Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

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hetalia kink meme
part 10



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From New Zealand with aroha! anonymous March 14 2011, 09:48:49 UTC
[[ NZ!Anon feels it's her duty to write a full letter for NZ! (Not that the short one above wasn't freaking hilarious. XD) ]]

Dear Hetalia Fandom

Kia ora! Glad to see I'm finally getting attention. Just in time too, I mean I kinda need help to fix my quakey knee and I'm hosting the rugby this year (you all need to show up so I have people to beat!)

So I haven't said much about myself yet, so I can't blame ya for all the guess work, but some of ya ideas are just plain cabbage. Let's get some things straight...

Just 'cause Japan draws cutesy pictures doesn't mean I'm some sorta sook. My country's home of adventure sport, and not just anyone can handle jumping outta planes, off bridges, tramping up big ass mountains. Plus I'm top in the world at rugby; it's like American football but we're in the Pacific, so it's full of bigger men who don't need all that padding. Like Jonah Lomu and Tana Umaga. Those guys are choice!

Speaking of Pacific, why do you all think I'm blonde? Just 'cause I've got lots of immigrants now doesn't mean I've forgotten my roots. We still have Maori as an official language, we sing our anthem in Maori, ya can't go walking in town without seeing koru and ferns everywhere. Those bloody Pakeha (not that I don't love my own now) only showed up a few centuries ago and they were kinda pricks about it. I'm proud of being still part Maori! Ever seen 'Boy' or Billy T James? That guy's crack up as! And Bro'Town; classic Kiwi!

Oh right, about my gender. I'm pretty sweet with whatever you guys go with. I respect my spunky chicks as much as my honest blokes. Tarore, Kate Sheppard, Irene Van Dyk, Rhys Darby, Richie McCaw, Hone Heke, they're all bros to me!

Lastly, Australia ('cause he always has to come last, haha.) I'm pretty sweet with him too. He can be an annoying bugger some times, but he's my best bro and that ankle-biter Wy of his is adorable. They've stuck with me through a lot but I'm not too sure what to make of you pairing us romantically. I mean he did propo- ask for a union and he has a nice smil- he'd be too stupid to see if I liked hi- we're good mates full stop.

I should go. I gotta be up at sparrow fart tomorrow to feed my sheep and clean up my house a bit more (I do have other pets too though, like kiwis and tuataras and tuis; check those out too). Look me up; my fush 'n' chups fish and chips and beaches are sweet as!

With aroha
New Zealand

[[I didn't use too much slang/Maori did I? ;-; Oh well, I hope some of you can appreciate this.]]


Re: From New Zealand with aroha! anonymous March 14 2011, 13:47:00 UTC
non!NZ anon who loves NZ here wishes to thank you for writing this! It's great to read an actual Kiwi's take on him/her :D I loved the use of slang and Maori, it's a great insight into how you guys actually talk.

I sorta agree with Zea here about the automatic assumption that s/he is blonde, but then Hima-papa doesn't shade their hair when he draws them like he tends to with the dark haired nations :x


Re: From New Zealand with aroha! anonymous April 7 2011, 10:06:20 UTC
:D You're completely welcome and thank you. I'm fail with kiwi talk *talks all 'proper'* but yes, many of my classmates talk like that to some extent.

Yes, I've heard that point before, but characters such as Romano don't have shaded hair despite having some kind of brown. Shaded is often for very dark hair I believe (plus blonde!NZ irks me to no end personally) Either way, I tried to make the letter challenge the idea but not completely brush it off. Didn't want to be too biased. >_>


Re: From New Zealand with aroha! anonymous March 21 2011, 09:56:09 UTC
Ooh, cool. :D I do appreciate this, I have no damn idea about New Zealand or how to characterize him/her. It's nice to have some hints. x)


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