Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 18 2010, 08:13:24 UTC
He counted up to eleven lashings before the number became obscure and the pain mingled with the masochistic pleasure it wrought. Alfred was thankful for the support that the suspended bar provided, for it was not long before his knees became jelloid and his legs beginning to collapse. He stopped himself before he could feel the pressure of the cuffs cutting into his wrists with the descent of his sagging body. He was a hero, and as such, he wouldn't - no, couldn't - allow himself to be defeated by a mere kink!

The moment that the lashings ceased, the American released a faint sigh. If it had gone on any longer, he probably would have given in - so totally not a heroic thing to do.

"I think that I've grown tired of seeing you like this, Alfred. I'm going to let you down now."

Hearing more than feeling himself being released from the cuffs snapped to the suspended bar, Alfred staggered when his arms came down and fell to his knees as Arthur crouched in front of him. He felts the others fingers comb through his hair, running over the back of his skull before grabbing a fistful of the golden locks and yanking his head up to meet the Briton's malachite gaze. A hiss and a stream of curses danced on the younger nation's tongue until a finger was pressed against his lips, effectively silencing him without need for force (not that the American would have minded).

"Tut tut, love. Daddy doesn't like a potty mouth on his little boy.

Although if you insist, I can find much more suitable uses for you mouth that are quite...filthy."

Then Arthur was standing, erection proudly swaying just mere centimeters away from Alfred's face as the younger man sat up on his knees. When the latter attempted to rise, he was backhanded across the side the his head and admonished, "Don't you dare get up, Alfred. You forget whom it is that is controlling the situation.

Now be a good boy and open up wide."

Suddenly, the British nation's hands were in his hand again, jerking his face forcefully towards his erection and prodding the length into Alfred's obediently opened mouth. For a moment, the American gagged, sucking air in through his nostrils and struggling to calm himself. Arthur appeared to notice his distress, for his grip loosened a fraction and he pulled back to keep the younger nation from choking again.

Feeling the heavy weight of Arthur's cock sliding over his tongue as the Briton thrust himself in and out of the American's mouth, occasionally grinding and moaning with pleasure, reminded Alfred that his own erection was still painfully evident. When he dropped his hands into his lap to release the ring around his cock, however, Arthur's grip tightened in his hair and he growled, "Don't even think of touching that ring, Alfred F. Jones. Hands behind you back, now, or I will be forced to tie them behind you."

The older nation paused in his motions and let out a soft chuckle, "Funny how the tables have turned, isn't it, love?"


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 18 2010, 08:35:22 UTC
Hot damn, author!anon. Emphasis on the "hot"!

Also, this? He was a hero, and as such, he wouldn't - no, couldn't - allow himself to be defeated by a mere kink! This made me laugh crazily, in the best of ways. O Alfred, honey.

Excellent use of Alfred's full name, btw, and hearing Arthur calling him "love" is strangely hot for so many reasons. A++


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 18 2010, 18:10:26 UTC
I wonder if the F stands for fucking. Do you suppose?



Re: Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 18 2010, 21:32:05 UTC
Soooo hot anon~ @w@ <3


[[and pfft. alfred fucking jones, bitch.]]


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 19 2010, 05:55:15 UTC
Oh gawd the hot. THE HOT

umm could I have a link to the earlier parts? *fails*


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 20 2010, 03:59:02 UTC
Try the "(Parent)" button, hon. It will take you to the post this was a reply to.


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 20 2010, 07:55:32 UTC

That will take you back to the original request, which has the first few parts on it as well. =)


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 25 2010, 19:33:49 UTC
...Please tell me England get's a daddy or two out of America. Please, oh please, oh please. Daddykink is so lovely between them.

This is really hot, anon. :)


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 27 2010, 08:48:24 UTC
Good god, bloody well seconded!

ReCaptcha: "upbraids citizen" ... I don't think my country likes that idea, actually.


Re: Gorgeous [Part 3b/?] anonymous February 28 2010, 12:16:12 UTC
*squeaks* Arthur! D-don't tell me you're actually going along with that~! *pouts*


But than again you like it huh Daddy? *smirk*


Author!Anon apologizes anonymous March 6 2010, 22:38:10 UTC
Many apologies for the lateness in updates. My internet has been down for a while, so I wasn't able to access the online notepad I've been writing this fill on. Not to mention that I've been feeling like utter shite this last week while simultaneously attempting to finish up a first draft on a novel.

So in short: I'll be attempting to finish this all up within the following week. =)


Re: Author!Anon apologizes anonymous March 6 2010, 23:51:53 UTC
Don't worry about it, author!anon; people are always willing to check back for a good fill! ;D

Sorry all the shit's hitting the fan at once; life likes to do that, doesn't it? ^_^; Good luck with your novel! :Db


Re: Gorgeous [Part 4/5] anonymous March 11 2010, 09:57:11 UTC
Alfred was silent but for the hiss of air forced from his nostrils as Arthur fucked his mouth faster, slightly harder, but always mindful not to make the younger nation gag or suffocate. Warmth ran down the Briton's spine, trickling south to his groin and pooling there as a particular sensation of anticipation began to build from his feet upwards. Feeling his core muscles beginning to tighten, thighs trembling as he forcefully kept on abusing the other nation's mouth, Arthur let himself be taken by pleasure.

"Alfred." The American glanced up as his name was moaned, hands obediently fisted on his thighs, white with the effort of not allowing them to wander. "Be a good boy and drink up all of daddy's milk, aye?"

Suddenly the warmth in his gut blossomed ten-fold and he was grinding into Alfred's face in irratic jerks. Semen spilled across the American's tongue, bitter and viscous, flooding the cavern of his mouth until it would hold no more, spilling out of the corners of his mouth and seeping down his chin and neck. When at last the last of his orgasm left him, Arthur pulled away, wiping his flaccid penis across Alfred's cheek, effectively 'marking' him. Seeing the other's shock, the Englishman smirked and patted the younger man's head.

"What a good boy you are, Alfred. I think I might be willing to take that ring off you, soon."

"Arthur, please -"

"Oh no, lad, do not call me Arthur. Good boy's do not call their daddies by their first name."


An exaggerated sigh of suffering escaped the British nation, and then - "Mulish as always, are we? Well, we will just have to fix that problem."


"Say it."

Wrists straining against wide metal cuffs, none too comforted by the slight padding inside, he arched away from the flat play piece skimming smoothly over the round of his buttocks.


"What was that?"

A threatening pat against bare skin, not yet hard enough to cause pain, but just ample enough to leave a slight ache.


"Tsk, always such a stubborn lad. No matter how many times I spanked you-" Arthur's hand jerked back, then flew forward as the wooden hand-paddle he was holding connected hard with Alfred's ass. WHAP! "- you simply never learned, always going back to your trouble-making the moment I let you off my knee." WHAP! "Come to think of it, now, sometimes I wondered if you were doing it on purpose." WHAP!

"Did you like it, Alfred? Did that pain arouse you?"

The American braced himself for the next (wonderful, painfully arousing) strike to come, but was left with only the searing sting in his ass from the prior blows. Struggling to glance over his shoulder from his cuffed, spread-eagle and pants-less position on the Saint Andrew's Cross, Alfred spotted Arthur examining the paddle he held, weighing it in his palms as he turned his gaze to the younger nation.

"If such is the case, this can hardly be counted as punishment. Perhaps I should just put this away-"


Arthur froze, studying Alfred with half-lidded eyes and a sinfully devious smirk. "What was that, my boy?"

"Please, Arthur! Please hit me again!"

"Ah, ah, what did I say about calling me that?"

The American nation mumbled something low and inaudible against the wall behind the cross. Arthur's smirk widened as he teasingly ran the haft of the paddle between the cheeks of Alfred's ass, pressing the pointed end firmly against the younger man's anus. "What was that? I could not hear you. Speak up."

"P-please...Daddy. Daddy, please hit me again! Hit me harder!"

"Mm, that's a good boy." WHAP! Alfred's low moan made white fire run deliciously down Arthur's spine. He repeated the action severa times over, watching the skin of the American's pert round ass turn a lovely shade of violent red. Certainly there would be sores fore days to come. The thought made the Briton drop the paddle with a hum of decisiveness and drop to his knees behind the other nation. Alfred keened when the paddling stopped, protesting as he strained to look down at Arthur, "What're you do- Ah!"


Gorgeous [Part 5/5] anonymous March 11 2010, 10:06:48 UTC
Woops, bit of inconsistency. Alfred was supposed to have his hands behind his back rather than on his lap before Arthur finished off the first time.

A tongue sliding over the swollen globe of his left buttock silenced him, warm saliva quickly cooling over the hot flesh in the cool air of the cellar. Arthur's nose pressed against the sensitive flesh, drawing first a whine from Alfred, then a throaty moan as his tongue delved into the cleft of his buttocks, trailing down until the tip of the moist organ was circling the taught ring of muscles that the American so desperately then wished to be penetrated.

"Please! I- I need to-" The American rolled his hips against the wood of the cross, the head of his erection just barely brushing against one of the silver studs that decorated the black wood. He was so, so close, but the ring prevented his release, almost to the point of pain which, of course, only aroused him further. When Arthur broke through the tight ring of muscle and began tonguing him, Alfred nearly sobbed and was - for the moment - quite thankful for the cross that kept him standing despite his trembling legs.

After a brief minute of that sinfully moist, hot tongue writing and stroking Alfred's insides, Arthur pulled away purring, "Say it again, tell me what you need, and I will take you down and take the ring off."

Trembling, his stubborn will crumbled to fine grains of dust, the American ground his erection hard against the cross as he moaning desperately, far out of the facade that he wore by day, "Daddy, I need you! Oh, please fuck me~"

Those seemed to be the magic words Arthur was looking for, as in the next instant, the cuffs around Alfred's ankles and wrists were unfastened and the younger nation was falling to his knees on the cellar floor. Panting, desperate for his release, the American reached for the cock ring binding his straining erection, but found his hands slapped away as Arthur used the heel of his foot to push him onto his hands. Kneeling behind Alfred, Arthur hummed as he draped himself over the other's back, rubbing his erection in the cleft of the younger man's ass, teasing as he whispered, "Ah ah. I thought you wanted me to fuck you, first?"

Without waiting for a response, the Englishman positioned himself at the American's entrance, rolling his hips and pushing the head of his returned erection past the unstretched ring of muscle. A startled, strangled choke escaped Alfred as he struggled against the pain of dry entry, head drooped and hands clenched into fists as he waited for the Brit to fully sheath himself in him. The pain in his ass intensified as the older nation began to thrust without preamble, shocks of it shooting up Alfred's back and coiling up deliciously in his groin. He felt near to bursting by the time Arthur settled on a steady rythm and finally released the ring around his cock.

Gasping as blood flowed to his aching need, coupling with the pleasure that had slowly begun to replace the pain of rough sex, Alfred's arms gave way and he found himself being thrust harshly against the cold cement floor. Pillowing his head on one arm, the American grasped his weeping erection in the other hand, stroking once, twice, then three times before at last pleasure won over him. The waves of his orgasm rolled through him voilently, reducing him to mere twitches and trembles as at long last he reached completion.

Arthur followed shortly after, grip tight on the younger nation's hips as Alfred's name fell from his lips in a much-pleased sigh.

Falling into a pile of sweaty limbs, Arthur being sure to be careful of the welts forming on Alfred's back and rear, the American decided that if this was what resulted of kidnapping the British nation, he would have to do it far more often.

Though next time, he figured, it would be best to leave out the cock ring.


Re: Gorgeous [Part 5/5] anonymous March 11 2010, 10:09:58 UTC
I-I saw that de-annon. *clutches hand over mouth* :D

This. Was. Hot.

How hot?

I squirmed in my seat. And I don't even like bondage. Dominant England and the whole tables being turned on America thing is just.... nggh.

I enjoyed reading this. Thank you.


Re: Gorgeous [Part 5/5] anonymous March 11 2010, 11:32:56 UTC
Guhhh... I'm just a pile of mush now


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