[Fanfiction] Imps

Oct 18, 2012 21:55

Title: Imps
Fandom(s): Axis Powers Hetalia, Harry Potter
Genre(s): AU, Gen, Humor (what passes for it)
Character(s)|Pairing(s): Fem!Prussia, Fem!England
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Word Count: 640
Summary: A post-Voldemort world with Elizabeth Kirkland and Giselle Beilschmidt as dear school chums at Hogwarts. Slytherin never knew what hit it.
Note: Inspired by some sketches by katamanda.

Beilschmidt may have not been the best Beater in the history of the Slytherin team but she was certainly going to be one of the most infamous ones. There was, after all, a very good reason why her nickname was “Valkyrie.” )

-england, -prussia, fan: fic

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