Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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The fanboy adventures of Feliciano and Matthew [2/?] anonymous February 10 2010, 22:46:19 UTC
Here's the second art. Sorry about the spazztic posting and subject line on the other one. That second part should say 1b/?

It was hard for most people to believe that Feliciano and Matthew were friends. With the older's shy, quiet personality and the younger's outgoing nature and ever constant chattering one would think the two mixed about as well as oil and water. Oddly enough, it was the complete opposite.

The two had first met when they'd been paired up as roommates at the start of their freshman and sophomore years of college.
The somewhat homesick Canadian native Matthew Williams-an engineering major at the time-a had known the Feliciano Vargas a grand total of thirty seconds before the brunette had thrown his arms around the other boy and declared that they were going to be “bestest friends”. Unable to reject such a friendly gesture (so very similar to some his twin Alfred's ) the then 19 year old had offered him one of the maple cookies he'd been eating.
The two had been inseparable ever since.

That had been three years ago. Matthew was now working on his masters in marine biology and Feliciano was a year away from finishing his degree in art history. Unlike most students-who got away from their roommates as soon as possible every year-the two were still living together, having grown to a strange level of co-dependance.
More than used to each others antics Matthew didn't bat an eye when Feliciano barged into his room one afternoon waving a CD case.

“Ve~ Mattie, Lars gave me another band to check out, listen to it with me?”
Violet eyes narrowed suspiciously. Lars Hollis, the dutch student that lived across the hall, was an odd man (the blonde was convinced that he was a drug dealer or pedophile or something equally unsavory) with an even stranger taste in music.
The last time he'd suggested a group for the two to listen to they'd both ended up having nightmares about dead priests and burning cities for a month.
“Depends, what is it?”

His companion scowled in thought and glanced at the case “Uhm....it says 'Civil war' that's an interesting name...”
This did nothing to soothe the blonde's fears, and after a few moments of mental debate he decided that it was probably best to avoid whatever it was.
“No thanks”
He really should have expected the reaction he got. The auburn haired boy's lip started quivering and his eyes grew several sizes larger.
“Please Mattie? I don't wanna listen by myself”

Eventually Matthew was going to learn to resist the puppy-dog eyes, but apparently that wasn't going to be today. He sighed in defeat and nodded.
The other squealed delightedly and dashed off into his own room, only to re-appear several seconds later.
“Ve~ do you know where my laptop is?”
A smirk crossed the older of the two's face.
“Its under your bed”
Another disappearance into the bedroom, this time Feliciano reemerged with a large and somewhat abused laptop.

Popping the Cd into the disk drive he flopped down on his roommates bed and looked at the piece of technology expectantly.
A few seconds of silence passed before any noise came out of the computer and-instead of making their ears bleed like the Canadian had expected- they'd found themselves somewhat enthralled.

The music was an unusual combination of fast paced, semi-classical keyboard playing mixed with bass heavy drumming that usually characterized techno and house music and low, heavy metal like bass lines. This strange combination was held together by an intricately played guitar and vocals that were a strange mix of gorgeous singing ans screams like something one would find in deepest corners of hell harmonized with low pitched, barely audible growls.

The two had listened to the entire CD unmoving before they'd realized it.
“Dude, that was amazing...”
Feliciano nodded mutely in agreement to this statement.
“You should restart that...”
Another nod and a quick move to hit 'Play'
The band 'civil war' gained two new fan-girls that day.

Needless to say, Lars never got his CD back...


Re: The fanboy adventures of Feliciano and Matthew [2/?] anonymous February 11 2010, 06:20:51 UTC
I love how they were referred to as "fangirls" and not "fanboys" at the end--it made it all the more descriptive of their...uh...new found obsession.
keep going, anon~


Re: The fanboy adventures of Feliciano and Matthew [2/?] anonymous February 11 2010, 09:59:58 UTC
This is just so cuuuuuute, buyoooh! And you know, I'd never thought it but I quite like Matthew and Feli together, they're all fluffy and stuff. (Are you aiming for a double pairing? If so I like the way you think.)


Author!anon here anonymous February 11 2010, 11:41:45 UTC
I know, aren't they? My head cannon is that they get along extremly well and leak adorkable BFF-ness everywhere.
Shh, don't tell everyone else about that double pairing (its supposed to be a secret)


Slow OP anonymous February 15 2010, 22:25:05 UTC
I am so sorry for late response, on these two wonderful chapters! I am so happy for them and I adore how you've written everything so far!

Your introduction of characters was really original and interesting, presenting them in way they would really be if they lived in AU like this one. I like that you've hooked up Yao with Ivan(even it's mentioned in just one sentence). Arthur’s appearance and connection to the fic was also a really interesting part, and the band name is also really cool.
However I liked more second chapter since it has appearance of two adorable characters, really. I guess aside of GerIta, side paring shall be PruCan, and when we look at it they really would make such an geat friends, I wonder why ffwriters didn’t came up with that idea before since it's my first time reading them as friends. That’s why you are genius! :)
Hehe mentioning Holland was so cool also. I've laughed a lot on this one:
The last time he'd suggested a group for the two to listen to they'd both ended up having nightmares about dead priests and burning cities for a month.. You described the music really well, I almost can hear it in my ears! Really good(and usage of fangirls instead of fanboys is such an great bonus)

Well I cant wait for next chapter, you are really amazing author I am I am glad that you are filling my request. Keep it up and don’t give up! ;)

Fanarts will come soon enough when I get inspiration!


Slow OP [Author!anon] anonymous February 17 2010, 15:03:15 UTC
He! Thank you Op >///


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