Re: Aftermath
August 26 2010, 10:44:07 UTC
Pfft, I never saw that, but I can totally imagine America trying to sneak a bag of burgers into his nightstand and England starting to wonder what the smell is half-way through. Or just going ballistic when he cranes his head back and America's happily munching on some fries while fucking him. XD And yeah, somehow that logic would work for America, huh? But it's kind of like the little kid logic about combining their favorite foods; it almost never works out, and it almost always horrifies the people around them.
That's true; hopefully some the experience America gains will be fun and teach what he lies and how to ask for what he wants. Because frankly, no matter how much idealism he loses, America will probably always believe that his partner "should just know" what he wants. As well as expecting that of himself. Lol, Hollywood.
Sure he may have done doggy-style with a couple of other Nations, but has he done it as actual dogs via magical transformation?! That just made me laugh crazily, for some reason. "I know you've role-played with Japan, America, but he can't use magic to transform into his old sexy pirate imperial self and bugger you senseless, now can he?!" XD But yeah, I can picture England frantically coming up with idea after idea like that; he's pessimistic and insecure enough to worry that America will leave him or cheat on him when the novelty factor wears off. Which, while really unlikely with America, might seem more likely when you know you live for ages. (America's reaction to England's proposal is just right. Thank god. XD I mean, ew.)
Oh, if America can actually meet and date celebrities, that could lead to some really interesting situations. I can imagine Prussia reading other nations' tabloids -- what else is he going to do with his free time but gossip, hit on Austria and Hungary, and make prank calls? -- and showing England clippings of various gorgeous celebrities dating a mysterious, handsome young American that no one can identify. That would be hilarious. ;D Hell, a situation like that might even be enough for England's own jealousy to come pouring out in front of America. Although ... would America be too convinced that he has no chance with England to even understand why England is jealous? With love being blind, and all that? ... I kind of want to see this situation, but it's too much effort to write. And I can never pull off anything too dramatic. OTL
Don't worry about it; ramble away! I even ramble back, so it works out! XD
man, this ought to be a spin-off fic of its own.
August 26 2010, 11:23:08 UTC
Hahahah, thanks~ And the image of England being completely blissed out, turning his head, and then seeing America happily munching is an image now near and dear to my heart. His eyes would turn into those tilted-D things I imagine......*goes to google image-search*
Oh man, I LOL'd at your England's proposal. Because what if America responded like this: "Actually, that's exactly what Kiku did - transformed to his Imperial Japan form (with a magical pen of some kind, I don't know what the fuck was up with that) *belatedly realizes that England doesn't need to hear this* Um. So! I could really go for some of your scones. *hopeful*"
Oh, and this: "Although ... would America be too convinced that he has no chance with England to even understand why England is jealous? With love being blind, and all that? ... I kind of want to see this situation, but it's too much effort to write. And I can never pull off anything too dramatic. OTL" ...made me go HM. ....maybe I will be able to write a sequel, thanks to your plotbunny-spawning. I can just imagine America trying to 'rationalize' the situation so that it hurts less, and deciding that the reason why England and he could never sleep together is because England sees America as his son. Therefore, England hadn't let on about his bedpartners before because....parents try to shield their kids from that! England's jealousy is -- an overprotective father! And then a teenage Nation's reaction to an overprotective father is....oh no, shades of the Revolution.....
LOL PRUSSIA. Prussia as a couch-surfing, tabloid-genius pain in the ass is too good.
Re: man, this ought to be a spin-off fic of its own.
August 26 2010, 11:55:59 UTC
Well, England's certainly tsundere enough to be the master of mood-swings, so I bet he could go from blissed out to Ultimate Tsundere Rage in like three seconds flat. With exactly those eyes, yeah! XD
Oh lord, America might just be dumb enough to say stuff like that; I mean, I don't get the impression he actually bothers to think before he talks -- maybe heroes are just supposed to wing it Indiana Jones style? -- and I imagine it's gotten him into trouble with England thousands of times before. But, uh, eating radioactive scones does not make up for that one, methinks. OTL
Uh-oh, are the plot-bunnies contagious? I mean! *dramatic villain voice* Mwahaha, my evil master plan has come to fruition!!! ... Or something like that!
But seriously, go for it, if you think you can make it work. :D And yeah, I can see America trying to rationalize in exactly that way. And even if it took months or years of America and England being clueless, outright undeniable jealousy from England would surely be enough to pierce through America's rationalizations. Eventually. XD (Wow, now that I think of it, they're both the type to construct elaborate narratives about each other's motives that are TOTALLY WRONG, aren't they? Why do I ship this pairing? What is my life? OTL)
Although I'm not sure how America would broach the subject of "Wait, you're jealous? :DDD" with England; if he confronted him about it in the heat of the moment, when England finally accidentally revealed his jealousy, I'm not entirely sure how England would react. Huh. And I almost fear any awesome, heroic plan America would conceive to confess or prove his love to England. Although whenever and whoever America decides to approach it, it's bound to be "interesting". XD
Oh Prussia, why so awesomely lame? I imagine him living in Germany's basement and playing World of Warcraft and X-box with random strangers when he's sick of bothering other nations. And now that he's not a nation, per se, I imagine his job title is "Pain in Germany's Ass" or "That Guy Who Won't Stop Crashing Meetings with (Awesome) Beer". ... I wonder what he does with his free time in canon, besides blog? He probably chats with Canada or torments Romano, since they're both in a unique situation; poor Canada is invisible as hell, and Romano is in a similar situation, although at least his physical territory is separate from his brother's. Even though he doesn't get called by his nation name for some confusing reason.
Re: man, this ought to be a spin-off fic of its own.
August 26 2010, 12:18:02 UTC
I have this feeling that America, he who chooses not to read the Atmosphere by claiming it's "too thick a book", would miss signs of burning jealousy that have all the other Nations rolling their eyes (or rushing for cover).
"Fool! Don't you know the term 'green-eyed monster' came because of England?!", okay. So after typing that up, I did look it up...and yeah, the term green-eyed monster was invented by Shakespeare. So YEAH, it did come from England.
LOL, I love how you put America's reaction. When he FINALLY gets it, that expression is exactly how I imagine it going. And for maximum lulz, I want to say when England finally blows his top, America is with either an English person or an Irish person...I haven't decided which is more lulzy.
Prussia is Germany's despair - and yet in some way his anchor, I think. On more serious grounds, I bet he's still dealing with issues re: Russia. If not actually still half with Russia. thanks to (Hetalia fanon that's made it to my heart) Kaliningrad Oblast.
I always thought he, Romano and America would make a great "The Annoying Brother" trio. :P
Re: man, this ought to be a spin-off fic of its own.
August 26 2010, 13:04:30 UTC
Yeah, definitely! America's alleged inability to read the atmosphere is definitely an act XD very ... selective, shall we say? But he and England definitely have a blind-spot a mile wide when it comes to each other. They both suck at expressing their emotions and getting along with others, too, although England is about ten times worse at those two. OTL God, but really, I just have this hilarious mental picture of EVEN ITALY understanding England's jealousy and face-palming at America's thickness. (Granted, Italy should probably actually be good with recognizing love and emotional stuff, if nothing else. But "England's jealous! J-E-A-L-O-U-S. He wants to bone you. Even Italy gets it, you fool!" kind of has a ring to it, doesn't it? ... I bet snarky, passive-aggressive Canada would be happy to spell it out for America. Hell, that would even be such welcome news that his criticisms of America wouldn't even hurt America's feelings for once!)
And yeah, as soon I as I started watching Hetalia, I noticed England's unrequited love and started thinking "the green-ey'd monster, which doth mock / The meat it feeds on" and "Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves!" Pfft, and then I noticed America's unrequited love and laughed hysterically at the idea of mutually unrequited love and was like "God, you two suck so hard! <3"
You pictured that expression too? Awesome! :D I mean, even the author puts little "DDDD" smiles in the air next to his speech, so I can't NOT picture it that way. XD And dude, I was totally picturing an Englishman myself, yes! Although Irish would be just as funny. Hell, or Scottish, considering how poorly he apparently gets along with big brother Scotland. ... But somehow, I do like Irish or English better. (Pfft, nobody wants a Welsh person, huh? Poor Wales is so awesome yet so forgotten; maybe he and Canada and New Zealand all hang out together and mope. And possibly Romano, unless everyone's too afraid of him going all mafia on their asses to forget him?) If you do go for an English person, you could always go for somebody America's film industry has "stolen" (lured away with the big bucks). For the lulz. Unless that would make it more confusing why he was jealous. It might.
Oh, poor Prussia, I know. I mean, I feel more sorry for Poland than anyone else, really; the nation has been (metaphorically) raped so many times that his anthem translates to something like "Poland Is Not Yet Lost" or "Poland Has Not Yet Perished". OTL But Prussia has actually been to hell and back since his conception -- as a fiefdom of the Teutonic Knights, so he probably was born with a sword in his hand but still wasn't allowed to get any, now that's some kind of hell! And now he exists in this freaky limbo state.
Why does he still exist? For the lulz? I mean, East Prussia was part of Germany till 45, then after Potsdam bits of it were annexed by Lithuania and Poland (LOL) and a lot become Kaliningrad Oblast. And the rest kind of just stayed with Germany. Isn't that about right? And after 1990, when East and West Germany merged again, he really doesn't have much or any territory of his own. I don't think anyone kept their Prussian identity, so I guess he's just too damn awesomely stubborn to die, no matter what Russia did to him. Hell, that's probably WHY he's too stubborn to die. :'D Somehow I don't imagine that Lithuania or Poland ever had him at their places. Or wanted him, considering his (presumable) role in WWII. So at least they never did anything to him presumably. OTL
And yeah, Prussia probably really does keep his bro grounded. And helps him "unclench", for lack of a better word. He probably gets him drunk and nags at him to stop working and go out and get laid. Or to invite his little Latin lover over, I dunno. XD
That sounds like an awesome trio, although I bet Romano would argue that Italy's the annoying brother. ;D Maybe Korea should be included? XD
recap: purer romance
August 26 2010, 14:38:27 UTC
I loooooved that official Word of God canon says that Alfred CAN read the atmosphere, he just chooses not to. It makes everything he does in the canon all the more hilarious in hindsight. (And now I suspect even baby!America's reasons for choosing England over France. Was it for the tears....or did baby!America, even then, know what he wanted?)
But Italy facepalming over England's density....Germany would faint dead away from shock. I LOVE IT. And then the Italies, France and Spain would get into an argument who is the most romantic country, and therefore who is the most horrified over England and America.
As to the Englishman (Daniel Craig?) or Englishwoman (Keira Knightley?) or Irishman/Irishwoman thing - it's a joke I heard, about how Americans love the Irish so much. Right now I think they're a bit edgy over the Scottish and though I think the Welsh accent (and flag!) are awesome, I thought it'd be a bit more real-world canon if America was fawning over Irish. (I'm not American so I don't know how true this is) Plus England would flip his lid over America being with one of his siblings' people...or oh shit, what if it were the actual country-tans?!
Prussia, like America, I feel, keeps his darker side hidden behind the I'm Awesome! mask. I've always gotten rather teary-eyed when I think of him watching Hungary wed Austria, even though him pining for her from afar is not at all Hetalia-canon.
...Romano, America, Prussia, Korea. KRAP? Oh man, let the world tremble in fear.
ReCaptcha wants you to write their TWU WUV?
August 26 2010, 15:31:18 UTC
Our canon is just awesome like that. Honestly, I don't know if it's an American thing to just choose not to read the atmosphere in that particular way, but that's exactly what I do in certain situations. Sometimes it's the least awkward and most polite thing to do, but usually it's just the most advantageous thing to do. Because no one will call you on your bullshit, so it lets you bulldoze through situations when you're desperate to get things done. And then you go home and cry a melodramatic tear because, even though you got things done, people hate you for it. *dramatic tear* Really, though, I think the author just choose to make that canon because it's terrifying to imagine an America that is actually that clueless! XP And it is more hilarious that way, isn't it? (Quite possibly, although I think that America is really a big softy at heart, too, so I like to think he's been weak to England's tears since the beginning. ... That's pretty gay-sounding, though. OTL Maybe he just wanted to play with his new mommy's awesome face-caterpillars when they turned into butterflies?!)
Germany fainting was quite possibly the only thing that could make that scenario more amusing to me. Uh, until I reread the last half of this sentence: And then the Italies, France and Spain would get into an argument who is the most romantic country, and therefore who is the most horrified over England and America. Ahahaha, it's so true. How on Earth did an Englishman write the most recognized love story of all time? ... Oh wait, that whole Romeo and Juliet thing didn't work out so well. OTL My bad.
I know nothing about us loving the Irish in particular thing (although we do like them :D), despite being American, but the whole "having a hard-on for everything English" is pretty true, in my experience. That doesn't mean the whole Irish thing isn't true, though; there are too many of us (and we're nowhere near homogenous, despite what some tv programs want to believe) to be sure of much! My nation is too large; we're overcompensating for having such a short history or something. Or we just wanted to get bigger than mommy!England, I dunno. (Am I an idiot for laughing that Florida is bigger than England? ... Yes, yes I am.)
Oh! Can I ask where you're from? You don't have to answer if you don't want, though. :D To be fair, I'll say, too: I'm an American, obviously, but I'm from Texas. Why my state is Alfred's glasses, I'll never know. XP
And I fail so bad at celebrities, so I had to look them all up. (The only people I could think of were Hugh Laurie and some ancient people. OTL) Some of them are married, though, so I'm guessing America wouldn't actually date them. He would definitely hang out with them and get caught by the paparazzi in some innocent situation they made look awkward, though. XD But you're right, England would be so pissed; I was thinking of the awkward photographs in the tabloids, so I was thinking of humans. But you know, the tabloids might have caught pictures of "an unknown young American government official" and "an unknown Irish official" (America and Ireland) doing something mildly scandalous? If you want to use that situation at all, that is! If not, Prussia, France, and/or Poland would still gossip about it; or Scotland might torment his little bro about it, since it's hard to miss that England has been pining and lusting after him for centuries. :'D Either that or England has fairies, junior ambassadors, or MI6 spies stalking watching over America at all times and already obsesses over everyone he is too friendly with. ... That sounds only slightly exaggerated from my head-canon, actually. I imagine those two watch over each other a little too carefully. Heh. Although not in a creepy manner, honestly.
I can't shut up :D
August 26 2010, 15:32:06 UTC
Poor Prussia; he really does seem as obviously lonely as England does. (Like in those last two episodes where England finally makes friends with someone after his "splendid isolation".) I wonder if America's the same, in a way? I mean, I've never met an American in my life who didn't feel like the whole world, or damn near it, hated them. Hm, at least Prussia has Germany; somehow, even though I imagine Prussia annoying him, I imagine them balancing out each other's weaknesses and being good friends, in the end. Granted, the delicious beer probably helps.
Hm, if only they had a N they could be PRANK, and then the world would tremble in terror. Wait, is New Zealand an annoying bro? Somehow I don't think Norway is ... Okay, Americans like acronyms a little too much. *facepalm*
That's true; hopefully some the experience America gains will be fun and teach what he lies and how to ask for what he wants. Because frankly, no matter how much idealism he loses, America will probably always believe that his partner "should just know" what he wants. As well as expecting that of himself. Lol, Hollywood.
Sure he may have done doggy-style with a couple of other Nations, but has he done it as actual dogs via magical transformation?! That just made me laugh crazily, for some reason. "I know you've role-played with Japan, America, but he can't use magic to transform into his old sexy pirate imperial self and bugger you senseless, now can he?!" XD But yeah, I can picture England frantically coming up with idea after idea like that; he's pessimistic and insecure enough to worry that America will leave him or cheat on him when the novelty factor wears off. Which, while really unlikely with America, might seem more likely when you know you live for ages. (America's reaction to England's proposal is just right. Thank god. XD I mean, ew.)
Oh, if America can actually meet and date celebrities, that could lead to some really interesting situations. I can imagine Prussia reading other nations' tabloids -- what else is he going to do with his free time but gossip, hit on Austria and Hungary, and make prank calls? -- and showing England clippings of various gorgeous celebrities dating a mysterious, handsome young American that no one can identify. That would be hilarious. ;D Hell, a situation like that might even be enough for England's own jealousy to come pouring out in front of America. Although ... would America be too convinced that he has no chance with England to even understand why England is jealous? With love being blind, and all that? ... I kind of want to see this situation, but it's too much effort to write. And I can never pull off anything too dramatic. OTL
Don't worry about it; ramble away! I even ramble back, so it works out! XD
Reply <--like that, LOL
Oh man, I LOL'd at your England's proposal. Because what if America responded like this: "Actually, that's exactly what Kiku did - transformed to his Imperial Japan form (with a magical pen of some kind, I don't know what the fuck was up with that) *belatedly realizes that England doesn't need to hear this* Um. So! I could really go for some of your scones. *hopeful*"
Oh, and this: "Although ... would America be too convinced that he has no chance with England to even understand why England is jealous? With love being blind, and all that? ... I kind of want to see this situation, but it's too much effort to write. And I can never pull off anything too dramatic. OTL" ...made me go HM. ....maybe I will be able to write a sequel, thanks to your plotbunny-spawning. I can just imagine America trying to 'rationalize' the situation so that it hurts less, and deciding that the reason why England and he could never sleep together is because England sees America as his son. Therefore, England hadn't let on about his bedpartners before because....parents try to shield their kids from that! England's jealousy is -- an overprotective father! And then a teenage Nation's reaction to an overprotective father is....oh no, shades of the Revolution.....
LOL PRUSSIA. Prussia as a couch-surfing, tabloid-genius pain in the ass is too good.
Oh lord, America might just be dumb enough to say stuff like that; I mean, I don't get the impression he actually bothers to think before he talks -- maybe heroes are just supposed to wing it Indiana Jones style? -- and I imagine it's gotten him into trouble with England thousands of times before. But, uh, eating radioactive scones does not make up for that one, methinks. OTL
Uh-oh, are the plot-bunnies contagious? I mean! *dramatic villain voice* Mwahaha, my evil master plan has come to fruition!!! ... Or something like that!
But seriously, go for it, if you think you can make it work. :D And yeah, I can see America trying to rationalize in exactly that way. And even if it took months or years of America and England being clueless, outright undeniable jealousy from England would surely be enough to pierce through America's rationalizations. Eventually. XD (Wow, now that I think of it, they're both the type to construct elaborate narratives about each other's motives that are TOTALLY WRONG, aren't they? Why do I ship this pairing? What is my life? OTL)
Although I'm not sure how America would broach the subject of "Wait, you're jealous? :DDD" with England; if he confronted him about it in the heat of the moment, when England finally accidentally revealed his jealousy, I'm not entirely sure how England would react. Huh. And I almost fear any awesome, heroic plan America would conceive to confess or prove his love to England. Although whenever and whoever America decides to approach it, it's bound to be "interesting". XD
Oh Prussia, why so awesomely lame? I imagine him living in Germany's basement and playing World of Warcraft and X-box with random strangers when he's sick of bothering other nations. And now that he's not a nation, per se, I imagine his job title is "Pain in Germany's Ass" or "That Guy Who Won't Stop Crashing Meetings with (Awesome) Beer". ... I wonder what he does with his free time in canon, besides blog? He probably chats with Canada or torments Romano, since they're both in a unique situation; poor Canada is invisible as hell, and Romano is in a similar situation, although at least his physical territory is separate from his brother's. Even though he doesn't get called by his nation name for some confusing reason.
"Fool! Don't you know the term 'green-eyed monster' came because of England?!", okay. So after typing that up, I did look it up...and yeah, the term green-eyed monster was invented by Shakespeare. So YEAH, it did come from England.
LOL, I love how you put America's reaction. When he FINALLY gets it, that expression is exactly how I imagine it going. And for maximum lulz, I want to say when England finally blows his top, America is with either an English person or an Irish person...I haven't decided which is more lulzy.
Prussia is Germany's despair - and yet in some way his anchor, I think. On more serious grounds, I bet he's still dealing with issues re: Russia. If not actually still half with Russia. thanks to (Hetalia fanon that's made it to my heart) Kaliningrad Oblast.
I always thought he, Romano and America would make a great "The Annoying Brother" trio. :P
And yeah, as soon I as I started watching Hetalia, I noticed England's unrequited love and started thinking "the green-ey'd monster, which doth mock / The meat it feeds on" and "Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves!" Pfft, and then I noticed America's unrequited love and laughed hysterically at the idea of mutually unrequited love and was like "God, you two suck so hard! <3"
You pictured that expression too? Awesome! :D I mean, even the author puts little "DDDD" smiles in the air next to his speech, so I can't NOT picture it that way. XD And dude, I was totally picturing an Englishman myself, yes! Although Irish would be just as funny. Hell, or Scottish, considering how poorly he apparently gets along with big brother Scotland. ... But somehow, I do like Irish or English better. (Pfft, nobody wants a Welsh person, huh? Poor Wales is so awesome yet so forgotten; maybe he and Canada and New Zealand all hang out together and mope. And possibly Romano, unless everyone's too afraid of him going all mafia on their asses to forget him?) If you do go for an English person, you could always go for somebody America's film industry has "stolen" (lured away with the big bucks). For the lulz. Unless that would make it more confusing why he was jealous. It might.
Oh, poor Prussia, I know. I mean, I feel more sorry for Poland than anyone else, really; the nation has been (metaphorically) raped so many times that his anthem translates to something like "Poland Is Not Yet Lost" or "Poland Has Not Yet Perished". OTL But Prussia has actually been to hell and back since his conception -- as a fiefdom of the Teutonic Knights, so he probably was born with a sword in his hand but still wasn't allowed to get any, now that's some kind of hell! And now he exists in this freaky limbo state.
Why does he still exist? For the lulz? I mean, East Prussia was part of Germany till 45, then after Potsdam bits of it were annexed by Lithuania and Poland (LOL) and a lot become Kaliningrad Oblast. And the rest kind of just stayed with Germany. Isn't that about right? And after 1990, when East and West Germany merged again, he really doesn't have much or any territory of his own. I don't think anyone kept their Prussian identity, so I guess he's just too damn awesomely stubborn to die, no matter what Russia did to him. Hell, that's probably WHY he's too stubborn to die. :'D Somehow I don't imagine that Lithuania or Poland ever had him at their places. Or wanted him, considering his (presumable) role in WWII. So at least they never did anything to him presumably. OTL
And yeah, Prussia probably really does keep his bro grounded. And helps him "unclench", for lack of a better word. He probably gets him drunk and nags at him to stop working and go out and get laid. Or to invite his little Latin lover over, I dunno. XD
That sounds like an awesome trio, although I bet Romano would argue that Italy's the annoying brother. ;D Maybe Korea should be included? XD
But Italy facepalming over England's density....Germany would faint dead away from shock. I LOVE IT. And then the Italies, France and Spain would get into an argument who is the most romantic country, and therefore who is the most horrified over England and America.
As to the Englishman (Daniel Craig?) or Englishwoman (Keira Knightley?) or Irishman/Irishwoman thing - it's a joke I heard, about how Americans love the Irish so much. Right now I think they're a bit edgy over the Scottish and though I think the Welsh accent (and flag!) are awesome, I thought it'd be a bit more real-world canon if America was fawning over Irish. (I'm not American so I don't know how true this is) Plus England would flip his lid over America being with one of his siblings' people...or oh shit, what if it were the actual country-tans?!
Prussia, like America, I feel, keeps his darker side hidden behind the I'm Awesome! mask. I've always gotten rather teary-eyed when I think of him watching Hungary wed Austria, even though him pining for her from afar is not at all Hetalia-canon.
...Romano, America, Prussia, Korea. KRAP? Oh man, let the world tremble in fear.
Also LOL at my recaptcha.
Germany fainting was quite possibly the only thing that could make that scenario more amusing to me. Uh, until I reread the last half of this sentence: And then the Italies, France and Spain would get into an argument who is the most romantic country, and therefore who is the most horrified over England and America. Ahahaha, it's so true. How on Earth did an Englishman write the most recognized love story of all time? ... Oh wait, that whole Romeo and Juliet thing didn't work out so well. OTL My bad.
I know nothing about us loving the Irish in particular thing (although we do like them :D), despite being American, but the whole "having a hard-on for everything English" is pretty true, in my experience. That doesn't mean the whole Irish thing isn't true, though; there are too many of us (and we're nowhere near homogenous, despite what some tv programs want to believe) to be sure of much! My nation is too large; we're overcompensating for having such a short history or something. Or we just wanted to get bigger than mommy!England, I dunno. (Am I an idiot for laughing that Florida is bigger than England? ... Yes, yes I am.)
Oh! Can I ask where you're from? You don't have to answer if you don't want, though. :D To be fair, I'll say, too: I'm an American, obviously, but I'm from Texas. Why my state is Alfred's glasses, I'll never know. XP
And I fail so bad at celebrities, so I had to look them all up. (The only people I could think of were Hugh Laurie and some ancient people. OTL) Some of them are married, though, so I'm guessing America wouldn't actually date them. He would definitely hang out with them and get caught by the paparazzi in some innocent situation they made look awkward, though. XD But you're right, England would be so pissed; I was thinking of the awkward photographs in the tabloids, so I was thinking of humans. But you know, the tabloids might have caught pictures of "an unknown young American government official" and "an unknown Irish official" (America and Ireland) doing something mildly scandalous? If you want to use that situation at all, that is! If not, Prussia, France, and/or Poland would still gossip about it; or Scotland might torment his little bro about it, since it's hard to miss that England has been pining and lusting after him for centuries. :'D Either that or England has fairies, junior ambassadors, or MI6 spies stalking watching over America at all times and already obsesses over everyone he is too friendly with. ... That sounds only slightly exaggerated from my head-canon, actually. I imagine those two watch over each other a little too carefully. Heh. Although not in a creepy manner, honestly.
(I exceeded the character limit? Good god.)
Hm, if only they had a N they could be PRANK, and then the world would tremble in terror. Wait, is New Zealand an annoying bro? Somehow I don't think Norway is ... Okay, Americans like acronyms a little too much. *facepalm*
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