Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Not Quite Conventional 1/? anonymous March 2 2010, 04:45:01 UTC
Author!anon will do her best!

Korea followed China, speaking rapidly as he did. "Hey, hey China, guess what?! I was trying to draw a horse, and it turned out really great, you wanna see?! Oh, and I made some green tea, so if you wanted to go back to my place-"

China's shoulders hunched up in annoyance. "Korea, aru! Leave me alone, I have things to do!"

Korea stopped for a moment, slightly shocked, but regained his composure quickly. "Well, okay, I could just show you my picture here..."

"No! I'm busy! Go bother someone else, aru!" China practically bit Korea's head off, then stormed off. Korea watched him go, but didn't follow, calling after him, "Okay, I guess I'll show you later!"

When China disappeared with no reply, Korea sighed. Did no one want to be around him? He just wanted some attention, that was all...

He kicked a rock in the road, turning and heading back towards his place. Maybe there was a good drama on television...

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Germany tailed behind Italy. The excitable country was surprisingly fast, wanting to try Chinese 'pasta,' or more accurately, noodles. Germany was carrying several bags of goods, and was having trouble navigating the packed city.

"Italy! Italy, stop! Where'd you go?!" But the brunette was gone from sight, and Germany growled under his breath. That pansy was really going to get it when he found him!... Alright, who was he kidding? He was attached like a kid to his dog...

A sudden collision jerked him out of his thoughts. "I apologize, I wasn't paying attention-" "No, I'm sorry... I just can't do anything right..." Both, however, stopped in surprise.

"Germany?" "Korea? What are you doing here?" The Korean shrugged, looking a little apathetic. "Trying to visit with China. But he doesn't want to see me right now..."

Germany looked a little uncomfortable. This sounded kind of private... "Can you tell me how to get back to the hotel? It's the one with the red roof."

Korea raised an eyebrow. "There are a lot of places with red roofs, Germany. But I might as well, since I don't have anything else to do..." And with that, they walked off.


OP anonymous March 2 2010, 22:34:36 UTC
OMG I'm exciiiited~~~ :) I really though no one would fill this, but LO AND BEHOLD. An angel, a sweet cherub, hath done kissed mine cheek and blessed me with such gifts so sweet.

I can't wait for the next installment :D


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