Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Angels Don't Always Have Wings--Part One.B anonymous March 2 2010, 16:59:03 UTC
“Will you shut the hell up?” a voice demanded, and Alfred’s voice died in his throat. The green eyes were narrowed, the prominent (or massive) eyebrows threatening to shut them completely (they looked really heavy). The man’s messy blond hair looked as though it hadn’t been touched in at least a week, and his pale skin made Alfred shiver with thoughts of death and ghost.

Alfred continued to tremble, and the man tsked in disgust. Alfred squeaked when the man-ghost-thing leaned over to touch him (though he would never admit it), and for a moment, Alfred thought that he was trying to comfort him.

He was sorely mistaken.

The thing grabbed his ear and shook him, his expression one of boredom, and a little bit of anger.

”Will you stop bloody shaking?” he demanded, and Alfred could feel the blood leaving his face and rushing straight to his terrified heart. The thing moved again, and he noticed that… he was wearing a toga. “God, this is infuriating! Didn’t even realize it was open, it’s been so long! So, what do you want?”

Alfred stared at the thing, and he tried to say something. Sadly, his voice wasn’t working properly anymore. He managed to squeak out a “ghost!” in panic, and the thing looked pissed.

“I’m not a fucking ghost!” the thing snapped. “I’m a-“ He stopped speaking, and expressions of humiliation, rage and resentment fought for possession of his face. “I’m a genie,” he said lamely, humiliation winning.

Alfred stared. He couldn’t even think of anything to respond to that with. If it wasn’t a ghost, then… Some psycho had broken into his house. And said psycho was going on about rules and terms, and rules of three, and Alfred was trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

First, he had to get him out of his room, and call the cops.

Apparently, the “easy” task wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be. He lunged from his bed at the supposed “genie,” only to end up on the floor as the guy moved from the chair to the bed, looking annoyed but amused at the same time.

“Were you even listening to me?” the guy demanded, and Alfred looked up incredulously. “I said wishes! Three! Will you play bloody attention?”

“I think you should go home,” Alfred said carefully.

“I think so too.” The guy didn’t move

“So… Go?”

“I’d love to. Three wishes. Hurry the fuck up.”

Alfred slowly rose to his feet, measuring the distance to the phone on the other side of the bed. The guy on the bed grumbled something, and then watched as Alfred dove over the bed and grabbed onto the phone. Alfred was already in the process of dialing, then turned to look back at the stranger, but the stranger had already disappeared.

He hung up, not bothering to finish the call to the police. He searched the house, found nothing.

Then he hesitantly returned to bed, his hand tightly locked around the gun he hid under his pillow.


Re: Angels Don't Always Have Wings--Part One.B anonymous March 2 2010, 18:09:32 UTC
oh my god yes! i fricking love where yr going with this!


Re: Angels Don't Always Have Wings--Part One.B anonymous March 3 2010, 00:20:39 UTC
OP!Anon here! 8D
Oh my GOD--I love you SOOO much right now!! This is exactly what I wanted! ;u; Alfred's reaction to Arthur is perfffect~! I wouldn't expect him to go "OMGTHREEWISHESREALLY8D?! UHMALLTHEHAMBUGERSINTHEWORLDPLEASEKAYTHXBYE~!" since he'd be too terrified of Artie at first~ =u= 'CAUSE HE'S A GHOST. ;D Oh, Alfy~<3

Update quickly, my dearest Author!anon~! ouo I eagerly await the next part!


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