Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

Feb 27, 2011 12:28

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Backseat [2/2] anonymous October 6 2010, 20:32:18 UTC
Flash of off-kilter cocky grin surrounded by streetlight glow - yellow-bright-tinged hair stuck to his forehead -another finger. “Yeah -” one harsh pant “- y’know, just stick it in. You’re - ugh - too slow.”

Denmark spits into his hand - whoops, where he thought his hand was - tries again. Moans.

“Want me to fuck ya? You’re not even gonna last a minute -” Netherlands’ hoarse growl.

“Shut up, man.” Netherlands’ hips go up - slippery - two hasty hands at his ass, hips - throws a leg up onto the back dash for leverage as Denmark enters him. Solid, sharp, there’s a noise that escapes somewhere, out the door and into the night.

Too hot, he can feel it - “Move,” he grits out.

Denmark’s knee hits the seatbelt. Nearly slips off the narrow seat, and then - tight, too fast, too tight, fuck, fuck, fucking -

“Would you shut up?”

Oh. Denmark leans down, Netherlands’ leg slides up his arm, sticky, sweaty, hairs catching and pulling - puts the arm up near the window, braces - shit, slips - Netherlands is nearly bent in half. The car fills with slaps, panting, Netherlands’ taunts and insults, commands, Denmark’s cursing, slurring, heaving -

Way too hot in this car, there’s sweat everywhere. Can’t get a good grasp on anything. Netherlands is sliding in the seat, Denmark is sliding - all knees and arms and elbows - Netherlands starts chewing him out when his head his the door.

“Thought ya - wanted - a good fuck.”

“I didn’t - mean - y’should - “

“Suck it up.” Another vicious pound, deep - Denmark groans.

Netherlands’ hand moves to grip himself - wet, when did they get so wet - other to Denmark’s hair, twist - also wet, sharp scent of sweat sex leather beer smoke.

Fast, uneven pulls, not at all in time with Denmark’s movement inside of him, and Denmark comes right after he does, smearing his hand through the mess across Netherlands’ stomach - forward lurch as he loses his balance, smacks his head against the window.

His keen is loud.

The two of them, heaving chests, still tangled - Netherlands flings an arm down, weak, brings it up and lights a cigarette.

“Let’s call a cab.”

Netherlands rolls his eyes, nods, blows smoke in Denmark’s face.


Listened to the song “Backseat” by Staygold and this scenario wouldn’t leave my head. Glad that’s out of my system.


Re: Backseat [2/2] anonymous October 6 2010, 22:28:07 UTC

FUCK that was hot, anon. This is my all time favorite pairing too, so seeing it finally getting some quality porn is just akshjfghh. I LOVE YOU.


author!anon anonymous October 7 2010, 08:42:01 UTC


Re: Backseat [2/2] anonymous October 7 2010, 02:42:31 UTC
I hope you've had sex in the backseat of a car, anon, because you were WAY too accurate to be guessing!

This was totally fabulous. And I think you should write more with this pairing!


author not-so-anon! anonymous October 7 2010, 20:21:22 UTC
I wasn't gonna reply to every comment and then I remembered this was in PPF4 so I CAN DO WHAT I WANT XD Eff youuu comment-space issues. might be possible...maybe... >.>


Hanyway, thanks for commenting! And the prompt is really open - Netherlands/Denmark anything - so if another NedDen plot bunny comes my way I'll make sure to post, ha.


Re: Backseat [2/2] anonymous October 7 2010, 03:38:21 UTC
SO HOT!! This pairing just... makes my motor run XD UNF UNF UNF
I echo above anon who said you should right more for this pairing! And I'd love to know what else you've written!


author!anon anonymous October 7 2010, 08:49:39 UTC
I don't know if I've got Netherlands down well enough to do much in-depth with the guy. I guess I could practice with more porn >.>

What else I've written? Not that much, really. Most of my writing isn't quite in this style; I was in a weird mood today. It kinda carried over. Ahahaha I'm totally de-anoning myself here and I said I wasn't gonna do that with this one OH WELL.

The Fairest of...the G8 :

The Hipstertalia AU:
That one's a ridiculous epic WIP that's currently sittin' pretty at 60-some thousand words O.o

Untitled Russia/Denmark/Sweden threesome WIP:


Re: author!anon anonymous October 7 2010, 14:20:44 UTC
Oh my god :DDDDD
I was the seconding!anon on the G8 fill (and I loved it), I'm one of the 'regulars' at Hipstertalia (the Radiohead loving Swe/Ger smut requester XD) (and I love it), and I'm part way through the Rus/Den/Swe (and I love it)! You just keep writing stuff that's right up my alley! I've seen your de-anons and I need to friend you already!
And yeah... Netherlands smut practice sounds great O.O Why the dickens wouldn't you deanon for this, it's awesome! You better not be hiding any more fills, you crazy person!


Re: Backseat [2/2] anonymous October 7 2010, 19:47:46 UTC
Jesus, this pairing kills me. KILLS. ME. It's just so fucking delicious.

This was so manry I think the meme's pregnant. And OH MY GOD I love when the characters are ADULT MALES with BODIES that SWEAT and drink BEER and SMOKE and have UNHEALTHY HABITS... and when an author can write sex that feels, sounds and even smells like sex.

You really made my night, anon <3


author!anon anonymous October 7 2010, 20:25:50 UTC
lol'd forever at the "manry" comment.

If you want more I'm gonna go ahead and pimp myself here, because I'm filling a prompt that specifically asked for Manly Sex between Denmark, Sweden, and Russia which is probably Relevant to Your Interests:

Comments make my night (or day, as it were), so thank you!


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