Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Full House: and Guess Who the Queen Is...? 3/? anonymous February 17 2010, 16:57:52 UTC
(Yes, I'm actually updating!)

Ludwig was busy making scrambled eggs when he heard a scream and a clatter from the other side of the house. He quickly abandoned the eggs, running to Ivana's rescue. For a woman who had no problem with killing people (at least, that's what he had gathered she did. He couldn't know for sure, or she'd have to kill him...) she was always startled by things like mice and bugs...

Just as he made it to the bedroom, he heard wailing as well. It couldn't be...

When he opened the door, it was exactly what he'd feared; Ivana was busy getting back on her feet, having tripped over Feliks as he crawled out from under the bed. Feliks was startled as well, and Ludwig picked him up with a sigh. Eduard was supposed to make sure he'd gotten on the bus...didn't anyone listen to him anymore...?

Ivana looked over, adjusting the towel she was currently wearing. She quirked an eyebrow.

"Isn't he supposed to be at school...?"

Ludwig groaned, as Feliks looked down at the floor. Yes, that's where he was supposed to be...

"Feliks, why didn't you get on the bus?"

Feliks crossed his arms around himself, unwilling to speak with Ivana in the room. They'd been working on this with him, but hadn't made much progress; they couldn't know for sure, due to his case still being under investigation, but they theorized it had to do with her accent. Ivana sighed, crouching down next to him. Inwardly, Ludwig cringed, wishing she'd put on some clothes first...

"Little one, is there something at school that bothers you...?" She asked quietly, though she couldn't get him to look her in the eye. Feliks shook his head rapidly, looking like he was about to cry. Ludwig wanted to talk to him as well...but he had yet to see Feliks getting along so well with Ivana, so he let them be for the moment.

Ivana watched Feliks for about a minute before he spoke.

"Th-the other kids...s-say I'm a freak..." Feliks also spoke with a distinct accent; a distinctly Polish one. It did tend to set him apart in a crowd. Ludwig sighed; kids were cruel. But the fact that Feliks was talking to Ivana was progress...

Ivana thought for a moment, before lifting Feliks' chin with her hand to look at her.

"Do you think you're a freak?" She asked, seeming to know where she was going with this one. It was normally Ludwig who tended to hurt feelings and such, after all. Feliks looked over at her, before nodding.

"Y-yes..." Ivana seemed to freeze, unsure of what to do next. She looked over at Ludwig for help, and he sighed, taking a seat beside Feliks. Feliks looked over at him immediately.

"Feliks, you're not a freak. You just speak a little differently...Ivana and I speak a little differently, and we're not freaks, right?" Ludwig said, putting an arm around Feliks. Feliks nodded in agreement quietly. "So you're not one either. Next time those kids start picking on you, you find one of your brothers and--"

"--Gilbert and Eduard are teasing me too..." Feliks interrupted. Gilbert Ludwig would have expected, but Eduard? Eduard was normally so above bullying...he sighed.

"We'll talk to them when they get home, all right?" Feliks nodded quietly. Ludwig stood up, lifting him to his feet. "Now, you're very late for school, so how about I drive you there and walk you to your classroom, all right?"

Feliks sighed, but nodded, and soon, the pair was out the door. Ivana shook her head. How did he do that...?


D'awww!!! anonymous February 17 2010, 18:15:32 UTC
Author!anon do you have any idea how adorable this story is?

and its so well written too...

And god knows there isn't nearly enough russia/germany or Kolko on the meme.

All in all I think this is a win writer, and I can't wait for the next part


OP anonymous February 17 2010, 23:37:06 UTC
Ohmigod, poor Feliks! *clings to him*

OP put up with a lot of shit from bullies back when he was in school, and Ivana and Ludwig are just so damn supportive I couldn't help but melt a little.

Stop turning me into a teenaged girl, author!anon- I like my manbits! >.>


Full House: and Guess Who the Queen Is...? 4/? anonymous February 26 2010, 16:46:35 UTC
Ludwig pulled up to the school, with Feliks sitting in the back seat quietly. The building was somewhat old, and if memory served from parent-teacher meetings, it smelled old too. He looked back at Feliks, who was still hanging his head, like a guilty prisoner. He sighed; the boy was a lot more sensitive than some of the other children. Though this sometimes served him well in reading other people, it was typically his downfall. But he was a sweet kid.

"We're here." Ludwig announced, parking the car and getting out of the drivers' seat. He opened Feliks' door, and the boy unbuckled himself slowly, before sliding off his seat and onto the ground.

Ludwig turned to head to the school, when he felt Feliks' small hand slip into his. He grasped his hand, not bothering to look back. Feliks was upset, and embarassed. He could see the children staring out the front windows from their desks. They headed in through the doors, and down the hall towards Feliks' closest class.

As they neared the door, however, Feliks came to an abrupt halt. So abrupt that Ludwig nearly dragged him forward before stopping himself. He looked back at him, and found Feliks looking up at him teary-eyed.

"C-can I stay with y-you?"

Ludwig sighed, looking away. The expression on Feliks' face was more than enough to make his own heart hurt, but the stuttered plea made him think back to his own days in school. He'd been the odd one out then as well...he felt Feliks' hand shaking in his own.

"Feliks...you must face your fears. You know that--" A sob from Feliks stopped him. How badly were these kids teasing him? He turned, looking down at Feliks. Sobibng the way he was, and combined with his small stature, he looked like a child being left at kindergarten for the first time. Perhaps he could face his fears another day...

Ludwig sighed, but nodded, turning to lead Feliks out of the school. He would tell the principal that Feliks was sick...

By the time they reached the car, Feliks was hiccuping. It took a few minutes to calm him down completely. Ludwig looked up from the car and noticed Gilbert staring out the window. He had the expression he often wore when his dad 'embarassed' him. Oh, he'd be embarassed later...

When Feliks finally calmed down, Ludwig moved his booster seat to the front seat, next to him. Feliks perked up; only Katarina ever got to sit up front. Gilbert wasn't allowed to because Ludwig didn't want to crash, and Taurys and Eduard were too short. He looked up at Ludwig with surprise.

"Just this once." Ludwig told him, before climbing into his own seat. He still had errands to run, so Feliks would have to come along with him. Not that he minded; Feliks was normally pretty well behaved.

(Lol...don't worry, the next chapter will be happier...and will have the arrival of three other children!)


OP anonymous February 26 2010, 18:22:47 UTC
Even more? I can hardly wait! X3

reCaptcha: smalled houses. Captcha thinks they're gonna need a bigger house soon. XD


Re: Full House: and Guess Who the Queen Is...? 4/? anonymous May 7 2010, 01:12:04 UTC
D'aaw this is so cute, anon. <3 I'm so excited for more~


Full House: and Guess Who the Queen Is...? 5/? anonymous February 3 2011, 20:45:42 UTC
Feliks hummed happily, riding along in the front seat, munching on a cookie. Though they had stopped at three stores that day, he had been very well behaved. So well behaved, in fact, that Ludwig had gotten him a cookie. He waited as Ludwig stopped at the school; some of the children preferred to ride home with Ludwig, and since it was generally on the way, he would always stop there. However, he never waited long; anyone who was not on time was left behind to take the bus.

Katarina was the first to run up, motioning for Ludwig to roll down the window.

"Yes, Katarina?"

"You would not believe it! I'm in the school play! I have practice in a half hour!" She was bouncing up and down in excitement, and Ludwig grimaced inwardly at that. There did not seem to be a bra supportive enough for her...

"...which part will you be playing?"

"Aphrodite! It's all about the Greeks and Trojans, and this apple of wisdom, and, um..."

"What will your costume be like...?" Ludwig had seen paintings of this Aphrodite, and all she was wearing generally was hair...

"Oh, Dad, don't worry about that! It's a highschool production, it'll just be some sort of stola...anyways, Lizzie and Francis are calling me, I should go!" She ran off, and Ludwig sighed. Well, she was old enough to know what sort of things she should wear...

Gilbert had soccer (as well as any other sport that would fit into his schedule: the boy needed some sort of outlet for his..."creative" energy), so he wouldn't be riding home with them. Eduard got into the car with a sigh.

"None of the others are coming; they wanted to ride the bus because there's a substitute." He explained.


The ride home was short and uneventful. Feliks hopped out of the front seat; the house was empty, as Ivana was off on another mission (probably). Ludwig carried in the groceries, enlisting Feliks' and Eduard's help. They needed to be prepared for their cousins' arrival.

"Just make sure there's nothing under the couch, all right?" He instructed Feliks, as they cleaned the living room. Feliks blinked, turning his head to one side in confusion.

"What'll they be doing under the couch?" From any other child, he would have assumed they were talking back...but this was Feliks, and he meant it sincerely.

"It's for the dust: Lily has allergies." He explained. It was then that the doorbell rang. Ludwig stood, quickly answering the door.

"Raivis, how many times have I told you, you don't have to ring the doorbell. Just walk in." Raivis walked in, clutching his backpack.


"No, just walk in. This is your home, all right?"


Ludwig could tell that Raivis would ring the doorbell next time anyways. Taurys was already coming up the steps, so he held the door open for him.

"How'd that history test of yours go?"

Taurys had an oddly dreamy look.

"We had a sub...so it was postponed..."

Ludwig opened his mouth to question this further, but Gilbert streaked through the door, flicking the back of Raivis' head on the way up the stairs.

"No soccer practice!! Too much mud or something!!" He announced loudly. Ludwig made a note to call the coach and ask if this was so. He sighed.

"Do you still have mud on your cleats? Take them off this instant!"

"Excuse me, sir?" Ludwig turned to find to blonde children standing on the porch.

"I'm your nephew, Vash, and this is Lily. Sorry we're two minutes early."


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