[fanfic] Zombie Apocalypse AU Starring Fem!USA- Chapter 32, 33 & 34

Jan 19, 2013 22:58

Title: Zombie Apocalypse AU Starring Fem!USA- Chapter 32, 33 & 34
Genre: Humor
Characters/Pairings: No pairings. Amelia(fem!USA), Francis(France), Chun-Yan(fem!China), Arthur(U.K.), Feliks(Poland), Toris(Lithuania), Eduard(Estonia), Anya(fem!Russia), Feliciano(N. Italy), Monika(fem!Germany), Kiku(Japan), Maddie(fem!Canada), Nikolai(male!Belarus), Marcello(Seborga), Peter(Sealand), Zoey(Wy), Milo(Molossia), Moritz(Kugelmugel), Kazou(Nikko Nikko), Ethan(Hutt River), Gilbert(Prussia)
Rating: K+
Warnings: Zombie Apocalypse AU
Summary: Once at the United Federation of Micronations, Monika talks to her brother while Nikolai finds out he and Amelia share some interests.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 & 4, Chapter 5 & 6, Chapter 7 & 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10 & 11, Chapter 12 & 13, Chapter 14 & 15, Chapter 16, 17, & 18, Chapter 19, 20, & 21, Chapter 22 & 23, Chapter 24 & 25, Chapter 26, 27, & 28, Chapter 29, 30, & 31

Also on tumblr.

Chapter 32

“Here we are!” Peter shouted as he hopped out of the truck. The United Federation of Micronations’s capitol building was a four-story middle school. Next to it was a public library and a water tower. “Isn’t it great?”

“Oh yeah! That reminds me!” Amelia skipped over to Kumajiro and tapped Maddie repeatedly on the ankle. “Maddie! Maddie! Get up! It’s the afternoon! Maddie! We’re in a new country! We got new friends here! Some of them have never tried your syrup before!”

Maddie woke up with a jolt. “Oh that’s just horrible!”

“You got to stop staying up so late, Maddie!”

“I’ll try to get some sleep tonight.” Maddie nervously looked at Anya and then back at Amelia. “Hopefully.”

“What?” Francis poked his head out of Amelia’s tent. “Where are we? What did I miss? Why don’t you people wake me up when something important happens?”

“You can go back to sleep if you want. We’re not staying long. I’ll wake you up when we finally get to that town,” Chun-Yan offered.

“Are there any ladies here?” Francis asked hopefully.

“Not old enough for you.”

“I’m going back to bed then.”

“Let me introduce the rest of us!” Peter pointed to the top of the water tower. “Moritz is up there on watch duty. He’s also painting it because he thinks it looked too plain and our country should be heavily focused in the arts.

Kazou came around the building and greeted them in a bow.

“We have a few chickens at the back of the school. Thanks to him, eggs are our country’s primary export! There’s also Ethan, our country’s ambassador. He must be inside right now. The final member of our country is…”

Suddenly, a man in a purple cloak flamboyantly came out of the front doors of the school. “Wait! I was waiting to be properly introduced before I came outside!”

“There you are, Ethan!” Peter waved.

“So visitors have arrived in our glorious country!” Ethan whisked his hair. “They obviously must have come to pay me tribute!”

“No, they just want to use the walkie-talkie before heading to town.”

“Oh hey! Is that your king-brother, Monika?” Amelia asked.

“No!” Monika answered, “Unfortunately my brother is more annoying and his outfit is even worse.”

“Follow me, Monika.” Peter motioned. “The rest of you can hang out in the library if you like. It’s nice! If you want to borrow a book, it’s fine. Just bring it back when you’re done. “

As the others headed towards the library, Maddie slipped Ethan one of her maple syrup bottles. “This stuff is worth more than gold.”



Ethan inspected the bottle. “Well then, this is certainly good enough for me!”

Chapter 33

Once inside, Peter led Monika and Feliciano to the teachers’ lounge where the walkie-talkie was kept.

Peter picked up the walkie and then handed it to Monika. “There it is! This is how we communicate until we come up with something better. Luckily, we have plenty of batteries to last us a while. Your brother has the other one.”

Monika picked up the walkie. “Gilbert… Gilbert, are you there? We are all fine. We ran into… car problems. We’ll be arriving there shortly. Gilbert?”

A moment later, Gilbert attempted to answer her over the sounds of loud barking dogs. “Hel… SHUT UP! Can… you give me a moment, sister? I SAID SHUT…”

“See, Monika?” Feliciano laughed. “Your doggies really missed you!”

Monika smiled. “I miss them too. They are good dogs.”

About two minutes later, Gilbert returned on the walkie. “I put them outside. Ahem. Princess Monika, I am so overjoyed to hear that you are safe!”

“Stop calling me that! All I want you to do is let everyone know we are fine and that we ran into more survivors along the way so they can get some cots ready.”

“More loyal subjects… Heh. How nice! I believe your return tonight calls for a celebration!”

“No. I think everyone just wants some sleep.”

“You’re no fun, princess! How about if I promise that there will be plenty of beer? Would you feel tired then?” Gilbert laughed. “Anyway… Just wait an hour before making your way over here, I have to prepare! Bye for now!”

“Bye, Gilbert.” Monika let out an exasperated sigh. Her brother was right; she really needed a beer after all this.

Meanwhile, Toris helped Nikolai into the library.

“Come on, Mr. Nikolai. You will like it in here,” Toris assured him. “The library is so nice! It is good that there are plenty of windows for the light to get in. Is there any book you are interested in that I could try to find for you? ”

“I do not care about that.” Nikolai glanced around. “Where is my sister? You said she was in here.”

“Really? She was here a moment ago. Maybe she went searching for a book.”

“I still do not see her in here.”

Toris lead him to a table and pulled out a chair. “Stay right here and I would go look for her for you, Mr. Nikolai.”


Toris placed a bottle of water and handed Nikolai a few aspirin for his knee. “I will be back!” Toris gave him a wink and then left the library.

Nikolai grumbled to himself as he took an aspirin. As he slipped his water, he glanced to the side and realized that he was sitting two chairs away from Amelia. He was too busy looking for his sister to notice. This must have been Toris’ plan from the start. Nikolai took another aspirin. Toris was really getting on his nerves lately.

Chapter 34

Nikolai finished the rest of his water and then set the bottle down on the table. Out of sheer boredom, he peeked over to see what Amelia was reading. Amelia flipped through a book on haunted cemeteries. He found that all the books around her were about haunted places and ghost sightings. Ghosts, huh? He didn’t know that blonde moron was interested in that stuff too.

Without asking first, he picked up the nearest book and flipped through it. When he got through about half the book, Nikolai let out a frustrated growl. “Why are you reading these? This damned book is complete garbage! There are not any real ghost photographs in here!”

“Huh?” Amelia scooched her chair closer to him and looked over his shoulder. “The ghost is right there on the far left.”

“No, that is a tree! The leaves and branches just so happen to form a face if you squint. That is not a ghost! I know this because this photograph was taken in Illinois. If there really was a ghost in the picture, it would be closer and clearly visible because American ghosts are show-offs!” Nikolai slammed the book down. “I do not understand how this pathetic excuse for a book was even published! It is completely useless! I have taken much better ghost photographs drunk!”

“You take pictures of ghosts?!” Amelia asked excitedly.

Nikolai was taken aback by her enthusiasm. “Y… Yes. It is a hobby of mine. I like going to haunted places.”


“I can see ghosts, I can tell fortunes, and I am interested the occult. I have traveled to many haunted places and stored hundreds of ghost photographs in a cardboard box in my house. They are a lot better than this trash! ”

“Can we go there?”


“Your house! I wanna see!”

“You idiot! We are in the middle of an outbreak!” Nikolai became solemn. We will probably join the ghosts soon anyway. I feel it is only a matter of time before we all eventually succumb to the virus. Do you really mean you want to go there right now while the apocalypse is going on?”

“Of course!” Amelia answered, “Why not? I believe we should never give up hope! I don’t care about the zombies! We’ll just continue to blast through them and fight on as always! We all made it this long! Don’t worry, we’ll be fine!”

Nikolai was at a loss for words. How can she be so optimistic?

Outside, Toris carefully watched them through a window. He was amazed that his plan went better than he expected. He marveled at his own cleverness.

“Like, what are you doing?” Feliks asked from behind Toris.

Toris jumped. “Shhh! Nothing! I am not doing anything!”

“Right… Like I would believe that!” He pressed his nose against the glass.

“Stop! Do not let them see you!”

“Are you playing matchmaker or something? That is so funny!” Feliks laughed obnoxiously.

“Shhh!” Toris hoped that no one heard them. “Matchmaker? N… No! I just wanted Mr. Nikolai and Miss Amelia to get along so she would allow him to join our hero group!”

“Yeah right! You want to know what their babies would look like!”

“I am telling the truth, Mr. Feliks! Mr. Nikolai has trouble interacting with people so I am indirectly teaching him to have conversations with others that are not his sister. It is nice to see that my plan is working! I knew it would!” Toris blushed. “Mr. Nikolai would make a great addition to our team! He is so cool, handsome, and he is an expert with knives. Zombies would be no threat with him around. I would like Mr. Nikolai to travel with us. It would be wonderful, yes?”

“Like no,” Feliks said flatly.

=group: micronations, -america, =group: genderbends, fan: fic

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