Eastern Europe & Co Secret Santa Exchange: Sign-ups are open!

Oct 19, 2012 18:17

Sign-ups for the Eastern Europe & Co Winter Santa Exchange are open until the 30th of October!

The Secret Santa Exchange is focused on the wider so-called "Eastern Europe*" group from the series Axis Powers Hetalia. As such, fanworks with Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Prussia, Hungary, Romania, Finland and Bulgaria as far as they are part of the group are the focus here.
*"Eastern Europe" as it is used in fandom to describe the group that commonly includes all Slavic and "Baltic" nations; as such it is broader than the actual definition, including also Southeastern, Nordic and Middle European nations.

If you're interested in participating, check out the rules and sign up post: On dreamwidth and on livejournal. You don't need to have DW or LJ to participate, though!

Here’s how it works: After you sign up, you’ll be assigned another participant to write a story/draw art for, following the prompts they’ve submitted. On December 1st through December 26th, you can start posting up what gift you are giving your Secret Santa, and someone in turn will post up a gift for you!

The more people participate, the more fun this will be, so people, come and join the fun!

-poland, fan: art, -russia, -ukraine, fan: fic, fan: events, fan: comic, -bulgaria, -belarus, -estonia, -romania, -latvia, -finland, -lithuania, -prussia, -hungary

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