Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

Feb 27, 2011 12:28

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1E anonymous December 16 2010, 08:36:44 UTC
They pulled into the driveway to see a large box, almost ten feet high and six feet wide, sitting on the front lawn of America's house. Alaska yawned as America unbuckled him and woke him up, and then he gaped in amazement. "What's that?"

"Something Tony's been working on," America said, sitting Alaska down and prying open the front of the box. "It's an experimental weather balloon, using alien technology to make it undetectable by radar -- wow! Look at it!"

'It' was a cylindrical tube with an end that unscrewed to reveal a compartment filled with buttons and screens. This, America explained, was where all the specialized equipment would go eventually. "This is just the prototype," he said. "But it's amazing! Look, these tubes connect to this foil stuff here to inflate it -- that's the balloon. It'll go higher and stay aloft longer than any other balloon."

"But why does it need to be undetectable?" Alaska asked, peering inside. He was small enough to crawl into the compartment and examine all the buttons and levers.

"Because sometimes balloons like this fly into hostile territory," America went on. "And we don't want someone thinking its a spy plane and shooting it down... hey look, these vents allow us to control its movement. The onboard computer can make the balloon navigate! Tony really outdid himself with this one."

Alaska crawled back out of the compartment. "How far can it go?"

"This prototype can manage an Atlantic crossing, or at least that's what Tony thinks," America said proudly as he closed the box again. "We'll be able to track hurricanes in the ocean!"

America with his super-strength easily carried the box into the garage for safe-keeping, and with that safely stored they headed inside the house.

In the living room, they found Japan and Hawaii on the sofa, watching Captain Kangaroo. Or at least they had been, as Japan and Hawaii had fallen asleep in one another's arms, Hawaii sprawled across Japan's lap, her head tucked under his chin, Japan curled around her protectively. In sleep, father and daughter had the same serene expressions.

America tiptoed over and turned off the television, then felt a little hand plucking at his sleeve. Alaska took his hand and whispered, "I love you, Dad."

"Hey," America said, with a fond crooked smile. "Ditto, kiddo."


Re: 1E anonymous December 16 2010, 15:28:29 UTC
lmao an alien weather balloon, eh? I'm guessing that little Alaska's going to try and use it.
And I love that you included all the comments aboout communism and it being like a disease. So America! Obviously this is during the Cold War, but when during it exactly?
P.S Does Alaska have a human name?


OP anonymous December 24 2010, 06:13:36 UTC
Thanks for the feedback. :)

This fic starts out January 3, 1967, Alaska's eighth birthday. And Alaska's human name is Aleksei.


Re: 1E anonymous December 18 2010, 19:11:53 UTC
"Because sometimes balloons like this fly into hostile territory," America went on. "And we don't want someone thinking its a spy plane and shooting it down..."

Oh anon, I love your characterization, and if this is going where I think it's going I might have to pledge my undying love to you. Just warning you. America is the best dad ever. ♥


Re: 1E anonymous December 22 2010, 00:09:20 UTC
Bawww, poor Alaska! I love how he subtly needs to reafirm his stance with his dad when he sees his sister curled up with her other dad...and the skating <3<3<3 (I hope for some skatings later on when he meets Russia...)

You balance America really well; he's a great dad (that moment when he feels sad Russia's missing out on everything), but he's also a teen, with his enthusiasm about the balloon...and we all know what that balloon's gonna do now that Alaska knows its posibilitiesXD

I found it interesting that America worries about Russia denying Alaska's paternity, since the Russian doesn't even know the child's so cute to know he looks so much like Russia! That's my headcanon too ^^
wait, he has the nose, right? what else? Does he have the ashen-blond hair, the violet eyes...? he's apparently small for his age, so he obviously doens't have the build...

Long ago, back in 1822, when America had six children under the age of seven, he had tried growing a beard to look older, but only succeeded in looking like a youth with wispy facial hair.

This is so cute it deserves a fic! Maybe I'll request something about it later on...


AuthorAnon anonymous December 24 2010, 06:17:51 UTC
Thank you! The next chapter should be up shortly after Christmas.

Russia is aware of Alaska's existence. We'll find out more about what happened to those letters Alaska sent to him in care of Finland/Santa Claus later.

The state-tans still do age a little slower than human children, but not by much. Alaska's the approximate equivalent of a six-year-old human child, although he's chronologically eight. I felt too bad for America to leave him with babies that stay in diapers for 30 or 40 years. :) As for his appearance, we'll be seeing him through Russia's eyes soon.


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