Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Be Careful What You Wish For 3b/? anonymous February 25 2010, 07:40:30 UTC
Arthur’s mouth moved up and down like a fish, too shocked to formulate a response or notice that he was still being dragged by Alfred. Ludwig never changed the seating assignments. He’d gotten it down to a perfection arrangement so that there were as minimal arguments as possible, and so he insisted that everyone take their proper seat before they even started any discussions. Many more world wars were probably prevented because of it. But he’d agreed to change it just because Alfred had asked?

“Let’s get McDonald’s for breakfast today! I’ll buy you a sausage McMuffin!”

Arthur, still reeling from everything that had happened in such a short amount of time, couldn’t bring himself to contest Alfred’s plan, and thus he wound up in the McDonald’s down the street from their hotel with some ridiculously over sweet tea and something that Alfred claimed was a sausage with egg sandwich.

But even more troubling than his dismal breakfast was Alfred’s behavior. He’d insisted on a booth, and wolfed down his breakfast so that he could spent the remainder of the time they spent in the restaurant with his head on Arthur’s shoulder staring up at him with abject adoration.

Arthur finally found his senses enough that he was painfully aware of the disgusted glances the other restaurant patrons were giving them and he blushed hotly as he quickly ate his breakfast. Disgusting, but he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

He refused to believe, as they were exiting the building, that Alfred’s hand lingered on his rump as he wrapped his arm around the Englishman. He’d had quite enough excitement for one morning, and it must have just been his imagination.


Incoherent-with-laughter!anon :D anonymous February 25 2010, 08:29:16 UTC
O England, your little angel's all grown up and overflowing with love for you; too bad it's not the kind you were hoping for. OR IS IT? Denial, what denial?

Arthur’s thoughts abruptly slammed to a halt at the sensation, and he briefly fancied the notion that Alfred’s chapped lips felt rather delightful against his skin, but then his mind started working properly again and he snatched his hand out of Alfred’s grasp with a strangled sort of noise. Speaking of denial!

Ludwig never changed the seating assignments. He’d gotten it down to a perfection arrangement so that there were as minimal arguments as possible, and so he insisted that everyone take their proper seat before they even started any discussions. Many more world wars were probably prevented because of it. But he’d agreed to change it just because Alfred had asked? Oh dear god, what did America do to get him to change his mind? Good job, England. Good fucking job. :D

Wow, I didn't think England could be in any more denial than usual; I'm impressed, author!anon.

Looking forward to more awesomeness! ♥

Oh yeah, and I'm glad the potion's working correctly and just revealing hidden desires, because an America without disgusting coffee and McDonald's "food" is too terrifying to contemplate. Now that might have started a whole new era of paranoia, even with America too preoccupied to suggest a weird "Invasion of the Body-Snatchers"/impostor scenario. XD

... ReCaptcha says "worker lazy" Yup, I'm guessing not a lot of work is getting done by any nation for quite a bit, Captcha.


Re: Incoherent-with-laughter!anon :D anonymous February 26 2010, 16:41:07 UTC
O England, your little angel's all grown up and overflowing with love for you; too bad it's not the kind you were hoping for. OR IS IT? Denial, what denial?

OP totally agrees with you. >8D


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 3b/? anonymous February 25 2010, 09:22:54 UTC
I have been hoping this fill to update for sooooooo long!

Oh, I am extremely curious about the key card programing thing, GOOD JOB Alfred!
And it is so cute for Alfred to keep trying to be close to Arthur~realize something is wrong (or right), Arthur!
I really like how you describe Arthur's feeling when Alfred kissed his fingers, I can see how he will fall in love with Alfred NOW XD


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 3b/? anonymous February 25 2010, 09:47:39 UTC
You have my love <3 Alfred was kinda cute xD


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 3b/? anonymous February 25 2010, 12:11:48 UTC
YESSSSSSS! =D Anon has been eagerly awaiting the continuation of this fic, and of course she is not disappointed! This is great stuff, authornon- seriously LOVE Ludwig's perfect-anal retentive-WWIII preventing seating arrangements and the.. ah, mysterious way Alfred made him change his mind. lulz. <3


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 3b/? anonymous February 25 2010, 21:26:49 UTC
PFFT Alfred is adorable

This made me smile C:


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 3b/? anonymous February 26 2010, 08:53:59 UTC
Just started reading this fill and I have to say that I really love it! c: So Alfred's been feeling this way all along hm? I keep thinking how happy Alfred must have been internally whenever he saw Arthur before he had taken the potion! And how desperate he must have always been to see and spend time with him. So cute!


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 3b/? anonymous February 26 2010, 16:14:25 UTC
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 3b/? anonymous February 26 2010, 16:20:31 UTC
OP here!

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/

I love your characterizations! They are spot on! And Alfred's affection is so adorable! lawl poor Arthur. Quit denying it Arthur. You know you want it. <3 Haha, I can't wait to see what Alfred's going to do in the world meeting. :D Ah, this should be good. LOL XD

Plz update asap. OP almost died waiting for this update! XD;;;


Re: Be Careful What You Wish For 3b/? anonymous March 3 2010, 19:23:28 UTC
There needs to be more. Right away.
Reader!Anon is dying.


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