Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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fill [2/?] anonymous February 1 2010, 20:39:10 UTC
What Norway doesn't know is that Denmark did not leave the house to drink this day. The Dane is trying to calm the rage within him and he's following an advice that was in fact given to him by the Norwegian. "Drag your lazy ass outside and go for a walk. It clears your mind." All right, so maybe he had a couple of beers as well, but he did get some fresh air. And he feels a little less angered. That damn Swede had no right to run away from the Great King of Scandinavia after everything he has done for him. But at least he still has his favorite. His sweet little wife. Sweet... might be an exaggeration. A big fat lie even. But he knows that despite those constant glares and foul words the Norwegian truly loves him. The poor thing is just too shy and stubborn to admit it.

It's already dark by the time the Dane returns to his mansion, or his castle as he likes to call it. He kicks off his boots and leans his dear axe against the wall with a light caress before bursting into the living room. "Nooorge! I'm hoooomee--"

And then; silence. All three of them freeze. Nobody makes a noise besides Iceland letting out a small whimper as Norway's hand is removed from his groin. And for once Denmark truly is at a loss of words. Why was Norway touching Iceland there in the first place? And why is Iceland's cheeks completely flushed, eyes still clouded by lust. Soon Denmark's brows furrow as he reaches the only reasonable conclusion. That little whore is trying to steal Norway from him. Iceland gets the expression of a deer caught in highlights when the Dane backs out of the room only to grab his precious axe. Norway however remains impassive until Denmark roughly grabs a fistful of his flaxen hair and pulls him up to his knees. "So this is what you've been doing while I've been gone huh?" the taller male asks, breath hot against the other's sensitive neck "screwing your brother?"

"I didn't" Norway protests and cringes when Denmark's free hand lures its way between his legs. There's no hiding the bulge that has formed in his pants now. "Then what's this? You're still hard you fucking slut" he hears him snarl and he begins to realize he wont get away with this. The Dane isn't just upset. He's furious.

Iceland slowly sits up, not daring to look any of them in the eyes "We just kissed. It's no crime," he mutters. The next thing they know Norway has been yanked to the floor and Denmark is lifting Iceland by the collar. "you just kissed?" the Dane asks, voice smug now and he has a dangerous smirk forming on his lips "If I'm not mistaken his hands were going for your cock, Island. I don't think you'd be satisfied with just kissing". The boy turns bright red. It's true. He's not satisfied. He wants a lot more than what he's been offered, but he has tried to settle with it. Iceland has yet to feel Norway's body pressed against his own when there's no fabric between them to prevent their bare skin from touching. And he knows he shouldn't want that with someone he used to call brother, yet lately he's been craving it so badly he can't get it off his mind.

"We merely got a little exited," Norway says, struggling a bit to get up after being knocked over rather viciously "I wouldn't... have sex with him"

"I wont believe it until I see for myself~" Denmark replies and lets go of Iceland only to twirl him around so he can wrap an arm around his waist from behind. Norway is quick to react then, however he's forced to step back when the Dane's axe is raised to press against Iceland's pale neck.

[sorry for any mistakes. English is not my native language and I tend to typo a lot so... yeah. Part 3 will be up soon]


Re: fill [2/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 04:37:05 UTC
Oh, I'm liking all these attitudes. Eagerly awaiting the next part!


fill [3/?] anonymous February 2 2010, 13:44:22 UTC
Iceland stiffens, eyes focused on the blade in front off him before helplessly glancing at his brother when the hand that was previously resting on his side trails down his back. However Norway doesn't dare to risk the boy's life and can only watch as Denmark's hand slips inside Iceland's pants. Never before has the Norwegian wanted to punch the grin off the Dane's face so badly. He can't see what's happening but it's not difficult to guess by Iceland's trembling and voiceless scream that the hand is doing more than just feeling around. A finger is being pressed against his entrance, slowly forcing its way inside. Not used to the sensation Iceland tightens around the finger, making it hurt even more. "Aahh no!" he whimpers, unable to pull away because of the blade pressed against his skin "s-stop it...it hurts nnh it hurts..."

"Hmm maybe you're right, Nor" Denmark chuckles and retrieves his hand from the still whimpering boy's pants "he's tight like a virgin. However it doesn't change that you two have been crossing the line. You're mine, Norge, and that means nobody is allowed to play with you without my permission. Iceland doesn't seem to understand that. So I'll have to teach him a little lesson"

"Don't you dare hurt him!" Norway yells and Denmark nearly jumps. It's unusual that his calm spouse gets this loud. But he can yell all he wants. It doesn't change that he has broken the rules and needs to be punished. "Ah I wont hurt him. I'll merely show him what I'm allowed to do to you that he can't~" Denmark says, smirk widening even more. He let's go of Iceland before petting his head in a way that almost seems affectionate "Don't you try running away now. If you take your eyes off Norway for one second I'm going to let him suffer for it"

Iceland doesn't quite understand what will happen. All he knows is that he's no longer in danger of being slaughtered by Denmark's axe and so he just nods without protesting. He's told to take a seat on the couch and he quietly obeys. His gaze slowly shifts from Denmark to Norway. His brother is standing tall, stubbornly keeping his chin high despite the circumstances. Iceland is reminded of when he was little and this powerful Viking would protect him from danger. However the Norwegian has lost a lot of strength after losing more than half his people to the plague. And the young man doesn't appear as dangerous anymore. When he watches more intently he can even see that he's trembling a little.

"Norge; undress" Denmark commands. The blonde narrows his eyes, not willing to follow orders. But the Dane knows his weakness. Witch a swift motion the axe is now pointing at Iceland whom lets out a small squeak upon being threatened with the terrifying weapon once more. He tries to keep his gaze focused on Norway still, because it's the only thing he knows that will prevent his brother from being hurt.

"Don't be shy, kære. We've both seen it all before, I'm sure"

Slowly Norway unfastens the belt around his waist before pulling the sailor tunic over his head along with a thin woolen shirt. Iceland's cheeks begin to heat up and the guilt makes him want to look away. It's true that he has seen before. They've taken baths together and Norway has never really been shy around him. But this is different. Because even if he looks apathetic as always he can tell that his brother feels humiliated.


Re: fill [3/?] anonymous February 4 2010, 03:10:18 UTC
Great fill, love the language and the imagery. Please, keep going!


Re: fill [3/?] anonymous February 6 2010, 10:51:22 UTC
Dear writer!anon, I really love your fill, so please update soon.



Re: fill [3/?] anonymous February 13 2010, 20:39:11 UTC
Missing you, writer!anon. Such a nice fill, such a tense moment...


fill [4/?] anonymous February 16 2010, 23:18:59 UTC
Soon Norway's pants are off as well, thrown to the floor along with the rest of his clothes. Only his underwear is still on and thankfully his excitement has faded, so that some of his dignity is kept at least. Iceland tries to keep his gaze focused on the blonde's face. He has always thought of him as beautiful, but he doesn't wish to admire his body at a time like this. He's too anxious. Why does he have to undress? What is going to happen?

"Everything off" Denmark says and waits for Norway's last piece of clothing to slide down those slender legs before he walks over to him ."Not so cocky now are we?" he asks, sliding a hand down his slender chest. Then as it moves dangerously close to the shorter male's groin he's interrupted by the their reluctant audience.

"Stop it!" Iceland hisses. He knows now what Denmark is planning to do and he doesn't want to be around while it happens. Just seeing that bastard's hands on his brother is making his blood boil. He has never actually seen them be intimate before. Norway will always be shoving the Dane away if he tries to kiss and hug him around other nations. The only thing he has seen is the biting marks that are sometimes left on the Norwegian's neck. Denmark marking his territory.

"Ah, I'm sorry Iceland," the Dane chuckles eerily and moves to sit down next to the boy "you want to watch from a nicer angle is that it?". His intense sapphire eyes meet Norway's lifeless ones as he motions for him to come sit on his lap "hurry over here. If I get too lonely without you I might want to have another piece of Ice's ass"

Without protest the Norwegian climbs onto Denmark's lap. Oh how he wants to wrap his fingers around that broad neck and squeeze until his damn grin can never return. But despite his mask of no emotions he's not that cold. This man has always annoyed him, but he has made him feel so much more than annoyance. There are times when he makes him feel safe and loved. Even now he's unable to hate him. Because he knows the real bastard here is himself. He's the one who has betrayed Denmark's trust and awakened this cruel side of him. "If you're going to make me suffer for what I've done, then go ahead" he mutters, leaning in closer until they almost kiss "but let Iceland leave."

"Aah, but Norge, he wont learn from that" Denmark replies and holds onto his hips, massaging the soft skin with his thumbs "I'm going to fuck you, and he's going to watch. Then he'll see who you belong to."


Re: fill [4/?] anonymous February 28 2010, 03:13:10 UTC
I SERIOUSLY LOVE this fanfic and hope that it gets finished but updating it on the fill index would be helpful for me to find it~

Keep it up!!!


fill [5/?] anonymous March 3 2010, 16:18:27 UTC
[Sorry for not updating. School has been hell D; Glad you guys like it so far]

The Icelander feels his cheeks heat up. Denmark is doing what!? This close to him!? He moves away until he's at the very edge off the couch. He wants to put an end to this but what can he do? If he protests then something worse might happen. Norway seems to be thinking the same thing. He looks away and mumbles a quiet "sick bastard", but he doesn't fight it when the hands on his hips slide further back to squeeze his buttocks. Not even when a finger goes between them to force its way inside of him.

Iceland thinks of the pain when Denmark did the same to him, but Norway doesn't react much. He assumes it's because he can deal with pain better, but then he realizes. "tight like a virgin" Denmark had called him, but Norway is not a virgin. He's used to having the Dane's fingers within him. And more than that. A sudden rush of embarrassment hits him when he realizes he's staring, watching the way the Dane's finger goes back and forth. Then he's blushing all the way to his ears when he lifts his gaze only to look straight into Norway's glazed eyes. His brother mouths something. Soundless words that look like "it's ok".

But it's not ok. He tries to keep his eyes focused on his face again. It doesn't make it any easier to forget what's happening. To most Norway's expression would seem like it had not changed at all, but Iceland knows him well enough to catch every little detail. The way his eyes look even less focused than usual, how his brows furrow a little when the Dane finds a sensitive spot, how his lips part as his breath grows heavier and how the blood rushes to his cheeks, dying them red.

Iceland's face heats up as well. He's not sure if it's from anger or because of how alluring it is to see Norway appear so vulnerable and submissive. All he does know is that he's getting more worked up than he should. He realizes he's starting to pant as well. Louder than Norway even. "bróðir" he whispers weakly. His brother's lips only repeat the same as before "shhh it's ok"

Denmark doesn't notice the quiet conversation between the two, or maybe he chooses to ignore it. "Now, Norge" he says and shifts, getting into a more comfortable position "Since I've been kind enough to loosen you up first I'll let you do the rest. Of course, you can refuse, but then I'll come up with a less amusing way to punish you two"


Re: fill [5/?] anonymous March 12 2010, 00:09:59 UTC
omggg! author!anon, that's awesome! Please, continue /o/
Loving Denmark way of dealing with things...


Re: fill [5/?] anonymous November 6 2011, 20:44:00 UTC
Ahh! I hope you continue this soon Author!Anon! X3


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