Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Russian Roulette 1/1 -- now actually without fail!HTML!..and deanoning. anonymous March 7 2010, 04:54:34 UTC
She took a breath and felt the pulse inside her. A heartbeat, turning slow. This wasn't fear, she told herself. It was anticipation. It was want. The steel was cold against her fingers. She'd never liked guns, they were too distant. Knives were more visceral. She could feel the wet and sticky blood on her fingers, she could feel the life as it came out of them and the cold of death set it. Dried blood, cooling bodies frozen in Moscow streets.

That was what became of those who opposed Brother's rule.

"Calm yourself."

She lifted the gun. Considering it. This was a proof of her trust. This was the game Russia had made to prove the depth of their loyalty. Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia had shied away, but she had not. She would do anything for her brother. This was the worth of her life.

"Close your eyes, sometimes it helps."

Five chambers were empty, one was loaded. A one in five chance for her loyalty would be proven. And then, he'd have no choice but to discard the useless Trembling Trio. He'd cast away Lithuania, and make her his favorite. As it should be.

She did not close her eyes, but looked up at him as she pressed the gun into her mouth. Would he imagine her lips not around the gun, but around him? She'd let him do anything to her. Cut pieces of her skin off in bed, thrust into her mouth until she gagged, fuck her until she bled.

Anything for him.

Marry her and she'd be eternally loyal. His toy to do with as he pleased, whose love wouldn't fade away, like all those other ingrates. She looked up at him, gazed right up as Lithuania gasped and Latvia shuddered. She thought of the colors of dusk painted across the sky, of the darkening of days that was swallowed up during the winter, of every day from there on of seeing him, being near him and being his.

There was no other choice, only him or death and the two intertwined until it was him and death, death and him, dying by him. This was falling, wondering if he would catch her or pull back in a childish, cold, cruel moment.

She pulled the trigger.

I consider it a Schrödinger's Cat ending, in fact that was almost the title.

I personally think she lived.


Re: Russian Roulette 1/1 -- now actually without fail!HTML!..and deanoning. anonymous March 8 2010, 00:20:31 UTC
askdfj;ads f DUDE SO DARK

Oh shit, I can definitely see Russia demanding proof of loyalty, and wow, yeah, Belarus would take him up on it, wouldn't she? DDD:


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