Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Financial Gangbang Aftermath REMIX anonymous February 28 2010, 14:46:47 UTC
You guys all know the Financial Gangbang fill that’s pretty much gone viral on this meme, right? Well, I have (what I hope is) a new twist for you guys to explore: aftermath staring state tans.

Request shall be kept as general as possible, but the followings are musts highly appreciated:
- All the state tans see Al as their dad (no “adopted-brother-father-person” stuff plz)
- When New York finds out, he actually tries to commit suicide (it was mostly Wall Street's fault anyway). New Jersey finds him and manages to get him to a hospital.

And now for bonuses:
- Each involved country is punished by a different region of the US (if I'm correct, there should be 9 regions; double up if necessary)
- Arthur is visited by the Mid-Atlantic (Penn and NJ) with Delaware as "chaperon". Let’s just say this one gets particularly ugly with some seriously yandere!NJ and sadistic!PA (remember, NY is mid-atlantic and Arthur is their uncle. He is not getting off easy).
- Show the next world meeting where Al goes with a state escort. Reactions?

I just asked for my home state to commit suicide and my current state to try and kill Arthur. I'm going to hell.


omnibus locis fit caedes [1/?] anonymous March 3 2010, 07:10:03 UTC
Hopefully this is a good start. The title translates to: "Let there be slaughter everywhere."

Matthew sat on his couch, staring down at his carpet. He been sitting there for the past hour, trying to count all the threads in his carpet but he kept losing track of what number he was on. With a sigh, he started counting them again.




The counting was interrupted by a knock on the door. The very knock that Matthew had been waiting for. Kumajirou seemed to have heard it as well, for the polar bear padded out of the bedroom, heading for the door. But Matthew knew that his bear was not going to greet the visitors, no, Kumajirou was going to test them out, to see if they were a threat or not.

So, the bear stood before the door, growling softly at it until Matthew got up from the couch and placed a comforting hand on the bear’s head. “Hush, Kuma. These are friends.” He knew that in this situation, the people on the other side of the door could be the only ones he could trust.

Opening the door, Matthew stared at the three people on his doorstep, Kumajirou relaxing completely once he caught their scent. Once the bear knew that these people were not a threat, he ambled back to the room he had come from.

“Sorry about him… He stays with Alfred whenever I can’t, so he’s safe.”

“You look like hell, man. As much as we appreciate ya taking care of our dad and all, you won’t be any help to him if you’re exhausted.” The second tallest of the three spoke up, his dark eyes showing true worry about his northern relative. The tallest just nodded, his pale violet eyes worried. He was so close to Matthew, more so than many other states.

The shortest of the trio, and also the oldest, looked up at Matthew, her bright blue eyes narrowed. “Can we see him?”

“Delaware… I don’t think that would be a good idea… U-Um… why don’t I t-tell you, California and Alaska… a-about what happened… Or… as much as I know…” Matthew stepped back from the door and gestured for the three states to enter his home. Hopefully, Alfred’s children would be able to help him.

Part two should be up soon.


Re: omnibus locis fit caedes [1/?] anonymous March 3 2010, 22:13:08 UTC
Brb, gonna go make some snacks for the lovely OP and AuthorAnon to enjoy while they're chillin in my head.

This is gonna be kickass and tragic in a way that makes me impatient. Can't wait.


Re: omnibus locis fit caedes [1/?] anonymous March 4 2010, 02:49:19 UTC
Ooooh, snacks~

I hope I can make it kickass and tragic! I'll do my very best!


OP: This please me greatly ♥ anonymous March 4 2010, 02:35:25 UTC
This is the fastest fill I have ever gotten, and definitely one of the best. Author!Anon, you have officially made my month.

And jeez, when did you manage to sneak in my head like that? Latin titles, tall and quiet Alaska, Cali being caring, and Deli being the big sis? You had me squee'ing the whole time.

OP shall be waiting and F5'ing as often as possible. ♥


Re: OP: This please me greatly ♥ anonymous March 4 2010, 02:51:59 UTC
It just wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to hurry and write it. <3

Um... I'm like a ninja?

Already working on part 2!


Re: omnibus locis fit caedes [1/?] anonymous March 5 2010, 00:05:51 UTC
/pumps fists

Can't wait, this is gonna be a good fill.


Re: omnibus locis fit caedes [1/?] anonymous March 5 2010, 05:43:41 UTC
Wahh~ I feel so happy that you're excited for it. xD


Re: omnibus locis fit caedes [1/?] anonymous March 5 2010, 20:53:49 UTC
Omg I love this. I hope the southwestern/western states get equal attention (I don't see them in the fandom as often as the eastern/southern states).

Can't wait to see what happens in this version :D ♥♥


Re: omnibus locis fit caedes [1/?] anonymous March 6 2010, 01:36:11 UTC
Well, I live on the Southwest coast so I'll try to give my side of the country some lovin'. :D I'm going to try to be equal with all the states.



omnibus locis fit caedes [2/?] anonymous March 6 2010, 02:23:34 UTC
Sat down and wrote this part in one go. I'm actually happy with it.

The three states state on Matthew’s couch, while the nation sat in an armchair, his gaze back on the carpet. He had just finished telling them what he had heard and seen, as his eyes burned with tears.

“I’m s-sorry… I should h-have tried harder to stop h-him… B-But I never thought… Never thought they w-would…”

Alaska frowned and stood from the couch, going to pull his neighbor into a tight embrace, holding Matthew to him as the blonde sobbed.

On the couch, Delaware placed a hand over her mouth as though she were about to be sick. California rubbed his sister’s back soothingly, though his eyes burned with hatred. Running a hand through his hair, he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down so he wouldn’t fly off the handle right then and there. He didn’t want to damage Matthew’s house.

“Matthew, I need you to tell me who was there again. This is very important.” The look on California’s face as he spoke would have sent chills down anyone’s spine, but Matthew knew it wasn’t meant for him. If California’s anger had been directed at him… He probably wouldn’t be breathing anymore.

Wiping his eyes, Matthew pulled out of the hug, giving Alaska a shaky smile to show that he was fine for now. “W-Well, Ivan was there, Feliciano and his brother… Gilbert a-and Ludwig… Kiku and Yao w-were there t-too a-and… a-and… F-Francis and Arthur…” As he spoke the last two names, the three states froze.

They had an identical look of horror on their faces and after a few seconds of silence, Delaware jumped up and ran down the hall. Sounds of retching could be heard from the bathroom shortly after she vanished.

“Thank you, Matthew. We’ll be taking our leave now. Watch over dad for us. You’re the only one we can trust with him.” California stood and went to retrieve his older sister, while Alaska stood there, tall and silent, his face blank. But his eyes burned with the same hatred California had.

Matthew had a bad feeling that this might get out of hand but he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop fifty angry states. And he had to stay here, to nurse his brother back to health. His poor brother…

California returned, carrying Delaware, who clutched the front of his shirt and sobbed. He nodded to Matthew and headed out of the door, Alaska not far behind. The tallest state stopped and glanced back at Matthew.

“Everything is under control,” he said softly, before following his siblings.

When the states had left, Matthew went to lock his front door. His body was shaking and he wasn’t sure if it was from his earlier tears or the frightening look on California’s face. Sighing, he went into his bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Kumajirou was curled up on the end of the bed, keeping watch over his master’s brother, making sure that Matthew was the only one who approached. Matthew lay down beside Alfred, reaching out a hand and running it through his brother’s hair.

“My brother… They’ll pay for what they’ve done to you.”

Not sure if I'll add some CanUS, or keep it brotherly. OP's choice!


Re: omnibus locis fit caedes [2/?] anonymous March 6 2010, 18:30:17 UTC
OP nearly fainted from awesomeness-overload. 'Twas that good.
I wonder who's going after who...

I would prefer brotherly!CanUS. The pairing's never been one of my favs, and given the situation, any US-romance would make me cringe. Sorry if you or anyone else wanted CanUS :(

Now I'm off to balance this awesomeness by filling some requests! :D


Re: omnibus locis fit caedes [2/?] anonymous March 6 2010, 21:59:36 UTC
You'll see~

Alright. I was thinking brotherly!CanUS as well, but I wanted to leave it up to you. (I agree with the cringing part...)


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