[APH Fluffathon] Sign-ups reminder!

Oct 07, 2011 19:54

Hi everyone! I hope your first week of October is going well. This is just a reminder about the Halloween event at aph_fluffathon called Fluff-or-Treating. It is a fics/art exchange centered around themes of Halloween, the supernatural, and the fall season in general. Sign-ups close on the 15th, and we'd love it if you joined us!

For more information, please click on the banner below. The link to the sing-ups page is located at the bottom of the information page. Hope to see you there!

-england, -poland, -ghana, -russia, -moldova, -iceland, -ukraine, -sealand, -vietnam, -chibitalia, -tibet, -france, -austria, -netherlands, -denmark, -japan, -wy, -estonia, -finland, -prussia, -kenya, -seychelles, -sweden, -italy north (veneziano), -korea south, -germania, -america, -cuba, -belgium, -cyprus turkish republic of northern, -italy south (romano), -hong kong, -china, -liechtenstein, -switzerland, -holy roman empire, -cyprus, -greece, -monaco, -canada, -taiwan, -norway, -thailand, -australia, -new zealand, -bulgaria, -ancient rome, -romania, -belarus, -latvia, -lithuania, -turkey, =group: all nations, -hungary, -mongolia, -spain, -germany, -egypt, ad: links

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