Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 19 2010, 14:53:04 UTC
"He shot Blackie!"

"No, no, Gilbert, I don't think he was trying to shoot Blackie - "

"Then he was trying to shoot you! That's almost worse then shooting Blackie!"

"Shhhh, Shhhh, Gilbert, Gilbert, it's all right - And see? Blackie is all right, too. Bruder, Bruder, come with me - "

"But Master Ludwig..."


Vichy France opened his eyes. His head hurt, and his face was probably going to look like hell come morning. And the handcuffs - Oh yes, this was one of the special ones, made to hold one of - their kind. He wouldn't be getting out of those any time soon.

What was really wrong was that that so - familiar. Almost right, in some sick way...

Vichy watched Germany coax Prussia away, arms around his too-thin shoulders, and groaned inwardly.

Master Ludwig?

And why did Prussia sound so...off? Oh, Gilbert Beilschmidt always had had a massively childish streak in him, but this was something different. Francis could never in his life remember any version of Prussia sounding so...fragile.

And -

Vichy grimaced, disgusted with himself. He had had a gun in his hand, with the Third Reich snoozing right there, and he'd - well, he wasn't sure if he had missed entirely or it had only been a graze, but...

Oh, and he had managed to terrify the poor chien, who was probably the only living thing involved in this who had never done him any wrong at all. Way to go, Etat Francais.

And then, all too soon, Germany was back in the room, looking at him from the side of the bed he'd been cuffed to.

" - Francis? I assume you weren't trying to shoot Blackie?"

That name again. Why did Germany insist on using his human name? He never had before...had he?

Or not after...

"Nein." Vichy answered shortly, and saw Germany blink. What, was it so strange that he spoke German? After all the punishments that the Third Reich had dealt him when he didn't speak German fluently enough for his taste...

"But - Francis, those bullets wouldn't keep me, or you for that matter, down for very long at all. You know this, do you not? Why would you even..."

The words trailed off. Vichy shuddered at what he saw in Germany's eyes, then. Sadness and...puzzlement?

How dare he!

Oh, he must have thought him a well-trained dog, indeed...

"I am very sorry that I frightened the dog, and I will apologize to it if given the chance, but I will not apologize to you. Do as you will, Mein Herr."

Well, alright, now he'd truly burnt all his bridges - but it wasn't like he had any bridges left to burn after actually trying to shoot his - Master, had he now?

Vichy France closed his eyes and braced himself for the worst.

And then opened them again, as the silence continued on and on.

Germany had turned pasty white.

"What - What did you call me?"


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 19 2010, 17:36:25 UTC
Oh the realization!!!

I cannot wait for more, anon.


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 22 2010, 15:37:05 UTC
Thank you!


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 19 2010, 17:45:50 UTC
omg! This is soooo awesome <333 So awesome! I can't wait for the next bit!


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 22 2010, 15:37:56 UTC
Thank you very much!


F5ING! anonymous February 19 2010, 18:44:09 UTC
I feel like, if you don't update in the next 24 hours, I'll die after this. What an excellent pace this fic has, what an awesome characterization and perfect dialogue. It flows and sucks you in. You feel for all involved. I, uh, didn't quite get the "Master Ludwig" thing, though

Oh, and the way you've chosen to lead Germany to the realization? BRILLIANT. 'Mein Herr' indeed. Poor Germany, though, going pasty white after that. He probably still feels immense guilt, because he didn't even seem that surprised about his Francis shooting him.

I laughed at the technology bits...poor VichyFrance can't even take advantage of them...


Re: F5ING! anonymous February 22 2010, 15:40:05 UTC
Thank you very much! Yes, Vichy France is going to have lots of trouble with technology, I think...

And Ludwig is very much in a bind here, yes.

The 'Master Ludwig' thing would be covered more later on in the story, so please stay tuned!


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 19 2010, 21:14:03 UTC

Just exactly on what year did Vichy wake up into?!

And Gilbert's totally weird here, or is it caused by post-Berlin wall trauma? (Thou I find it oddly cute that he just jumped out of nowhere plus Master Ludwig?)

- I must read more More MORE!


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 22 2010, 15:41:38 UTC
Thank you very much!

All those questions should be answered later in the story, if things go as planned... I don't want to spoiler the plot prematurely, so please stay tuned!


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 20 2010, 09:36:59 UTC
Germany/France is such a tragic pairing in that perspective ! You've really managed well to show this side of them. Usually, the fics with them are all harsh or all lovey-dovey, it's good to read something which takes into account what makes them so interesting and icing on the cake, is so brilliantly written.


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 22 2010, 15:42:16 UTC
Thank you very much~~


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 20 2010, 16:33:20 UTC
I love every single Germany/France fics, esp those brillant like this. Can't wait to read the next part.

However, as many anons above, I don't really understand the "Master Ludwig" part? Prussia, of all people, call this brother this way???


Re: For Roses Have Thorns (4) anonymous February 22 2010, 15:43:21 UTC
Thank you very much!

The 'Master Ludwig' part should be made clear later on in the story, if things go as planned. Please stay tuned!


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