Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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The fanboy adventures of Feliciano and Matthew [1a/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 12:59:29 UTC
So, this is the author!anon from above's fail attempt at a fill. Hopefully she isn't doing too badly...

A Prologue Of Sorts

Ironically enough, he hadn't originally wanted to play the guitar.
The thing had actually been a birthday gift for his brother Gilbert's sweet sixteen. The older boy had spent a week attempting to play it before realizing that he had absolutely no talent (and no patience to gain any) and giving up.
His reasoning had then been to dump the instrument on his younger sibling and tell him to “figure it out”. Being the obedient and overly literal child that he was Ludwig Beilschmidt actually had.
With the assistance of their somewhat eccentric neighbor Roderich (who-though his true love was piano-seemed to have some knowledge in almost every instrument known to man) and an entire summers worth of free time the pre-teen was soon quite proficient at his new hobby.
A years worth of practice found his skill surpassing that of his teacher, and by the time Gilbert and Roderich went off to college the year after he was something of a legend in their small Virginian town.

High school had ,of course, bought on an entirely new set of difficulties. Unable to keep up with school, extracurricular activities and guitar the German native had found himself playing the instrument less and less until eventually it had been retired to the back of his closet.

The summer before he'd entered his junior year, tragedy struck and the grandfather who'd raised both he and his brother died.
The shell shocked teenager found himself being uprooted and dragged across the country to live with his older sibling and only living relative in California.
Ludwig had then found himself living in the large chaotic apartment that the older Beilschmidt shared with his struggling band.
Said band consisted of his brother, their old neighbor Roderich Edelstein - who was now working on a master degree in music composition,a woman by the name of Elizabeta Hedevary- a photography student from the local community college, one Yao Wang- none of them were really sure what he did for a living, and and the irritable Vash Zwingli who spent his free time doing odd jobs to pay for the expensive private school that his younger sister Lilli (who about the same age as Ludwig) attended.

The band had just managed to get their first gig in months when Yao decided to up and run off with the Russian man across the hall.
This had posed a major problem. The band could either find another guitarist pronto or skip the performance...
...and that was how seventeen year old Ludwig found himself lying about his age on the stage of a somewhat disreputable looking bar with his guitar making up riffs on the spot because he hadn't had time to learn all of the bands songs.

Two hours of the sweating palms, nausea and nervousness characteristic of stage fright later he found himself in one of the establishments corner booths, nursing beer as he watched Gilbert and Elizabeta giggle like school children on their obvious adrenaline high as Roderich slumped over the table in exhaustion and Vash spoke into his cell phone in rapid German.
They were all caught slightly off guard when the bartender appeared at their table, a small blonde man yelling at him in a slurred British accent.


Re: The fanboy adventures of Feliciano and Matthew [1a/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 13:01:41 UTC
The obviously drunk man had introduced himself as Arthur Kirkland and insisted that he was from the internationally known record label 'Hetalia'.
Due to his state of intoxication none of them had believed him, Gilbert outright laughing in his face as he clumsily searched in his pocket-eventually locating a business card and handing it to Elizabeta, who had felt obligated to give him one of the bands cards in return.
The thickly eyebrow-ed man had promised to get in touch with them and wander off.

None of them had thought much of it until the following Monday when Lilli-Vash's younger sister and the bands unofficial manager-had come to them a week later saying that they had a call from a producer named Arthur's secretary who wanted to know if the band would be available for an interview.
Gilbert and Elizabeta had degenerated into a fit of exited squealing as the younger girl had talked to the secretary. Thankfully for her the noise was quickly quelled by the three more composed members of the band.
They all sat and watched her talk into the phone in a business like manner until she'd suddenly stopped and covered the mouth piece and asked them what their name was.
The problem with this? No one in the band actually knew, and so they proceeded to say the first things that popped into their mind.
“Civil War?”
“Symphony number 9”

Ludwig's name (what he'd been studying before they'd gotten the call) was the one she'd gone with.

The interview had been scheduled for that Wednesday, and by Friday they'd been in a studio recording one of their songs.
Arthur had given it to one of the local radio stations, who had uploaded it to their website (which he'd told them not to and completely expected them to do) and by the end of the month of the month fans everywhere had been demanding to know more about the strange new band called 'Civil war'.

Things had only been uphill from there for the band.

So yeah, there's the first part. Felt the need to provide a bit of background before actually starting the story. The next one skips a few years...
Recaptcha says: Ed skidded...ok then captcha-hope he's ok...


Re: The fanboy adventures of Feliciano and Matthew [1a/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 20:46:30 UTC
This is really cute. And I like the band's name. (The first thing to pop into Hungary's head is Yaoi, who would've guessed... lol)


Re: The fanboy adventures of Feliciano and Matthew [1a/?] anonymous February 13 2010, 22:52:06 UTC
THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME SO FAR. <3 hope to see it continued soon O3O


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