Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

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hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **A** anonymous April 1 2010, 00:08:28 UTC
**The following story revolves around future events and is clearly a work of fiction.**

Ask Me, Love, And I’ll Tell You: Chapter One

My Love,

It’s cold tonight. You know, it’s times like these that make me glad I wore that pair of long-johns you made for me. Oops. I started laughing and my team looked at me funny. Babe, I miss you. So much. I remember you telling me one time that my brain controls how other parts of my body feel. Is it my brain that’s making my heart hurt? Yeah. My heart hurts real bad when I think of you and how far away you are… If it were up to me, I’d be home now. I’d run home. Run across the ocean and run… Well, I’d run to you. And hold you and kiss you. Ouch. My heart just throbbed again. Does yours do that? I don’t like it, but it makes me think of you, so I’ll deal with it.

Art, I love you. I don’t know if I told you that recently, but I mean it. Every part of my entire being wants to be with you right now… Ah… I have to go soon. They’re moving our unit closer to the front lines… I miss you, dear… I think about you all the time and people make fun of me when I randomly zone out. I tell them I’m just thinking of the thing that means the world to me. They never ask questions.

“Jones! Hurry up with that! We’re moving out!”

I’m fighting for you, Arthur. I’d give my life to keep you safe. I’d give my soul for you to live without fear. That’s why I am here. Did I really just write that? You must think I’m a cheesy dork, right? Hehe~ Well, I have to go, love. Wait for me. I’ll be home soon. I know it…

I love you.

--Alfred (Your hero. Always).

There were only two things that Alfred F. Jones remembered about that cold night in January. One was that horrible pressure in his chest and the second was the snow. Who knew it could snow in the desert? Alfred was amazed as he marvelled at the falling snowflakes dusting the night’s sky with their soft pallor of glowing light. He jumped in the back of the awaiting armoured vehicle and closed the back-door. On any other night, he would have left it open, but the snow made it chilly. He idly wondered if it was snowing in America as well… His heart sunk suddenly when he realized that the snow reminded him of Christmas, and how he wasn’t able to make it home for the holidays… It was already January 11th.

Snow was rare in Iraq. Very rare. It was weather like this that shocked everyone. Alfred was sure that this was the first time in Iraq’s recorded history that it had ever snowed like this (1). He wondered how long it would last… This was his first winter here and he hoped it would be his last. Alfred looked out the window with mild appreciation for the wintry scene, although secretly he thought it was mocking him.

It started ten years ago… Well, almost ten years ago. March of 2003 marked the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was a United States led invasion. It was meant to be a quick and small mission with large goals. The objectives were to end the current Iraqi dictator’s regime, destroy any weapons of mass destruction, provide humanitarian aid to the county’s populous, and spread democracy to re-shape the Middle Eastern country into a model nation for its neighbours… And that was just to name a few… The Invasion, surprisingly enough, was met with much resistance, and although many of America’s objectives were completed, they couldn’t leave… In fact, they kept sending more and more soldiers…

But that had been years ago. It was 2013 now. A decade later. Alfred had been ten years old at the time of the invasion, and although he had not been present at the time, his father was. Jayson Merit Jones died two days after the invasion in an allied medical tent. Alfred had never been more devastated… It was from that day forward that young Alfred F. Jones would seek revenge for his father’s death. Alfred gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw, even ten years later.


Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **B** anonymous April 1 2010, 00:11:09 UTC
Alfred laughed and the man that was sitting beside him looked up. “Shut up, Jones. Some of us are trying to get a little shut eye…”

“Aw, be quiet Daryl. No one has a reason to fucking smile in this hell. If someone starts to laugh, and it’s not because they’re crazy, I say let him.”

“I’d say Jones was fucking crazy…”

Alfred laughed again. “I was just thinking about someone.”

“Your girlfriend?”

“Would you guys keep it down?”

Alfred cleared his throat, yet took it upon himself to whisper to the two men surrounding him. He paused before saying, “Yes… My girlfriend… She’s a real stunner. And she’s got a kick-ass personality.” Alfred drew his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs, casually playing with the laces on his boots. Sitting on the floor of a large truck-bed with ten other guys was never comfortable. Especially when they travelled at night and everyone wanted sleep… Yet there were always a few guys willing to stay awake and chat.

“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend, Jones,” Daryl said leaning in towards the conversation.

“So now you’re interested,” Mark baulked, pulling out his trade-mark, red lighter. He flicked it open and closed. Open and closed. “Anytime someone mentions a girl you get all riled up.”

While Daryl grumbled and turned away, Alfred retreated to his thoughts. He didn’t know he had a, ‘girlfriend,’ either, until he was informed about… DADT… Don’t Ask. Don’t Tell. In short, Alfred couldn’t openly talk about his relationship with Arthur because he was gay. He shifted uncomfortably, before resting his chin on his knees. He hated DADT and its place in the military. Alfred was so proud of Arthur and truly loved him with every part of his being… And it was so hard not to talk about him like they were lovers. Yet Alfred had to talk about him somehow… So he called Arthur a ‘her,’ and referred to him as, ‘my girlfriend.’ Even after twenty years the policy had not been repealed.

Alfred thought it was a stupid policy… He admitted to himself that he was gay… But it was a different kind of gay. It was like… An Arthur-gay. The only boy he ever liked was Arthur. He didn’t want to look at other men and do things with them if he couldn’t do them with Arthur. Even so, he was still gay, and he couldn’t openly come out to his team without being shipped home… How unfair.

He wondered why such a policy existed, although he did see both sides completely. Before 1993, homosexual soldiers weren’t allowed to even join the army. So instead of lifting the ban and letting it be, the U.S president at the time created DADT. You can join the army if you’re gay, but just don’t tell anyone about it… The problem was… Alfred couldn’t not talk about his partner.

“How is your girlfriend, anyways? Weren’t you telling me she was sick?”

Alfred was startled out of his daydream, yet he kept his head down. “Yeah… She’s sick. She’s alright. Strong, ya know? She’s not going down without a fight.”

“Sounds like us,” Daryl said, from his rejecting position. For someone as uninterested in the conversation as he was, he sure had a lot to say.

But sadly, it was true… Arthur was ill. A year after joining the military school, and half a year since the pair started secretly dating, Arthur had to quit. He discovered he had a rare heart-condition when he was running a track-and-field course. After being rushed to the hospital, and having an emergency pace-maker installed, Arthur was sent home and forbidden to go back to school and let go of his military future. Alfred had seen a lot in battle here, and had thought he’d seen hell, but he found that nothing scared him more than those few months. He absent-mindedly toyed with the dog-tags around his neck and ran his thumb over the one he attached bearing Arthur’s name.


Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **B.5 (Wut)** anonymous April 1 2010, 00:17:05 UTC

I know this causes confusion, but my copy and pasting skills are limited... Eh he he... I hope you can look past this mistake! I wish we could delete posts on here!! Anyways...

Alfred wasn’t able to join a military school for four years. Yet, everyday his burning passion for joining military services never died. And once he joined the Royal Academy for Military Excellence, or RAME, that passion was only heightened. At the top of his class till graduation, Alfred F. Jones was going to fight for his father’s memory, his country, and the betterment of the nation they were occupying… Then he found another reason to fight for.

When he was sixteen, Alfred met Arthur Kirkland. Arthur was new to RAME, new to the military, and new to America. Alfred smiled when he remembered the teenager’s first words to him. Are you daft?! I asked you where the office was. Quit fucking staring at me and give me a valid answer! The Alfred in the present chuckled, for it was true. He had been staring at Arthur. But how could he not? Arthur was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Alfred didn’t know whether or not to be jealous or turned on… The angel he had seen from across the hall turned out to have a temper. Those brilliant green eyes that blinked at him unknowingly were now flashing dangerously before him. His almost delicate frame was one of the most poised, yet commanding bodies he had ever seen on an individual. And that accent… Arthur was British, and a sexy Brit at that. Alfred had never wanted to devour anything more in his entire life, than he did the moment Arthur turned away from him to find the office…


Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **C** anonymous April 1 2010, 00:20:58 UTC
Although he hated seeing his lover limited by his illness and in pain, he was glad that Arthur was at home… A year ago, the war in Iraq had gotten marginally worse. More countries started joining both sides and secretly, Alfred figured it was because they were bored. Maybe he was just delusional, but he wondered if the surrounding countries wanted to return to their glory days… He was probably wrong, because of the number of people completely uninterested in defending their country was too high. Operation Iraqi Freedom was a complete repeat of the first and second world wars… Although, no one would admit that World War Three was actually upon them.

Just recently, the United States government re-instated conscription (2)… Even though Alfred had joined the military, and was shipped here prior to this, he worried about Arthur… Yet, like he expected, Arthur was in no condition to fight… Arthur Kirkland became Alfred’s, ‘war-bride,’ so to speak. As it was, Alfred has been apart from Arthur for far too long… Six months was a long time… Alfred closed his eyes against the darkness and felt himself drifting to sleep, his one hand clinging to his boyfriend’s dog-tag, and the other on his gun.


If something happens to me, I want you to know that I’ve always loved you… Even from the moment I first met you. I can’t promise you that I’ll always be alright. You know that better than anyone. So, if something should happen to me, don’t give up. Because I’m going to protect you no matter what. I love you.

And on that first night of winter, Alfred’s squadron was attacked and the shooting and screaming was just as unexpected as the snow that fell upon them… Yes, the snow was mocking him… Alfred knew that snow was supposed to be white. Yet on that night, the snow was just as red as the blood on his hands, and somewhere far away, it was as painful as the tears that fell from awaiting, lonely eyes…


End Notes:
(1) Alfred was sure that this was the first time in Iraq’s recorded history that it had ever snowed like this.
-- The first recorded snowfall in Iraq was on January 11, 2008. Yet the current date is also the 11th of January, only in 2013.
(2) Just recently, the United States government re-instated conscription…
-- In short, conscription or, ‘drafting,’ is a term meaning involuntary involvement in the military. Basically, if they told you to fight for your country, you did. Although the current war isn’t so bad so that the U.S government would need to enforce conscription, I thought it was a touch that hinted towards the war getting considerably worse.


Author’s Notes:
-- Hello~ How are all of you today? : ) Once I saw this on the unfilled list, I just had to write a story for it. XD The plot seems so intriguing. So I should just mention that, clearly, this is a work of fiction here… Basically, it is an imagined future for the current war in Iraq. Ya hear? Creative. So if it can be helped, I really don’t need people commenting with true facts that aren’t present in the story… Because I really did make this up. I just don’t want to offend anyone, because war is a touchy subject. So how about we just focus on the story, shall we? XD
-- Also, maybe you didn’t know this, but I researched a lot for this chapter. XD Like, whoa. I learnt (Canada!Amon says, ‘learnt.’ Wut?) so much about the current war in Iraq, the climate of Iraq, military schools, Conscription, Regiments, DADT, and even heart conditions and pacemakers… I’m cool, leave me alone~ ;)
-- While, I’m still following the original prompt, I am changing things up… And by that, I mean… Making it longer. XD So… I’m stretching things out. So, sorry this was a boring chapter. : ( Background and information is super important to me, and even now, I feel like I could have added more. XD
-- That being said, I hope to see you again in the future! : )
--Again, I apologize for the confusion in Part B… I wish I had some way to warn readers ahead of time… But, that little part is detrimental to the story’s plot it’s not there, so if you didn’t read it, PLEASE DO!! XD Much love~


Re: Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **C** anonymous April 1 2010, 00:56:34 UTC
I love it anon. The letter at the beginning was incredibly romantic. Please keep it up!


Author!Anon anonymous April 1 2010, 01:03:46 UTC
Thank you so much for reading! And I hope that little bit in Part B wasn't too confusing. XD


Re: Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **C** anonymous April 1 2010, 01:51:46 UTC
I'm so excited to read more of this fic because I think the prompt with the DADT thing is really interesting for Alfred's situation. Plus your writing is great and your setup for the story is promising. I can't wait :D


Author!Anon anonymous April 1 2010, 02:10:31 UTC
Thank you so much! :) I'm glad you like this, and I hope the mix up in Part B wasn't too confusing~ Thanks for reading! n.n


OP's brain: LDKJALSDFKJSALF anonymous April 1 2010, 03:11:36 UTC

oh wow, what an incredible start to this fic! I noticed all the research you did, it was really amazing. The beginning allowed us to understand the background of the situation better, and it was written perfectly

thank you, thank you, THANK YOU <333

I love multi-chaptered fills, so the fact that you plan to stretch the prompt out is more than I could ever hope for <33

OH, there are so many parts I loved...the dog tags, Alfred's backstory, Arthur's poor heart condition, the other troop members...

everything is perfect and wondeful! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I eagerly anticipate the next part :)


Author!Anon anonymous April 1 2010, 04:13:06 UTC
Yay! 8D I'm so glad you liked this!! I was worried at first. XD That mix up in Part B threw me off a little, but I'm glad everyone was able to navigate it all right. :)

Thank you so much for reading and enjoying, and I should have the next chapter up soon! :)


Re: Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **C** anonymous April 1 2010, 03:22:12 UTC
:D Oh yes, I love it! Alfred/Arthur with the DADT? YES! Your lovely writing? DOUBLE YES.

The end P.S. note thing made me tear up. It's so touching. War is such a scary thing, no? Arthur must feel terrible having to wait at home, not knowing if Alfred's okay! Just tears you up, man.


Author!Anon anonymous April 1 2010, 04:17:34 UTC
8D Thank you for your nice comment! :) I'm glad you like this!

As horrible as it sounds, I'm glad you felt that way about the letter. I know war is scary and it's hard to imagine what it's like. :/ I tried to picture myself there, but even then I don't think anyone who hasn't been over there can write the experience perfectly. :)

Thank you for reading!!


Re: Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **C** anonymous April 1 2010, 04:40:16 UTC
Thank you so much for this. Really. As a dependent of a military person, and as a gay person, I'm just really glad that you are treating this so respectfully. Maybe being in Canada helps to alleviate some of the intense polarization and some of the horrible things that are said down here.

In any case... Al's letter made me cry...

Please continue soon.


Re: Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **C** anonymous April 1 2010, 05:47:08 UTC
Wow . . DADT is definitely something important we haven't seen on the kink meme yet, and you're handling it well.
I'm very interested to see where you go with this!

whacked service . . indeed, captcha, indeed.


Re: Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **C** anonymous April 1 2010, 09:11:18 UTC
This is going to be epic, I am sure about that.


Re: Ask Me, Love, And I'll Tell You: Chapter One **C** anonymous April 1 2010, 11:54:43 UTC
I.. love.. you..

I hardly ever follow long-chaptered stories (I write them, lol =u=) - but this one is GREAT. I can see it'll be good. Your writing style and way of taking things slowly while describing a lot at the same time - it really gets to me. I feel jealous for your talent and happy at the same time, for I know this will be such a joy to read, and I'll pull myself together to become a better writer. I adore you already, stranger.

I love the way you're building up Alfred's mate as well as the relationship between Alfred and Arthur. When reading this request I feared a pussy of an Arthur just sitting at home, being all girly and housewifesish. You've already given him life, given him some manliness.

The ending of this chapter made my cry. Fuck.


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