria, implied Austria/Hungary Rating: K+ Warnings: None Summary: After a long evening of drinking and stewing, Switzerland decides to teach Austria a lesson in forgetting him. But did he pick the right hotel room to barge into? Kink Meme de-anon.
Hello! I am selling four cute SwissLiech doujins for $20 shipped, please visit here if interested, thanks so much! <3 Here is my feedback. **there is also Magi + Ao no Exorcist anthologies ^_^
Title: Fanrt? Author/Artist: Me/LilDeadKitty Character(s) or Pairing(s): Ukraine, Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Nyotalia Prussia. Rating: (I don't know, what's the rating things on here?But yeah it's just innocent fanart~ ) Warnings: none Summary: just some fanart I guess
God, I'm terrible at these template things, sorry!
Title: The Best Tea Parties Characters: Hungary, Liechtenstein (mentions of Austria, Switzerland, Prussia) Rating: PG Length: short Summary: Hungary and Liechtenstein team up to get Austria and Switzerland together.