Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Countertransferance (1a/?) anonymous May 23 2010, 01:44:19 UTC
“Hey bro have you seen my ID?”

Alfred F. Jones (MD!) glared studiously at the multiple piles of clothing, sports gear, and assorted stuffed animals gracing nearly every surface of their apartment that was not necessary for walking. He picked a likely looking pile and started to dig.

His twin in looks if not disposition stumbled out of the kitchen with a mug in each hand. “Have you checked your white coat?” his brother said blandly.

“Did you forget, I start my rotation at the state hospital today, I don’t wear my white coat there since…”

“I know, I know, but check it anyway.”

Alfred made a doubting noise but went into his bedroom to check, nonchalantly grabbing one of the mugs Matt was holding as he passed, downing half of the black liquid in a single gulp.“Hey, holy shit, you’re right,” Alfred called back out into the other room. He propped the white coat onto to the bed with his foot and yanked the ID off with his free hand, clipping it onto his shirt pocket. “Hey, on that note, have you seen the remote control?” he asked as he walked back into the living room. He finished off the last of the coffee and plunked it back down onto something. Probably an end table, but hell if he could tell with all the crap on it, it could as well have been a stool or bookshelf or bear or something.

His brother glared at him through his glasses, managing an impressively evil reflective glint, taking a slow, measured sip of his own coffee. Alfred laughed. “Right, don’t talk to you before 7am, I know!”

“I don’t have to be at the university until eight you know,” Matthew said.

“If I’m up you gotta be up too!”

“…I really, really hate you.”

“Love you too bro!” Alfred sang out, grabbing his keys off the kitchen table amongst a sea of bills, junk mail, thesis drafts and journal articles. He whistled cheerfully as he waltzed out the door.

The fall air was crisp and cool, cool enough that he really should’ve worn a jacket, but he wasn’t willing to admit that he had to let go of summer quite yet. The leaves had only just started to flush with reds and yellows, and still clung stubbornly to the trees. His car was parked under a particularly large maple tree; the dumpy little car was old, finicky, and probably on its last legs, but they’d had it since he and Matt had aged out of foster care and he was quite fond of it. Besides, not like he could’ve afforded a new car on an intern’s salary, especially not with all the debts he had to pay off. Matt really wasn’t much better off as a grad student; at least he was in walking distance of the university, since for now this was the only car they had between them. That was going to get kind of not cool once winter came, Alfred mused as he unlocked his car and stuffed himself in. They’d have to figure something out.

Traffic was a little more than he had planned for, so he ended up sprinting from his car. The receptionist, a pretty but serious-looking young woman with olive-toned skin and glasses looked up coolly as he ran in through the automatic door and slid the panel open so she could push a clipboard out to him. “Sign in please,” she said, pushing her glasses up her nose. He got the distinct feeling she was measuring him up. Like she was an accountant or investor or something and he was a potential asset.

Heh. Asset.

“Hi, sorry I’m late!” he said as he quickly penned in his name in illegible handwriting. Alfred F. Jones, PGY1. “I’m Dr. Jones, new intern on unit C. Where’s morning report?”

The receptionist’s mouth made an ‘o’ and she dug in a drawer for a small envelope. “That’s right, new residents today. I’ll recognize your face next time. Well, here’s your keys; morning report’s in room 118 down the hall. If you run you’ll probably get there on time.”

Alfred flashed her a winning grin. “Thanks, Miss...Monaco!” he said with a quick glance at her nametag. “Well, I know I’ll be enjoying my time here, seeing as I’ll be greeted by your lovely face every morning!”

She rolled her eyes, but her small smile betrayed her as he started to jog through the lobby. “I hope you enjoy your time here, Dr. Jones,” she called after him.

“Call me Alfred!”


Re: Countertransferance (1b/?) anonymous May 23 2010, 01:46:09 UTC
Luckily for him, but not for the staff of that unit, they hadn’t started morning report yet thanks to an emergency on one of the wards. Not the forensic ward, luckily. Which was his ward. One of them was his anyway. The thought made him nervous, but it was sort of overshadowed by a growing excitement threatening to burst out of him like, like an alien or something. Holy crap! Forensic psych! Fucking awesome.

“Oh, Alfred! Hi!” A slender brunet was waving at him from his seat at the conference table.

Alfred perked up, and jogged over to his seated friend. “Toris!” he said in delight. “I didn’t know you were over here this month!”

“I’m over on unit A.” Wordlessly, Toris scotched his chair over so that there was room for Alfred to squeeze in a chair. Toris was one of his senior residents, a second year, and one of the nicest people Alfred had ever met. Of any of the other residents, he was by far Alfred’s favorite. “Where are you assigned, Alfred?”

“Unit C,” Alfred said cheerfully. “With Dr. Roma. It’s forensic psych, Toris, isn’t that… Toris? Are you okay?”

Alfred was often criticized for being oblivious and insensitive, but he liked to think that when it really mattered, he had an excellent sense for when someone was troubled, or in trouble, especially when he was in a position to do something about it. And his spidey sense was telling him Toris was troubled. Very troubled.

Toris remained silent, and his expressive green eyes darted away, and though he was always rather pale, in Alfred’s eyes he had gone completely white. “Toris?”

“It’s nothing,” Toris said with a glass-frail smile. “It’ll be very exciting for you Alfred, I know it. Just, be careful all right?”

Alfred frowned; it obviously wasn’t the whole story. But if he just wanted to leave it at that… “Well, of course I’ll be careful! Do you even need to say it?”

Toris’ eyes briefly look deeply into his owns, and when the gaze broke Alfred felt as if something deep inside him had been scooped out, examined, and carefully placed back inside. “That’s right, that was silly of me,” Toris said with a more relaxed grin, a warm, fond tone blossoming in his voice. “Of course you’ll be fine. I don’t think anything could keep you down, ever.”

Alfred puffed out his chest in pride. “That’s right, Alfred F. Jones never gives in!”

Toris laughed, a soft, but genuine sound. “I never thought it. Just…” his eyes met Alfred’s once more. “Watch out for Ivan. Okay?”

Alfred blinked, taken aback at the earnestness in his older friend’s voice, but he nodded slowly. “Okay. I will, Toris.”

Around then the director, a grumpy-looking blond guy named Dr. Saxon, called the meeting to order, and Alfred was left to wonder who this Ivan guy was, and why he scared Toris so much.

Notes: I don’t really know where I’m going with this. Hope you enjoy it anyway!


Re: Countertransferance (1b/?) anonymous May 26 2010, 07:02:45 UTC
omg, anon, this is sounding like it's going to be EPIC! I love how many characters (Monaco!) you've been able to work in, and the mystery you're creating around Ivan. Can't wait for more!


Re: Countertransferance (1b/?) anonymous May 26 2010, 22:27:51 UTC
Finding ways to work in as many characters as possible was part of the fun! And, I'm really glad you like it, anon! I'm actually not very confident in my fic-writing ability, especially for Hetalia, so knowing even one person liked this is very encouraging ♥



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