Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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He Had it Coming Part 1 anonymous March 13 2010, 08:49:16 UTC
Writer!Anon from before. When I went back to change the lyrics like everyone suggested, this happened instead. I hope it's still okay...

She slammed the door shut and slumped against the wall of their tiny apartment that she had to work three jobs just to pay for. She had just gotten back from her second one and had about an hour before running off to the midnight shift at that diner.

“Oh, you’re back,” POP. “Can you make me sandwich?”

“Can’t you get it yourself? How did the job hunt go?”

“Gilbert came over to help me,” POP, “but instead he just ate all the food…”

“We’re barely making ends meet as it is,” POP, “we can’t afford your brother freeloading of us as well!” POP.

“We still have enough left for you to make me a sandwich,” POP.
“Well then what am I going to eat?” POP.

“You’ll be at a diner all night. You can find something there.” POP.
“Look, I’ve had a really bad day,” POP, “so just make your own sandwich, okay?” POP.

“C’mon, I’ve been looking for a job all day,” POP, “the least you can do is make me a sandwich.” POP.

“I’m busy so just make it yourself!” POP. “And stop popping that gum!” POP.

“Ludwig, I swear to god, I am not in the mood right now…” POP.

“If you pop that gum one more time…” POP.



She stared at the picture in disbelief. The picture of her boyfriend with some Vietnamese girl at their wedding. Yes that’s right, apparently her boyfriend was married, and the Vietnamese girl wasn’t the only one either.

At that moment the door opened and Yao walked in. “Good afternoon, aru. How was your day?”

“…Sweetie what’s this?” She showed him the picture.

“Oh, you found that.” He said, completely unperturbed.

“Yes, you mind telling me what it is?”

“That’s my other wife, aru.” He raised an eyebrow, “what did you think you were the only one? That you were special?” She could only stare at him open mouthed as he took his seat on the couch. “Although I must say, you are probably the cutest. Mind getting me a drink, aru?”

“R-right. Sure.” She walked into the kitchen numbly and went through the motions of making his drink, but stopped when she realized she just put rat poison in as well. When did that get in there?

“What’s taking so long, aru?”

“N-nothing!” She brought out his drink and handed it to him as usually and walked away, ignoring the gasping sounds he made as he died.


She was in the kitchen preparing dinner when all of a sudden the kitchen door burst open revealing her husband, who glared at her, face red.

“Have you been out drinking again?” she asked teasingly.

“Shut up!” He screeched, shocking her to silence. “Have you been screwing that Frenchman?”

“Excuse me?”

He slammed his hands on the table. “You have haven’t you? Don’t lie to me!”

“Arthur I don’t -”

“Shut up! He’s over here almost every day! You’ve been screwing the Frenchman!”

“That’s your job isn’t it?” That surprised her almost as much as it surprised him.

“…What did you say?”


“What did you say?!!” He stormed around the counter, getting angrier and more menacing with each step, causing her to back away from him.

“Try saying that again you little whore, c’mon I dare you!” He’d gotten in hitting range and slapped her across the face and she fell on the ground.

“Not so tough now are you?” He lunged again as soon as she got up. Reacting quickly, she grabbed the knife and held it out in front of her as he ran into it.

Quietly she pulled it out of him and stabbed him eight more times.



He Had it Coming Part 2 anonymous March 13 2010, 08:52:16 UTC
“I-I don’t…” She shook her head and started crying, not know what was going on.

“Mrs. Edelstein,” the man, Detective Something or other, she couldn’t remember at the moment, said, “just tell me what happened.”

“I…I went out…”

“Where did you go?”

“Out…” the Detective sighed. Jones that was his name, Detective Jones…

“I got that. What did you do while you were out?”

“I was…I was shopping. We needed…something. Can’t you cover him up or something?”

“My boys are still working, Mrs. Edelstein, please focus here. What were you doing?”

“I…I went to the market.”

“Which market?”

“The one…by that place…”

“What place?”

“I can’t remember! Does it matter anymore anyway?! Roderich is-”

“Yes, dead. I can see him right there, you don’t have to tell me. I’m just trying to figure out what happened.”

“Well, I don’t know! I just came home and he was like that!” She fell to her knees in front of the Detective. “Roderich! Roderich why? What am I supposed to do without you?!”

Detective Jones snapped his notebook shut. “Elizaveta Edelstein, you are under arrest for the murder of Roderich Edelstein. Take her away boys.”

Several of the men around the room grabbed her. She made no move to stop them from carrying her away except for shouting “Roderich!” over and over again.

“Dames…” the Detective muttered as he left the crime scene.


She may have been a little tipsy. They had a good show though, and the vodka was flowing freely, so she just ignored it and kept drinking.

“Mm, that was great wasn’t it sis? When you did that thing followed by that other thing?” Katashya laughed. She was completely wasted.

“Yes yes, that was a good one…” Ivan wasn’t much better off.

“I think we’re out of ice…” she noticed.

“Can’t have that, sis, can we?”

“Agreed…why don’t you go get us some, yes?”

“Of course.” She smiled at him and left the room.

As fate would have it, the ice machine in their hall wasn’t working, and neither was the one on the floor below. It took three more floors until she actually found a working ice machine, and by that time she had been gone for quite some time.

“I’m back…” she said upon entering the room…

She doesn’t quite remember what happened next, just that there was a lot of screaming and blood.


She peeked out from behind the magazine she was using to hide her face. There he was, waiting outside that café, just like he had been every other day this week. In a few minutes, a girl, a different one every day, will walk up. They’ll exchange a few comments, he’ll give her a kiss, and they’ll get in her car and drive away, to a different apartment on different sides of town every time.

“You’re here!” She heard him exclaim as an albino man got off his motorcycle.

“Yeah sorry I’m late. I got held up a bit…” A guy? Is it possible she’s just jumping to conclusions about the others as well? He is Italian…it’s entirely possible that he was just being friendly with the others as well.

“That’s fine. I woke up from my siesta late, so I just got here too.” He wrapped his arms around the man’s neck and stood on his toes to get a kiss out of him which the albino eagerly returned, wrapping an arm around his waist. Maybe she wasn’t jumping to conclusions after all.

“C’mon Feli,” he tossed him a spare helmet, “let’s get out of here.”

She watched, tears in her eyes, as her love jumped on the back of another man’s bike and held on to him tightly as they sped off into the distance.
After a while she wiped the tears from her eyes, stood up, and went home.

She had to prepare for Feliciano’s return after all…


Re: He Had it Coming Part 2 anonymous March 15 2010, 02:55:13 UTC


Re: He Had it Coming Part 2 anonymous March 16 2010, 01:57:24 UTC
That was wonderful! Adding backstories is great! I really feel for Seychelles now, poor girl, and Hungary, too!


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