Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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eeep!anon uses fap- it is super effective! anonymous July 23 2010, 23:54:35 UTC
eeep!anon admits to being blind and dumb, or possibly more presumptuous than before, and therefore needs things spelled out for her. I apologize for missing the shout out- if there was one (in this segment). I see two or so things that could be considered it but I can't be too sure. If this fill hadn't made me so damn giddy, I might be feeling a little ashamed. However, I do beg for forgiveness.

Gaaaaah~ I know it's wrong to find entertainment in people's pain but angsty!Russia is just too damn good to pass up and ooooh~ poor Canada. YOU CAN DO IT, BRO! GO GO GO!

And I didn't go into enough detail last review: It's always been a headcanon of mine that if one of these two were depressed and the other would comfort, it would have been Russia as the emo child who just really needs a hug and Canada as the teary-eyed, takes-no-bullshit, logic brigade. Because moe!Mattie makes me want to strangle orphans. And rapetruck!Ivan irritates the puppy kicker inside me. No offence to Sealand and Hanatamago. So you can tell that this fill is like crack to me. *o*
Special note: "Jesus’ tits and shit on a stick" made me laugh so so damn hard. (As did the chihuahua comment) Mood whiplash, indeed. Didn't take anything away from the story, though. While funny, it emphasized Canada's shock to the revelation. A revelation which was damn depressing and I WANT TO HUG YOU, RUSSIA. YOU SAD SOUL YOU. D:
This fill makes me believe that Russia's scarf is tank resistant. Considering the condition it's in after all these years, it does seem plausible.

Agh, if I went on, the review would be longer than the fill. Which would be... kind of creepy on my part. JUST KNOW THAT I LOVE IT AND I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE CANADA AND RUSSIA.
I owe you internet kittens. If you do not like kittens, they can easily be changed to puppies or bunnies. Or My Little Ponies, if you're into that. I'm not gonna judge.

From eeep!anon, With Love.

'manner weavers' does this meen Liet, Mattie and Kiku have a secret society based on politeness, darling captcha?
First rule of Manner Weavers: please do not speak about Manner Weavers, if that's alright with you.


Re: eeep!anon uses fap- it is super effective! anonymous July 25 2010, 14:15:53 UTC
Your shout-out will be in part four! =D Part four which is nearly done hooray I should post part three

There is nothing more delicious than angsty, angsty, angst. Better even than chocolate!

My headcanon says that even when Russia doesn't need a hug, he needs a hug. He is entirely too hug deprived. Canada, meanwhile, gets plenty of hugs... but most of them from people who think he's America.

I love you back, eeep!anon, and your long review gives me hella smilies. Also, I'm cosplaying Poland this weekend, so My Little Ponies would come in handy.

From writer!anon, with giggles and candy.

ReCaptcha: "also functions" O_O he Manner Weavers also function as WHAT?


Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh. anonymous July 25 2010, 15:18:45 UTC
Ooooh. I was quite confused there. eeep!Anon is clearly a bit dim. Oh, screw the shout out. Gimme the story! -grabby hands- Actually, my ego would also like the shout out but THE REST OF ME PRIORITIZES THE STORY.

Poor Ivan. D: Then I believe Russia should befriend Italy. And maybe France and Spain. But Italy for sure. He'd get all the hugs he'll need. :> Maybe Canada should invest in a neon sign that he could wear on his head that says "NOT AMERICA" or possible "BUY SOME GLASSES YOU ASSHOLES" and I'm sure that'd.... cause a reaction. Ofsorts.

Awww, I love you too writer!anon. You're the one supplying the story. I'm just the one fangirling over it. I THINK I COULD HELP YOU WITH THAT. I had a mint My Little Pony as a kid and you'd look fabulous with it. -hand flick- Are you going to a con or something? Have fun!

From eeep!anon, with format abuse and children's toys wow that was a little pedo.

ReCaptcha: 'Smokies Demoiselles' The Manner Weavers are either cigarette selling painters, or run a brothel named after a hotdog. At least they treat their ladies right.


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