Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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For Now ((1b/1. How do I fail hard enough to forget that in the other post?)) anonymous March 2 2010, 02:40:08 UTC

“Discomfort is only for now.” Japan stated, shifting in his seat. Greece smiled in his sleep beside him, oblivious to his lover’s aches.

“For now we’re all friends, ve~” North Italy chirped, holding his arms out wide to ask of a hug from any willing nation. Germany pulled him away from France quickly and cleared his throat.

“And for now there is sex~” France grinned, making obscene gestures towards America and England. Canada groaned in his seat, not wanting to see that ever.

“Your hair is only for now as well.” England barked at the Frenchman. “Especially if I pull it all out, winefreak.”

“Ah ah, England. Deep breaths.” France chuckled. Mexico looked up from the knots she was tying in a long piece of rope to tie someone up and stood up.

“Swine Flu is only for now! I promise! It will go away!” She exclaimed before going back to her project of capturing her brother later.

“So please don’t stress yourself out, America.” Lithuania gave him a pleading smile. “Take life as it comes.”

“Because everythink ees only for now, da?” Russia grinned.

“Like, each time you’re totally blue…” Poland had gone to filing his nails, but was still attentive, ready to give America an awesome pep-talk.

“It won’t last long.” England gave America a half-smile and America grinned in return.

“These things may be scary…”

“But it’s only temporary.” England, Poland, and America said together.

“Thank you, guys.” America grinned at all the other nations. They all smiled back in return before going back to their business, leaving America to his thoughts.

“Everything in life is only for now…”

ReCaptcha: Meddlesome teddy. lolwut ReCaptcha? The bad idea bears are coming?


OP anonymous March 2 2010, 13:03:03 UTC
Wow! I've never even heard of Avenue Q, but that was awesome! I got halfway through before I realized the dialog was lyrics. ^^; *slow OP is slow*

And Mexico and her ropes stirred OP's deep-seated kink for bondage. X3


Re: For Now ((1b/1. How do I fail hard enough to forget that in the other post?)) anonymous March 3 2010, 21:23:05 UTC
*spazz* Ojkfhksdnfjkdshfi!!!!! OMG AVENUE Q!!! WRITER-NON, HAVE MY BABIESSS!!!!!

... maybe I should do this fill, for "Everyone's a little bit racist, sometimes"
...hmm... "The jews have all the money and the whites have all the power, and I always in taxi cab with driver who no shower!" "Me too!" "Me too!" "I CAN'T EVEN GET A TAXI!" Anyway...



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