Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Nocturne 1/1 anonymous February 23 2010, 02:50:46 UTC
Same anon as above, I just decided to go with my original idea. Hope it satisfies!


America was happy. He finally had everything he wanted, sealed by the consummation of his love for England, who lay panting beneath him. He took a deep breath and stroked the older nation’s cheek tenderly, while his eyes softened with affection. He’d loved England for so long, perhaps from the moment they met, but most certainly since he’d learned of the distinction between platonic and romantic love. Now, finally, his love had come to fruition.

America bent down and kissed England softly, then flopped down to lay next to him. Before he could pull England into his arms, the island nation was sitting up and reaching for tissues.

“Right then. That ought to strengthen the Special Relationship for awhile longer yet, don’t you think?” England asked placidly, as if discussing the weather. He cleaned up the mess on his stomach, then reached for his underwear.

America froze. His stomach lurched painfully and he could swear something was squeezing his heart. “What?” he asked dumbly.

“Be a good lad and hand me my trousers,” England continued as he slipped into his shirt. His back was to America as he buttoned up the shirt, so he didn’t notice that America still hadn’t moved. Rather, he stayed frozen in place, only his expression was shifting into one of rejection and horror.

“Aren’t you going to stay?” America tried a bit desperately, and England finally paused. He lowered his hands and turned around to raise an eyebrow incredulously at America.

“Of course not, I have a flight to catch. The Prime Minister and Her Majesty will be pleased to know of the progress we’ve made here.” He turned around again and slipped on his tie.

It was then that the truth slammed into America, knocking the wind out of him in painful realization. America had confessed his love, England had neither accepted nor rejected him. He’d had England’s name on his lips the entire time he’d made love to him, while England had been silent save for a few grunts from exertion or a gasp when he came. It was the reason why England was leaving so casually as if nothing had happened.

This was business, not pleasure. The signature on the dotted line. A handshake after negotiations. A bit of politics to reaffirm their alliance.

“I meant what I said,” America asserted and sat up. He couldn’t let it go, couldn’t let England go.

England snorted and stood up to retrieve the pants that had been cast aside by the door. “Don’t be foolish, America. You’re not my only ally, and I know I’m not yours. You’re very attractive, and not a half bad shag, better than that damnable frog for certain, but neither of us can afford to focus on only one alliance.”

“France?” America asked weakly. His stomach was dropping somewhere near his feet, whatever it was that was squeezing his heart tightening tenfold.

“He’s a ruddy insufferable bastard, but one must sometimes make great sacrifices for the sake of their country,” England sighed and checked his appearance in the closet mirror.

America could swear he felt his heart breaking in two, and he faintly wondered if New York was suffering from any earthquakes as a result. He couldn’t believe it. England didn’t feel anything for him. He’d been in love all along and it had been for nothing. Politics. There was no room for love when you were a nation who had to maintain relationships with the rest of the world. He stared at the sheets in front of him in utter dismay, and his breath hitched. The sound prompted England to look up at America’s reflection in the mirror. He sighed impatiently and turned around again.

“America. Love. Don’t pout. It doesn’t become you,” England chided, but there was no warmth to his voice, not even the slightest trace of affection. He adjusted his sleeves once last time before he grabbed his jacket and opened the door.

“Should you ever feel our alliance needs another boost, you know how to reach me. Ta, America.” England said calmly and closed the door behind him as he left.

America stayed frozen in place, staring blankly at nothing, until he finally hugged his knees to his chest and lowered his head. He wouldn’t let himself cry, but he didn’t move for the rest of the day.


Re: Nocturne 1/1 anonymous February 23 2010, 03:29:47 UTC
I really want to snap England's spine right now and then cuddle America. This was really good at grabbing and twisting all the right heartstrings.


Re: Nocturne 1/1 anonymous February 23 2010, 03:52:59 UTC
-Ooops, what's that? Oh hell, I just stepped in the remains of Alfred's shattered heart lying there on the floor. Aww poor painfully virgin America. To be honest I don't despise England for this mean-assery, I mean at least he's being honest...but nonetheless...

Ouch. Owwww! Bad England! You're just going to stay for a nibble, reject America's sweet untouched love cakes, and then go trolling for the free samples on the corner? Just like that? Mhhmm-uhmm-uhmm...(I have to stop using bakery metaphores to get my point across.) -Seriously now, great writing Anon. I was writhing in discomfort and sadness for poor America (And I mean that in the best way possible!).


Re: Nocturne 1/1 anonymous February 23 2010, 05:30:59 UTC
Oh damn, OW.

Excellent fill, anon! ♥


Re: Nocturne 1/1 anonymous February 23 2010, 08:26:15 UTC
Oh England, I never thought I'd say this but read the atmosphere dammit! F5-ing like crazy!


Re: Nocturne 1/1 anonymous February 23 2010, 09:04:00 UTC
Nuuuu ;___;

And you tell America he can't read the atmosphere, England?

So cruel. So so cruel.

(huggles America)

Oh please, author!anon, won't you write us a happy ending? Or at least a side story where America manages to crush England's heart in the same way (what, I like it when meanies get a taste of their own medicine)?

Not OP, by the way, but just a thought.


Re: Nocturne 1/1 anonymous February 23 2010, 12:21:37 UTC
Thank you, authoranon! This is exactly what OP wanted. The careless atittude with which England handles America's heart, his painful, brutal honesty but only after the act. Because, you know, I don't think this is a problem of not reading the atmosphere, but of "let's take advantage of this cute feeling of his now..." which makes him even more of a careless bastard. But he goes by the "all is fair in love and politics", right? I really liked this, and America's loving atittude, his sweetness and happiness at the beginning (you didn't write it on so many words, but the "finally, all I ever wanted") made his heartbreak all the more spectacular and painful. that sentece is really jinxed in this fandom, right?XD

If you want to do that requested "happy ending" I won't oppose ;)
(but I'm not very into revenge!fic, the "America crushes England's heart" kind, because there are tons of fics like that already ^^U)

'from mistrust'. certainly, future partners of America will encounter huge amounts of it, yesXD


Author!Anon anonymous February 23 2010, 15:25:36 UTC
Glad it meets your approval, OP. I wrote this on a bit of a whim, so I plan to flesh it out a bit more in the event that I de-anon.

But yes, England is well aware of what he's doing here. It's a callous sort of "this is how the world works, so deal with it" reaction to America's sincere feelings.

I can't really write a happy ending to this, because England is not in love with America here, so the best would be a bittersweet ending where England would pretend to be happy with America out of guilt over breaking his heart. Revenge is definitely out of the question, because the fact remains that America is in love with England, and besides that they have to keep living in the same world together and maintaining political ties.

I do have an idea for an alternate take on this prompt that ends happily, so I might write that in lieu of continuing this particular piece.


OP anonymous March 9 2010, 13:26:29 UTC
I really hope you de-anon then, just to see more of this wonderful little piece ^^

Yes, that is exactly what I felt when I read it. And so glad you don't see the revenge angle either! The way you explained your reasons made me feel even worse for America (when he has to bear hearing the media and possibly his fellow nations talk about the Special Relationship, and still his heart is held by England even after all this...yeah, this is exactly what I wanted with this prompt, I am very glad you, who gets it completely, took it ;)

Do explore! I'm very intrigued ^^

'tan absolves'. nah, nothing absolves England from this, Captcha XD


Re: Nocturne 1/1 anonymous February 24 2010, 15:39:10 UTC
Oh my. I actually want to cry for America. My eyes hurt.

Well done, Anon. Very well done. You got England perfectly.


Re: Nocturne 1/1 anonymous April 5 2010, 21:56:53 UTC
And this just proves this anon's theory that world peace is equivalent to a MASSIVE ORGY.
Great fill anon! Loved it! :>


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