Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Anon Can't Resist A Good Music Fill... Part 3 anonymous March 2 2010, 06:19:32 UTC
The stage went dark as all the girls took a knee except for the young blond. A young man with brown hair and a curl sticking out came up and embraced her from behind.

“I loved Feliciano Vargas more than I can possibly say. He was a real artistic guy,” he had circled around her while the rest of the girls stood up, and they started tangoing in the moving circle, “sensitive…a painter. But he was always trying to find himself. He’d go out every night looking for himself,” They stopped dancing in the center of the circle and she draped an arm on his shoulder.

“And on the way, he found Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary, and Gilbert.” She started stroking his head. “I guess you could say we broke up because of artistic differences. He saw himself as alive, and I saw him dead.” She tugged back on his neck and pushed him forward.

“The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,” they sang as they chased him up and offstage.
“The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.”

“They had it coming,” half of them sang as they all entered another dance sequence.
“They had it coming,” the other half echoed.
“They had it coming,”
“They had it coming,”
“They had it coming all along,”
“They had it coming all along,
“‘Cause if they used us,”
“Cause if they used us,”
“And they abused us,”
“And they abused us,”
“How could you tell us that we were wrong?” They sang together, with a stomp before
“He had it coming!” They danced up stage.
“He had it coming!
He only had himself to blame!
If you’d have been there,
If you’d have seen it,
I betcha you would have done the same!”

The girls froze in random gymnastic positions as the stage slowly faded to black.

“If you pop that gum one more time…”
“Single my ass!”
“Ten times…”
“Miert csukott Uncle Same bortonbe...”
“Number seventeen the spread eagle!”
“Artistic differences…”

“Uh uh…”

A final symbol crash and the stage faded to black completely.
“So what did you think?” America turned and asked, “Weren’t the girls amazing!”

“Um…did you show this to any of the other nations yet…like Germany…or China…or England…or Russia…” Canada muttered.

“Nope! I said you guys were my first audience!”

“It’s…different,” Japan added, “but maybe it would be best if you just…kept it between us.”

“But the girls and I worked really really hard on it!”

“Yes,” Canada tired, “but…” Before he could finish, he felt six shadows looming behind him. “You know maybe you should just do whatever you with.”

“Agreed…wouldn’t want all that hard work to go to waste…”

A/N: It's Belgium/Germany, Taiwan/China, Seychelles/England, Hungary/Austria, Belarus/Russia/Ukraine, Liechtenstein/Italy. Did Italy ever actually do anything to Liechtenstein? I don't know, but he fit the part and I ran out of girls. And I found a translation for the Hungarian because I didn't feel like typing it out, but left the last bit. Weird. And yeah, I got lazy at the end. It's a seven and a half minute song, sue me! Please don't I'm broke...


Not!OP says.... anonymous March 2 2010, 10:49:42 UTC
"And on the way, he found Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary, and Gilbert."
This line author anon, this line made my day

This fill is amazing, hilarious and just so well written


Anon has just a few things to say anonymous March 2 2010, 11:43:08 UTC
First I am a die hard Chicago fan. CBT parodies are always loved! That being said, I wish you would have been a bit more creative with the lyrics. ("You've been screwing the Frenchman!" That line did totally kill me.) Also, I'm pretty sure you referred to Belarus as a brunette a couple of times. She is very blonde.

Beef aside, this fill made me quite happy. It needs art, like, now.


Re: Anon has just a few things to say anonymous March 2 2010, 13:51:04 UTC
Ah, sorry about that. I was using the anime coloring (which I usually don't do, but then everyone would have been blonde except Taiwan and Sey) and she looks more brunette to me there. Sorry.


Re: Anon has just a few things to say anonymous March 3 2010, 03:30:28 UTC
I can see that. It's like light brown there.


Re: Anon Can't Resist A Good Music Fill... Part 3 anonymous March 2 2010, 12:48:41 UTC
I really really enjoyed that fic.

“You know maybe you should just do whatever you want with.”

I think there's a word missing there~


OP Here anonymous March 3 2010, 03:10:36 UTC
Wow, that was really good! Although I do agree with the earlier person that you could've taken a few more liberties, because when you did it was funny "You've been screwing the Frenchman!"
Also I like how Canada and Japan are hesistant on showing it to everyone else, and I just melted when Hungary fell into Austria's arms.


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