Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

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The world we wanted 43b/? anonymous October 21 2010, 14:41:42 UTC
Prussia puts even more energy into the Olympic games than usual. It's pretty awesome how they are all going to communist Yugoslavia this year and East Germany has a reputation to uphold. His training programs is the kind of thing he can discuss without being ashamed, even if people keep accusing him of cheating.

Bosnia must be really happy to have some claim to fame except how Austria and Serbia started off the first world war in his city. And China finally got his way so he shows up too. Prussia can't help being in awe of how stubborn China can be. West eventually gave up trying to ignore the German Democratic Republic but China seems willing to keep up his feud with Taiwan for the rest of eternity if that what's it takes.

Prussia plans to congratulate China on his epic unreasonableness but China is already busy with Korea.

“You know what I want you to do to even consider speaking to you again,” China tells him.

“I'm not going to throw away my friendship with Taiwan,” Korea protests. “That's not the kind of thing Korea does.”

“You would even call her Taiwan to me face,” China says, softly and threateningly. Korea should be running in the other direction by now. “I am the immortal China and my territorial integrity is unquestionable. There is no such thing as an independent Taiwan, only a Chinese Taipei.”

“You're not that interested in my territorial integrity,” Korea says, looking sad rather than the more sane reaction he should have in front of China's threats and arrogance.

“But I think you and your sister should set up a house together,” China says. “I would of course respect the United Korea.”

“I have no sister,” Korea says.

“And I have no brothers anymore it seems,” China says.

Korea looks like he almost is going to cry when China leaves him to be pleasant with Yugoslavia instead. Korea has suffered through much worse very recently and yet it's China who keeps making Korea look like that. Maybe brotherly feelings isn't exactly that Korea has for him after all.

“Leave me alone,” Korea says.

“I'm sorry,” Prussia tries. “China has been an asshole to everyone lately.”

“Not that worse than anyone else,” Korea says. “America failed Vietnam and thinks he is the boss of everyone, Russia invades and bullies his neighbors so why is China the worst guy around? But it was different between us once...”


Russia doesn't want to talk to him and Prussia knows very well why. Prussia's people are better than his this year and Russia hates losing. Usually he would be a little short tempered but now as he found out his boss died, right in the middle of the festivities, his temper is absolutely poisonous.

“Your doping works very well this year,” Russia says. “Maybe you can send some people over to us and show us how it's done?”

Prussia deflects or ignores Russia's provocations, it would be embarrassing to fight in front of the capitalists. Later Russia is going to suffer the wrath of Prussia.

But then Serbia makes some comment over what a bad loser Russia is. Russia imminently jumps on it, grateful over how Serbia is ready to fight with a moment's notice.

“It's because you are used to losing,” Russia says with fake kindness. “You always lose unless I come and help you. It makes me very sad how you never grow up and take care of yourself.”

It sets off Serbia imminently. No matter how he claimed he was going to honor Tito's memory by not fighting in public as Tito always told all of Yugoslavia.


The world we wanted 43c/? anonymous October 21 2010, 14:44:04 UTC
“I feel like it's my birthday again,” America says and watches the communist nations fight with an expression of pure joy. “I wonder why I was ever worried about the commies getting together and taking over the world. Russia can't even get along with Serbia who always talks about how much he loves him.”

“Don't get your hopes up,” Prussia says. “Serbia has been upset over Russia's lack of commitment since before you were born as far as I understand. And they're still friends...”

“You are the disloyal one,” Russia says, not even having the sense to argue in Serbian. “You try to be with me, America and China, all at once and you get angry at me?”

“I'm not with China!”

“Japan likes Greece and China has a thing for Serbia,” Bosnia says, completely indifferent to the fight. “I wonder if I should try to ask out some of the cute Asian nations. Like Vietnam. This might be the beginning of a trend.”

“Vietnam would eat you for breakfast,” Prussia says. Not to mention he thought Bosnia had a thing with Herzegovina. “I think you and Taiwan could be cuter together.”

“Serbia would hold me down while China hit me.”

“Or Malaysia, don't you have the same religion and everything?”

Bosnia is pretty cute too but if he hits on Vietnam he's going to get his ass kicked.

“No, I think Vietnam would be great,” Croatia says. “She would be able to fend off Serbia's jealousy easily.”

“And yours as well,” Bosnia mumbles.

“I have a theory,” Croatia says, ignoring that. “I think the best nation to have a relationship with is one you don't share a border with or have any kind of important connection to. Diplomatic exchange, perhaps some minor trade, that is enough.”

“Have you tried out that theory yet?” Prussia wonders.

“Switzerland got upset when I flirted with Lichtenstein,” Croatia says with a shudder. “But he's not the only one who knows how to fight in mountains. Bring it on I say!”

“You're saying that because you don't dare to challenge Hungary over Austria,” Montenegro says. “Not even now when Russia keeps her on a short leash...”

“And you should stop lusting after Serbia. Sorry, he isn't that into you. You're not powerful enough for his taste.”

“You guys are so weird,” America says.

'Weird' is the understatement of the day. Without Tito who they all acknowledged as the Boss with a capital letter it's not clear how all that badly hidden hostility is going to play out.

Russia and Serbia on the other hand go from yelling to almost making out in a second to America's confusion.

“Why isn't it that easy for us?” America asks Russia.

“Serbia can't hurt me,” Russia says. “You and I could do lots and lots of damage if we got that angry. All Serbia can do is yell at us.”

“There's that,” America admits. “Don't you ever get tired of it?”

“I got used to it,” Russia says. “And maybe we won't kill each other in a bloody apocalyptic battle and blow up the planet. And maybe we will, I think general Winter thinks a nuclear winter would be nice and Prussia would like the apocalyptic battle. Either way, someone will be happy!”

“Eh, yeah...” America says, looking a bit nervous again.


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