Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Re: It's Norgwegerific! Part 2 anonymous February 23 2010, 05:16:22 UTC
After Seychelles, Australia called, then China, Spain, Belarus, Cuba, Estonia, Sealand…France somehow managed to call his private cell while he was on the phone with Cameroon, all of them asking for Gah. It was getting ridiculous.

Somewhere in the middle of trying to get a drunk Prussia to tell him how he had gotten his Scandinavian-Nations-Only cell number and trying to calm down a distraught Korea, Iceland came into the room.

“Is everything okay?” he asked as Norway simultaneously hung up both phones before unplugging the house one from the wall and popping the battery out of the cell.

“I’m pretty sure the world’s gone mad, but other than that, yeah, everything’s fantastic.”

“What’s up?”

“Everyone keeps asking for this ‘Gah’ person, who I’ve never heard of and I’m pretty sure doesn’t exist.”


“Oh not you too.”

“I can’t help it, he’s Norwegerific.”

“He doesn’t exist! And I’m pretty sure that’s not a word.”

“I know you’re trying to keep him to yourself, but I thought being brothers meant something to you!” He turned and ran from the room, tears in his eyes.

“When I find whoever is responsible for this, I swear to god…”

He was startled by a loud rapping on the window, and looked over to see England standing there nervously.

“That’s it! I’ve I had!” He stormed over to the window, yanked it open, and shouted, “There is no Gah! Just leave me the hell alone!” as well as a few choice curses in Norwegian.

“Calm the bloody hell down! I am perfectly aware that there is no Gah!”
Norway did calm down, as if a switch was flipped. “Oh, then why are you here?”

“I may know the source of your problems,” he stepped aside to reveal two fairy godparents.

As a bridge between the magical and human worlds, Norway was well aware of the existence of fairy godparents, not that he particularly liked it. Making beings with unlimited magical power the slaves of children never really sat well with him and these two in particular seemed to only confirm his unease about the whole system. Actually the pink one was alright, but that green one…

“What did you do this time? You can only sink Atlantis so many times you know.”

“Tell him…” England said, giving them a Britannia Glare©.

They both wobbled their bottom lips and burst into tears, hugging each other as the screeched, “We’re sorry Norway! We didn’t mean to cause you any trouble!”

“Wait a moment…Gah was…”

“It’s our fault, but you can’t blame us!”

“Then who can I blame!?”

“How about…the internet?” Wanda offered.

“Yeah! The internet! And Timmy, it’s his fault too!” Cosmo agreed.

“Your godchild is your responsibility; whatever he wishes for, no matter how Norwegerific, is your responsibility.”

“We’re sorry! It won’t happen again!”

“It better not. Just fix this and get out of here.”

The bumbling fairies nodded and poofed off to do damage control.

Norway muttered some more curses under his breath and England patted him on the shoulder.

“Hey, it could be worse. Remember Super Toilet?”

He did, so he shuddered. Yes, all things considering, it could be much worse.


Re: It's Norgwegerific! Part 2 anonymous February 23 2010, 06:31:32 UTC
Oh my GOD, I haven't watched FOP in forever, but I totally remember this episode, and the fic is so many types of awesome I don't even

I admit, I was a bit worried when I saw this fill, as I was thinking about trying my hand at filling it, but you went in a completely different direction, so I think I'm safe? XD

Man, I want to quote my favorite lines, but I think I'd end up quoting nearly half of this, so I'll just say: Norway is awesome, as is Denmark, and America too, and England, and...see, I just listed nearly everyone in the fic. You know what, here, take an Internet. *throws one at you*


Writer!Anon anonymous February 23 2010, 18:38:35 UTC
You should still try your hand at filling it! This is just one of those requests that screams for multiple fills! In fact I still have a few more ideas for it, but anyway, you should totally post your fill anyway!


NOT OP anonymous February 23 2010, 07:01:53 UTC


and I loved that Gah epsisode! And SUPER TOILET JOKE!!!! /fanspaz

god I'm too old to be crazy over Fairly Odd Parents, but COSMO! you're just too much love and idiocy to stop watching! And is Jorgen Von Strangle and Austrian fairy?

captcha: he bonded

Who bonded? England and Norawy? yeah cracktastic OTP right thar captcha!


Re: It's Norgwegerific! Part 2 anonymous February 23 2010, 18:53:32 UTC
/pounds on desk, laughing

OHMYGODOHMYGODAHAHAHAHA GAH OF ALL THINGS? SUPERTOILET? ANON YOU ARE BRILLIANT! Oh God, if there's a personification of Atlantis, they've gotta be pissed... ppfffffffft


Re: It's Norgwegerific! Part 2 anonymous February 23 2010, 23:04:17 UTC
*keels over laughing*
God, I love this prompt.
It's Norwegerific! :D


OP COMES BACK! TO CLING ON *EPIC* ANON! anonymous February 23 2010, 23:55:00 UTC

I laughed so lod my mom has to come to see what happened.

Oh, the injokes! The Britannia Glare©! And the infamous Super Toilet!

MARRYMARRYMARRYMARRYME! *does her better leech imitation on Anon's Back*


Re: OP COMES BACK! TO CLING ON *EPIC* ANON! anonymous February 24 2010, 06:14:57 UTC
*epic* anon? My ego likes.
Oh noes! You're sucking out my work ethic!! Wait...I never had that.

If OP doesn't mind me spamming the kink meme some more, I could write up some of the other ideas floating around in my head thanks to this prompt...

ReCaptcha: 25,000 axons. Well if you insist...


OP BACK AGAIN! THIS TIME IS BRINGING ROCK CANDY anonymous February 26 2010, 00:51:28 UTC
The candy is needed because what I suck from you didn't taste nice.

What, you have more ideas for more delicious crossoverrific action? GIMME MOAR ahem, I don't mind, really. Keep spamming if you like. or else..,


GRAAARRGGGH anonymous February 23 2010, 23:55:40 UTC


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