Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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In His Bones - Part 7 anonymous January 5 2010, 05:40:03 UTC
Ludwig takes Gilbert the crow home, back to their House, now chopped in two with half of Gilbert's rooms on the other side of Poland's not-so-little garden path, leading to the sea.

Feliks is - strange, now that he is one once more, Ludwig thinks. The Poland that had used to belong to Prussia and Russia and Austria and the parts that had run off to France and whatnot apparently had all recombined into just one Feliks, and the result is even more fey then the Feliks who had used to drift through Gilbert's rooms sometimes.

And shiny. And colorful. Let us not forget colorful.

"Bruder?" Ludwig calls to Gilbert the crow, nestling against him sleepily.

"Um hum?"

"Poland seems to be...smaller then I remember, somehow. Younger. But shinier, too. He's so colorful!"

"Well, sure he is..." Gilbert grumps. "All the bits and pieces left of him came back together, and then- fires fires burning bright. He's a brand new bird now, yeah... Still nowhere as big or strong as he used to be back in the Commonwealth days, though, thank goodness."

"Oh." Ludwig murmurs. He had known, in a general fashion, that Poland had used to be a major power, back in the day, but...

"But just you see - One day I'll get it back, I'll get everything back, I -"

Gilbert rants and raves, and Ludwig pets him and tries to clean the blood off his feathers.

Fires burning bright, eh? There was a word for something like Feliks was, Ludwig thinks.


Even if what he looked like now was a over-sized rainbow-hued canary, roughly the size of a crow...


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