Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Anon Can't Resist A Good Music Fill... Part 1 anonymous March 2 2010, 06:02:55 UTC
The spotlight focused on center stage where a tall blond man with glasses and blue eyes was currently standing, head down, mic in hand. As soon as the light hit him, his head shot up.

“And now, the six merry murderesses of the Hetalia County Jail in their rendition of, The Cell Block Tango.” With that he ducked off stage, and the back lights came on revealing six girls in various poses.

“Pop,” went a blond girl with ribbon in her hair.
“Six,” sang an Asian girl, with a flower clip.
“Squish,” went an island girl with pigtails held up with red ribbons.
“Uh uh,” sang a sweet, but tough looking girl with long hair and a flower clip.
“Cicero,” went lovely young lady…holding a knife.
“Vargas,” sang a far too young an innocent looking girl.

Every time each girl sang, she changed position…

“Uh uh!”

“Uh uh!”

“He had it coming!” they belted, making their way up stage.
“He had it coming!
He only had himself to blame.
If you’d have been there, if you’d have seen it!”
“I bet that you would have done the same!” The knife wielding brunette took center stage for a moment, before being joined by her fellow ladies, who sang,

“Uh uh!”

The first blonde took center stage at this point as the spotlight moved on her while a blonde man with icy blue eyes walked from offstage to join her.
“You know how people have these little habits that get you down. Like…Ludwig.” As if called, he came forward and joined her in a tango across the front of the stage. “Ludwig liked to chew gum. No, not chew,” He spun her away, still holding on to her hand, “POP,” and he spun her back. They continued their tango.

“So I come this one day and I’m really irritated and I’m looking for a little sympathy and there’s Ludwig, laying on the couch, drinking a beer and chewing, no, not chewing, POPING.” They stopped her still in his arms. “So I said to him, I said, ‘you pop that gum one more time…’” He let go of her and she stepped back, but still kept a hold of his hand. “And he did.

“So I took the shotgun off the wall,” she pulled his arm and he got down on his knees, “and fired two warning shots,” She put her fingers in the shape of a gun to demonstrate, “into his head.” A quick yank back and he was on the ground.

“He had it coming,” He tried to get up and run, but she chased him down,
“He had it coming,” She twisted him around and into another tango, this time with her leading.
“He only had himself to blame
If you’d have been there, if you’d have heard it,
I betcha you would have done the same!” She violently twisted him and led him off stage.

As they were leaving, the Asian girl came forward, and an Asian man with long black hair walked onstage.

“I met Wang Yao from Beijing about two years ago, and he told me he was single, and we hit it off right away.” She walked up to him and draped an arm around him before he grabbed her and they tangoed. “So we started living together. He’d go to work, he’d come home, I’d fix him a drink, we’d have dinner. And then I found out…”

She pushed him to the floor and straddled him. “Single he told me? Single my ass. Not only was he married, oh no, he had six wives. One of those Mormons, you know.” She slid forward until she was resting on her elbows. “So that night when he came home, I fixed him his drink as usually. You know, some guys just can’t hold their arsenic.” She jumped off him and he rolled away, while the previous couple danced their way back on stage.

“He had it coming,” He tried to run away, but she chased him down and forced him to tango.
“Pop! Six! Squish! Uh uh! Cicero! Vargas!”
“He had it coming,
He took a flower in its prime,”
“Pop! Six! Squish! Uh uh! Cicero! Vargas!”
“And then he used it, and he abused it!
It was a murder, but not a crime!”


Anon Can't Resist A Good Music Fill... Part 2 anonymous March 2 2010, 06:09:38 UTC
By this time the Asian couple had danced their way off stage, and the pigtailed island girl came forward.

“Now I’m sitting in the kitchen, carving up a chicken for dinner, minding my own business,” she inched across the stage, while a blond man with green eyes and huge eyebrows came offstage and mirrored her movements, “and in storms my husband, Arthur, in a jealous rage.”

They were circling each other now. “’You’ve been screwing the Frenchman,’ he says. He was crazy and he kept screaming, ‘You’ve been screwing the Frenchman!’” With that the burst forward as if to stop there tango, but froze. “And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times.” She pushed him back and he stumbled a bit, but didn’t fall down. That didn’t stop her from walking forward and pushing him to the ground anyway. The previous couples danced their way back onstage.

“If you’d have been there,
If you’d have seen it,
I betcha you would have done the same!” The couples froze in their various positions while a red light shone down on them. The white spotlight focused to the long haired girl dancing with an aristocratic looking man with glasses as they made their way upstage.

“What am I doing here? They say my famous tenant held down my husband and I chopped his head off. But it's not true. I am innocent. I don't know why Uncle Sam says I did it. I tried to explain at the police station but they didn't understand.” They stopped with him holding her from behind, and someone from the audience felt the need to ask,

“Yeah, but did you do it?”

“Uh uh. Not guilty!” She went limp and allowed him to catch her.

“He had it coming…” She spun back up again and tangoing offstage with the rest of the couples, while the brunette came forward.

“My sister Katashya and I had this double act, and my husband Ivan traveled around with us.” A woman with huge breasts and similar eyes came off stage left, while a tall man with lavender eyes and light blonde hair came from stage right. “Now for the last number in our act we did these twenty acrobatic tricks in a row.

“One, two, three, four, five…” after each number they would move a different body part into a different position, “splits, spread eagles, back flips, flip flops, one right after the other,” until she ended up in the middle, with one of his hands on the other woman’s hip.

She turned and walked over to the right while they tangoed backstage into the darkness, spotlight focused on her. “Well, this one night we were at the hotel Cicero, the three of us, boozing and having a few laughs when we run out of ice. So I went out to get some. I come back, and there’s Katashya and Ivan, doing number seventeen, the spread eagle!” On a drum beat, a spotlight turns on backstage, illuminating said couple doing a demonstration.

“Well, I was in such a state of shock I completely blacked out, I can’t remember a thing.” As she was talking, backstage faded to black and her spotlight turned red. “It wasn’t until later when I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead.”

“They had it coming,” The red lights illuminated the rest of the stage, revealing the other four couples.
“They had it coming,” they echoed.
“They had it coming,” She pushed the two of them back across stage.
“They had it coming,”
“They had it coming all along,” The three of them joined the rest in some kind of strange three person tango.
“They had it coming all along,”
“I didn’t do it,”
“She didn’t do it,”
“But if I’d done it,
“But if she’d done it,”
“How could you tell me that I was wrong?” They all pushed their men back and walked backstage to start a dance sequence.

“They had it coming,” the brunette sang,
“They had it coming,” everyone else echoed,
“They had it coming,”
“They had it coming,”
“They had it coming all along,”
“They took a flower in its prime,”
“I didn’t do it, but if I’d done it,”
“And then they used it, and they abused it,”
“How could you tell me that I was wrong?”
“It was a murder, but not a crime.”


Anon Can't Resist A Good Music Fill... Part 3 anonymous March 2 2010, 06:19:32 UTC
The stage went dark as all the girls took a knee except for the young blond. A young man with brown hair and a curl sticking out came up and embraced her from behind.

“I loved Feliciano Vargas more than I can possibly say. He was a real artistic guy,” he had circled around her while the rest of the girls stood up, and they started tangoing in the moving circle, “sensitive…a painter. But he was always trying to find himself. He’d go out every night looking for himself,” They stopped dancing in the center of the circle and she draped an arm on his shoulder.

“And on the way, he found Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary, and Gilbert.” She started stroking his head. “I guess you could say we broke up because of artistic differences. He saw himself as alive, and I saw him dead.” She tugged back on his neck and pushed him forward.

“The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum,” they sang as they chased him up and offstage.
“The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.”

“They had it coming,” half of them sang as they all entered another dance sequence.
“They had it coming,” the other half echoed.
“They had it coming,”
“They had it coming,”
“They had it coming all along,”
“They had it coming all along,
“‘Cause if they used us,”
“Cause if they used us,”
“And they abused us,”
“And they abused us,”
“How could you tell us that we were wrong?” They sang together, with a stomp before
“He had it coming!” They danced up stage.
“He had it coming!
He only had himself to blame!
If you’d have been there,
If you’d have seen it,
I betcha you would have done the same!”

The girls froze in random gymnastic positions as the stage slowly faded to black.

“If you pop that gum one more time…”
“Single my ass!”
“Ten times…”
“Miert csukott Uncle Same bortonbe...”
“Number seventeen the spread eagle!”
“Artistic differences…”

“Uh uh…”

A final symbol crash and the stage faded to black completely.
“So what did you think?” America turned and asked, “Weren’t the girls amazing!”

“Um…did you show this to any of the other nations yet…like Germany…or China…or England…or Russia…” Canada muttered.

“Nope! I said you guys were my first audience!”

“It’s…different,” Japan added, “but maybe it would be best if you just…kept it between us.”

“But the girls and I worked really really hard on it!”

“Yes,” Canada tired, “but…” Before he could finish, he felt six shadows looming behind him. “You know maybe you should just do whatever you with.”

“Agreed…wouldn’t want all that hard work to go to waste…”

A/N: It's Belgium/Germany, Taiwan/China, Seychelles/England, Hungary/Austria, Belarus/Russia/Ukraine, Liechtenstein/Italy. Did Italy ever actually do anything to Liechtenstein? I don't know, but he fit the part and I ran out of girls. And I found a translation for the Hungarian because I didn't feel like typing it out, but left the last bit. Weird. And yeah, I got lazy at the end. It's a seven and a half minute song, sue me! Please don't I'm broke...


Not!OP says.... anonymous March 2 2010, 10:49:42 UTC
"And on the way, he found Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary, and Gilbert."
This line author anon, this line made my day

This fill is amazing, hilarious and just so well written


Anon has just a few things to say anonymous March 2 2010, 11:43:08 UTC
First I am a die hard Chicago fan. CBT parodies are always loved! That being said, I wish you would have been a bit more creative with the lyrics. ("You've been screwing the Frenchman!" That line did totally kill me.) Also, I'm pretty sure you referred to Belarus as a brunette a couple of times. She is very blonde.

Beef aside, this fill made me quite happy. It needs art, like, now.


Re: Anon has just a few things to say anonymous March 2 2010, 13:51:04 UTC
Ah, sorry about that. I was using the anime coloring (which I usually don't do, but then everyone would have been blonde except Taiwan and Sey) and she looks more brunette to me there. Sorry.


Re: Anon has just a few things to say anonymous March 3 2010, 03:30:28 UTC
I can see that. It's like light brown there.


Re: Anon Can't Resist A Good Music Fill... Part 3 anonymous March 2 2010, 12:48:41 UTC
I really really enjoyed that fic.

“You know maybe you should just do whatever you want with.”

I think there's a word missing there~


OP Here anonymous March 3 2010, 03:10:36 UTC
Wow, that was really good! Although I do agree with the earlier person that you could've taken a few more liberties, because when you did it was funny "You've been screwing the Frenchman!"
Also I like how Canada and Japan are hesistant on showing it to everyone else, and I just melted when Hungary fell into Austria's arms.


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