Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Angels Don't Always Have Wings--Part Three.A anonymous March 4 2010, 13:06:56 UTC

Alfred groaned. He back killed, and he felt really stiff. He chanced a look around, realized that he was lying on the floor. He moved his mouth soundlessly and sat up slowly. The last thing he remembered was-

“About fucking time.”

Alfred stared at the man in the chair. It looked as though he hadn’t moved since Alfred had… fallen.

“I’m still waiting for wishes,” the man said. “I’d like if you could make it quick, as I’d really like to get home.”

Alfred didn’t know what he was supposed to do. The man before him felt strange. In a kinda bad, kinda weird way.

“I think you should tell me who you are,” Alfred said slowly.

“I did,” the man grumbled, but he finally moved his legs into a more comfortable position. Alfred jolted up, as that position had revealed a few things that he never wanted to see again, and he back slowly against the stone fireplace.

“I didn’t catch it the first time,” Alfred said quickly. The “genie” sighed.

“I’m from the Upper Realm. I was sent down here to be a genie. You give me three wishes, I grant them, and I go back to the Upper Realm and you do whatever you want.”

Alfred swallowed, then he noticed the halo above the man’s head. He wondered at how the hell he had missed it, then Arthur snapped his fingers to gain his attention once more.

“Hurry up already. I don’t have all day.”

“So they sent you here, to grant me a wish?” Alfred blinked. “Am I that important?”

Arthur looked as though he wanted to choke someone (preferably blond with glasses). “No. I’ve been here for almost…” he stopped, checked the newspaper that was discarded on the floor, “one hundred-fifty years. I am not in the mood for your shit. Now think of a wish and-“

“You’ve been here for almost two-hundred years,” Alfred said dubiously. “So… what the hell is the upper realm supposed to be?”

“This is why I hate humans,” Arthur grumbled. “Heaven! Hell! All of your little “supernatural” places! Upper Realm, Mid-Realm, and Lower Realm!” He waited for any sign that Alfred understood, but the blank stare he received made his heart sink.

“You’re supposed to be in the Upper Realm, so shouldn’t you be a demon?”

“Angel,” Arthur snapped. “I’m a fucking angel.”

“Because I’m really going to believe that,” Alfred snickered. “So, where are your wings if you’re such a bigshot?”

“They took them, of course.” Arthur looked annoyed. “Fucking gits… Just remember this, heaven, hell, whatever, it’s all overrated.”

“So why are you trying so hard to get back?” Alfred really didn’t like where the conversation was headed, but decided to play along. Maybe he’d get an answer out of the guy eventually.


The room fell silent. Alfred narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Arthur, but the “Angel” was unperturbed.

“I can’t have money, but you can?”

“I had money before the whole “genie” business,” Arthur pointed out. “I already have it. If you want money, then get a job.”

At that, Alfred’s expression soured. “Aren’t angels supposed to be nice?” he demanded.

Arthur simply shrugged. “An angel’s an angel. Each has their own personality.” He narrowed his eyes. “And I don’t really like you.”

What a coincidence, was Alfred’s first thought.

Then the Angel slapped him.

“What the hell was that for?” Alfred demanded as he nursed his red cheek.

“The back talk. Or thought. Whatever the hell it is. I just don’t have to take your shit.”

“But you’re-“

“Who gives a fuck if I’m a genie? Just start thinking of some wishes!” Arthur glared at him, then began to count off his fingers. “No selfish wishes, no stealing, can’t make something out of nothing, money is a big no, NO WISHES FOR MORE WISHES, and you can’t make alter people’s emotions. There, those’re your guidelines. Now start thinking of something, and you should probably put a bandage on that. I’m going to sleep now.” With that, Arthur disappeared. He fucking disappeared. And Alfred realized that he was bleeding from a cut on his forehead. He grimaced.

He was really regretting buying this house.


Angels Don't Always Have Wings--A/N anonymous March 4 2010, 13:08:28 UTC
There is no part B. My bad.

RC: "calmer like"

Like who?



Re: Angels Don't Always Have Wings--Part Three.A anonymous March 6 2010, 09:51:26 UTC
This is so cute! Please update soon! X3


Re: Angels Don't Always Have Wings--Part Three.A anonymous March 7 2010, 06:55:22 UTC
Damn, Arthur makes a cracktastic genie xD


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