Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Bedside Manners (2/3) anonymous August 15 2010, 06:41:24 UTC

Once they arrived home, Sweden laid Finland down gently on the couch and tucked a soft pillow to support his head. His cheeks flushed as he groaned from the discomfort in his stomach and shivered all over. Not used to seeing the small man in such distress, Sweden frowned in concern and went to the closet to get him some blankets. He grabbed the softest, thickest ones he could find and covered him with it.

“You wanna watch TV or somethin’?”

“No…no, thank you. I just need some quiet right now.” Finland requested, with husky breathing. It hurt to speak, as every word triggered a painful throb. Sweden nodded in understanding before heading to the kitchen. He pulled out a scented forehead pillow from the freezer to cool him down, and also collected the thermometer and some aspirin from the highest shelf of the pantry. Returning to his ill companion, he kneeled down and placed the small pillow on his forehead and thermometer in his mouth. After getting some water for the aspirin, he pressed down on Finland’s chin to open his mouth and place the little white pill inside.

“Here, this should make ya feel better. Don’ wan’ the wife to be in such pain.” Sweden smiled as he offered the water to make the pill go down easier.

“Heh heh…Thanks…I really need that.” Finland giggled weakly. Sweden’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. No complaints about being called “wife” again? How sick was he? The thermometer read 38.3 degrees Celsius; a high fever. He got up to leave his friend to rest, but felt a distinct tug on the collar of his sleeve.

“Um…Su-san? Could you…rub my shoulders until I go to sleep?” Finland blushingly asked in a whispery voice. His face was too cute to resist, and Sweden actually liked it when Finland gave into his sensitive needy side. He nodded with a grunt and took a seat in front of the couch, brazing his palm warmly against Finland’s slim frame. Finland’s breathing grew calmer and he mildly moaned at feeling his protector comforting him. With eyes sinking shut, he slowly reached his own hand over to Sweden’s, feeling the warmth from his large palm.


“Sshhh…it’s alright. Get some sleep.” Sweden sweetly kissed the back of his hand and continued to rub against the length of his shoulder and arm. Finland’s face fell into a peaceful expressionless trance after about half an hour, indicating that he had finally fallen asleep. Still, Sweden kept massaging his shoulders as he slumbered, taking pleasure from seeing him so adorably calm. He was like a little child in need of protecting, and Sweden had a natural affinity for cute beings such as Finland.

The next morning, Sweden made porridge for breakfast, hoping his friend could down food today.

“Mornin’ wife. Feelin’ any better?”

“Nnngh…A little…” Finland groaned; he had finally been relieved of his headache overnight, but he could still feel warm from his fever. Feeling his forehead again, Sweden commented,

“You’re still burnin’ up. You hungry, today?”

“Mmmm…yeah, I think I can eat this time.” Finland sat himself up to enjoy some of Sweden’s homemade porridge, but found that Sweden was willing to spoon-feed him.

“Open up and say ‘aaahhh.’” Sweden ordered, making Finland laugh at being treated like a toddler, but his giggle opened up mouth wide enough for the spoon to shoot into Finland’s mouth.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Yeah, but I wan’ to. C’mon, open up again.”

Finland swallowed each spoonful gratefully, and was able to keep it down as the mushy breakfast gave him a nice warm feeling pooling in his stomach. Sweden also gave him some more medication to help with his fever. After finishing breakfast, the phone rang for Sweden; it was Germany asking what happened to him and Finland after the lunch break.

“Finland caught a bug and had to go home; I made sure he wasn’t alone and took care of ‘im.”

“Is he feeling better today?”

“Kinda, but he’s still pretty sick. We’re gonna stay here today, too.”

“Alright. Denmark has both of your paperwork, so make sure you get that done by the next meeting.”

“No problem. Thanks for checkin’ up on us, Germany. Hejdá.”


Re: Bedside Manners (2/3) anonymous August 15 2010, 07:23:44 UTC
XDD IT'S TOO CUTE!!!! Nya.... Yes, Sweden would have a thing for cute stuff. Can't wait for the rest of this!


Re: Bedside Manners (2/3) anonymous August 15 2010, 19:08:39 UTC

Its so damn CUTE. I mean... Sweden, being all protective and caring and Finland being totally sick so he just lets it all down and is all moe and :3 Just... Love this. Yep. ♥


Re: Bedside Manners (2/3) anonymous August 16 2010, 14:45:43 UTC
Awwww [cuddles them both]. I love caring!Sweden.


Re: Bedside Manners (2/3) anonymous August 17 2010, 16:33:35 UTC
d'awwwww! ♥ This is so adorable!

I can't wait until the last part is posted ♥


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