Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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TEH TTLY BEST STORY EVER [3/?] anonymous March 1 2010, 02:52:48 UTC
AUTHORS NOTE: so liek my teachr taught us about these weird thingies calld quot8ion marks...? and she said if we ddnt use them we would get into big trubble. So hear u go!

I just lukd at canada and said "ill talk to u in a sec, I need to watch Romano confess" and he said "oh kawai can i watch too? becuz im bisecksual and liek yaoi too" so I said of course and there we were

Romanos face was so red now becuz spain had complained it was too hot so he took off his shirt. And wow he was so hawt and smexeh he was almost better than edward! So he lookd at Romano and sed, "is something wrong?"

Romano answrd, "damnit dont just go taking ur shirt off like that! FRANCE might come and..."

"wat" spain was so olivous, he couldnt tell when ppl tried to get in his pants. "Is ther somthing u want to tell me?"

Romano kept stutering. "i-i-i-i-i-damnit i forgot-wait-i-i-i-i... uh..."

Hungary lookd at me and said "Hawai u need to go help Romano so more yaoi wil fill the world!" and i nodded and bust in through the window, sparklin.

Romano said "Who the hell ar u?" and I said "Spain romano loves you!"

Spain looked at romano and said, "eh, sounan?" and then Romano took all his corage and kissed his love whos shirt was still off and we were all taking pictures even canada. and then they started taking each others clos off and doing u no wat and didnt mind that we watched. Well Romano said damnit at us a few times but was then silencd by spains lips. (i love that line)

well we got lots of gud picturs and then I askd Canada if he wanted to come home with me and he said "sure" so there we went.

NEXT TIME: Wat happens at home with Canada???


dis iz op anonymous March 1 2010, 04:21:16 UTC
I' incoherent yaknow dis is lykke o like o canada like u know???

Oh God! Her name killed me and all of the "kawai" oh man I am loling forever. and the fact you have Spamano in here and My itunes desided to play a song by an Italian band in Spainish bout someone being stupid... you get a cookie. Thank you for filling this!


Author!anon is pleased anonymous March 1 2010, 18:34:40 UTC
OH YES BCUZ u kno evryone knows canada theyr just jealous

*noms cookie* Thanks! I almost didn't want to put in the Spamano because it would get butchered too badly, but once I got the idea I couldn't not do it.

There's a song like that? DO WANT.

Captcha says "President kierman"... ANOTHER OC


Not OP anonymous March 1 2010, 04:21:41 UTC
"sayin watever the fuck he said in cryllic"

"Romano: it is not! kono yaro! (i dont know what that means but it sounds japanese insult so there ya go!)"

This has me in utter hysterics. Oh my God. I'm in pain from the laughter.


Re: TEH TTLY BEST STORY EVER [3/?] anonymous March 1 2010, 05:22:50 UTC

Because this is sheer "awesomeness." So bad it's good, so horrible it's the best~


Author!anon anonymous March 1 2010, 08:28:44 UTC
No, but that was the first thing I thought of when I read the request. If I was, though, Hawaii Lili Puka'a Pineapple Sugoi Desu Honu would be incredibly emo. (OMG california are u a prep!?)

OH ARIGATOU SOOO MUCH X3 and isit awsum liek Prussia? no because Prussia is moar awsum than dis!

OHHH ooh ooh! dat gives me TEH BEST idea for da next chappie!


Re: TEH TTLY BEST STORY EVER [3/?] anonymous March 1 2010, 05:54:34 UTC
“bonjor uzabigulry.” A french voice pured in my ear.



You win.


Re: TEH TTLY BEST STORY EVER [3/?] anonymous March 1 2010, 06:03:03 UTC
Since this Anon confesses herself to be a grammar nazi too, it was hard not to keep herself from cringing while reading.

It was horribly wonderful that this Anon cried virtual tears.

lyk ttly awesome, eh?!


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