Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Blue Blanket [1b/?] anonymous March 16 2010, 00:30:43 UTC
Peter knew what rape was. He knew how to read, he was smart, he'd heard about it on the news and everything. He'd just never known guys could be raped. Or that they could have kids. But now he knew they could on both counts, because England had been raped and then given birth to him.

He didn't dare change the way he acted. He couldn't let England know he'd heard that call, though it gnawed on the back of his mind and made him edgy and restless.

England was his father. And he had another father somewhere, someone who'd hurt England bad. So bad he had nightmares about it.

Part of him wanted to meet his other father and ask him why. Had he wanted a kid? Then why not come back for him when England didn't want him? Had he just wanted to hurt England? Had their been some other reason? Had he been forced to? Paid? Or did he do it just because?

Another part of him wanted to meet his other father and kill him. England was a jerk, but he was the only family Peter knew, and even if he acted like he hated Peter, he'd still built him a home. He hadn't gotten an abortion. He hadn't shipped him off to Africa. He hadn't even really abandoned him, just sort of shunted him off to the side and ignored him for the most part once Peter was old enough to take care of himself. And if someone had hurt England, then someone should be forced to pay.

But the only person who knew who his other father was was England, and he couldn't let England know he knew, so he'd have to accept he'd never find his other father. Accept not knowing, and accept hating someone he didn't know.

Just quickly, the words at the beginning are from a poem called Blue Blanket, by Andrea Gibson. It's the poem that really inspired me to write this. I'm going to put passages at the beginning and end of each part, though I am going to change gender pronouns and such, and a few later passages that I couldn't change without completely ruining them will have been omitted. And the copy I have was typed up from memory by someone else, so... yeah.

I'm sorry for messing with your poem, Ms. Gibson! ;-;

Thank you for reading this, and thank you in advance to all the people who'll stick it through to the end with me. orz


Re: Blue Blanket [1b/?] anonymous March 16 2010, 00:39:41 UTC
Oh wow someone's going to tackle this one. I was hoping that someone would but didn't think it would actually happen quite honestly.

This is going to be so painful, in a heart wrenching, can't turn away from it kind of way. I already feel sorry for both of them.

Well done anon, well done and I can't wait to see where this is headed next.


author!anon anonymous March 16 2010, 01:41:47 UTC
To be honest, this is really the only kind of story I write. I am good at crack and fluff fills, and mindless PWP smut, but I don't get nearly as into them as I do dark things like this. I love to explore characters, see what makes them tick, by putting them in situations where they have to act and react as honestly as possible because only instinct can control them.

I've just never written it from the point of view of an 'outsider' before- always either the victim or abuser. Seeing things unfold from Sealand's POV will be a new writing experience for me, and I hope I manage it as well as I've started out.

I'm going to do my best to update every Monday, at about the same time I did today, so look forward to it. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment behind. ^^


Re: Blue Blanket [1b/?] anonymous March 16 2010, 00:42:11 UTC
NotOP!anon here.

Oh Sealand ;A; Oh England ;A; They're both in so much pain.

I can envision Sealand peering at all the nations next time he invades a world meeting and wondering who he looks most like besides England.


author!anon anonymous March 16 2010, 01:44:29 UTC
So can I. Knowing what's been done but not knowing who did it will be a huge burden for him.


Re: Blue Blanket [1b/?] anonymous March 16 2010, 00:59:45 UTC
Wow, that was powerful and eerie and horrific. Poor kid. And poor poor England.
I think the fact that England is talking on the phone with the misterious nation, probably lots of years before it happened, intrigues me. I've often wondered how nations go by, accept and forgive the things other nations have done them in the past, some of them pretty awful.

I'm dreading who the father will be. England's been around long enough for anyone to be possible, really. But my heart clenches every time I remember Peter looks exactly like England's and America's lovechild, with the first's eyebrows (and temper) but America's hair colour and the exact same eyes. *whimper*


author!anon anonymous March 16 2010, 01:49:10 UTC
I'm glad I managed to establish the mood I wanted, though it is pretty creepy. >.>

*pets anon* It'll all turn out okay somehow. I like dark stories, but not dark endings. Just keep in mind that no matter what happens, I reward characters in my stories for the hardships I put them through.

The father's identity will be kept secret for a while, since Sealand's sincere and determined, but not exactly subtle or very perceptive sometimes. All I can say is, someone's gonna wind up killing me over it.


Re: Blue Blanket [1b/?] anonymous March 16 2010, 01:04:52 UTC
Oh poor Sealand, England. This did fit with my headcanon in that I'd always seen Sealand as England's son, not brother, but I hadn't really made the connection to rape baby. And yet, it makes so much sense. I'm looking forward to your update, anon.


author!anon anonymous March 16 2010, 01:50:56 UTC
As I told the anon above, I'm aiming for updates once a week- every Monday (night for me, East Coast, USA). I hope I can keep from disappointing anyone.


Re: author!anon anonymous March 16 2010, 04:25:19 UTC
You've been far from a dissapointment so far. :)


Re: Blue Blanket [1b/?] anonymous March 16 2010, 15:52:40 UTC
Hoorah! Please continue, anon. :D


Re: Blue Blanket [1b/?] anonymous March 16 2010, 22:20:43 UTC
Ah, I'm so anxious to know who the father is. D:

Well, even though once a week is long for me. And the days go by so long cuz I have to take care of an annoying brat...but, I can wait. 8(


Re: Blue Blanket [1b/?] karthenia March 17 2010, 11:37:59 UTC
Author!anon is a full-time nanny of two kids and two cats, and part-time nanny of two other kids, plus author of five in-progress fills here on the kink meme. Hope that makes the waiting a bit more bearable?


Re: Blue Blanket [1b/?] anonymous March 17 2010, 11:40:01 UTC
Aaaaaaaaaaaand author!anon is going to kill Flock and his jacked-up connection for allowing this de-anon to happen despite the fact that he wasn't even signed in. x.x

Not like it matters- I never post anywhere outside the kink meme. >.>


Re: Blue Blanket [1b/?] anonymous March 18 2010, 20:27:42 UTC
Lol, it's okay Author-anon(?)!

Yess, if you're THAT busy then the wait is bearable. Especially when it feels like one kid equals 20 in total. But 4? What a drat! Can't wait for Monday. =3


OP Here. anonymous March 18 2010, 19:36:04 UTC
Late OP is late. And currently backflipping.

So, basically, I love you. This is exactly what I wanted.
I love that this is in Peter's point of view. He puts an interesting spin on things.
I am on the edge of my seat for more, dear author!anon.
Please accept my eternal love and devotion?


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