Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Then, have my first misfire fill ever! anonymous February 19 2010, 19:15:26 UTC

"West! What are you doing!"

It was a bit of an useless question, considering he had caught him with his pants around his ankles and his hand on his cock. On the other hand,

there was always the possibility this was some sort of elaborated joke and Denmark or Netherlands were in his wardrobe, ready to pop out and

scream some dumb catchphrase. On the other other hand, they were kind of huge dudes and won't probably fit in his wardrobe.

Germany was apparently fumbling for an answer, frozen in place, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish's, his face turning shades of crimson

Prussia thought impossible for a human.

"Oh, for the love of... West, I don't mind that you jerk off, men have needs and everything, but why the fuck are you in my room?"

"I was... cleaning?"

Prussia took a quick look around. Well, the room seemed more clean, and there was a broom and a little feather duster in a corner.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Leave my room alone!"

"But Bruder, it was filthy!"

"I am perfectly ok with the room as it is, and anyway you aren't in a position to call people filthy right now, are you?"

Germany was turning violet, and Prussia decided to put an end to the whole thing before he had a stroke.

"Look, just... next time you want a video of mine just ask, ok? And go watch it in your room."

"I-it was an accident!" His brother was dressing quickly, but the red on his face was vanishing, thankfully.

Prussia rolled his eyes again. "Yeah, you slipped, your trousers came undone, and your hand ended up around your cock, while a porn movie was

casually playing on the tv. And then I came in."

"No, well, I accidentally pushed the play button on your VCR, and it was already inside, and so I started watching it, you know..."

Prussia froze. "You mean... you were watching the DVD in the player?"

"Well, yes, what's wrong with that?"

The older brother swallowed. "Didn't you realize it was homemade?"

"I... prefer that kind, actually..."

Prussia was adamantly refusing to meet his brother's eyes. "No, I mean... homemade by me."

Ludwig, dumbfounded for a moment, took a look at the scene on the screen. The guy on the top did look somewhat familiar, but since all the

recognizable parts of him were blocked from view... Wait a moment.

"This means... this means that I just... That I was... Oh, Mein Gott."

For the next couple of weeks, life in the German household was very awkward.

Whew, that was fun. I hope my inner Germancest shipper didn't show too much, I tried to keep it nice and bro-ish.


... Well misfire!anon is amused. :D anonymous February 19 2010, 20:05:36 UTC

Awkward indeed.

And strangely arousing.

ReCaptcha: hardwood question O//O;


First I: O_O But then: I PotatoLol'd anonymous February 19 2010, 22:41:54 UTC
Misfire WIN!

And Inquiring minds want to know: Who was the guy on the bottom then?


Re: Then, have my first misfire fill ever! anonymous February 19 2010, 23:13:33 UTC
Fellow Germancest shipper anon approves! -thumbs up- :D lol I love you long time, Prussia. Also, the Denmark and Netherlands mention, lawlz! That should have a fill of its own.

And I agree with the anon above me...I wanna know who Prussia was topping~. The PruMano shipper in me (yes, I like Germancest and PruMano...don't judge!) hopes it's Romano.

OH GOD LOLING FOREVER. recaptcha was Amsterdam Hole. I guess that answers who was with Prussia!


author!anon anonymous February 20 2010, 00:14:42 UTC
I hadn't really thought of it, actually, but since I'm too a Germancest and PruMano shipper (makes no sense, but it's so hot!) let's decide it's Romano.


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