Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

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hetalia kink meme
part 8



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In His Bones - Part 6 anonymous January 5 2010, 05:38:13 UTC
And then the Great War ends, and not in their favor, either.

Ludwig sends Italy - Feliciano - back as soon as the fighting is officially over. Feliciano squirms a bit and says that he wants to say goodbye to 'Heiny', whoever that is, but he goes quietly enough when Ludwig shakes him into cat-form (Ludwig isn't quite sure why that actually worked, but it did) and threw him over the walls, his small bag of belongings after him.

Gilbert - Prussia - loses so much of his lands, Austria and Hungary are made to separate, and France and the other countries all demand ridiculous amounts of money to pay for the damages.

The worst thing, though, is the economy, which seems to be spiraling down into a never-ending pit.

Everybody around him seemed to be miserable except Poland, who had gotten his House back and was happy as a clam, and even his economy was miserable, Ludwig knew.

Not that that seemed to stop Feliks from chasing his Bruder Gilbert around and pulling out his tail-feathers, gloating all the while.

"Ha ha ha ha, your so-called West Prussia is mine, oh former fiefdom of mine - "

Poland's transformed form is actually smaller then Ludwig remembers him being, strangely enough, but he's bright and colorful instead of a faded brown, green and grey, a small bird the colors of rainbows, plumage and tail-feathers floating across the skies.

"And my House is mine, mine and just mine, too, at long last -

"Which you will no doubt run into the ground. Again." Gilbert hisses back, bleeding and bedraggled.

"Will you stop harping on and on about that, Prussia. It's my House, and I'll run it so it suits me - "

And then Poland tosses Prussia - Gilbert - back at him, and turns to leave.

"Will you stop this, Feliks?"

"...I don't think so." Feliks snickers.

"I don't hear a please, there, either. Hey Gilbert - You should have taught your little bro to say please when he's asking people to do something~~"

"Shut up." Gilbert growls, trying to get out of Ludwig's arms. Not that Ludwig is about to let him go - not while he's in this state.

"Oh, and you should have taught him Polish too, while you're about it. What's left of your Polish is soo old-fashioned - Not that that's all bad, mind. I'll really have to see if I can make you beg again, eh?"

" - In your dreams, Polska!" Gilbert hisses, but it sounds more wearily then anything.

Feliks snickers, yet again. "Sure, sure. - Hey, Germany, did you ever try scritching his ears and wings when he's like this? You should try it~~"

" - Go away." Gilbert whispers, pushing his head into Ludwig's hair.

Feliks turns to leave with a final snicker, and Ludwig holds his brother tight.

Gilbert's - Prussia's- 'normal' transformed form is not a black eagle, no matter what the flag signifies.

It's a black crow - not even a raven, as he's not really big enough to be a raven.

Though he used to be bigger when Frederick the Great was alive, if his ridiculously, vague memories were at all relevant.

Ludwig has never told him that he doesn't care that he's not a eagle. Gilbert is a crow, and he always has been a crow, and that was all there was to it.

And that is when Ludwig realizes that Poland - Feliks - hadn't once called Gilbert a carrion eater, even in the thick of their fighting, not while Ludwig himself could hear, anyway. Others had called Gilbert that quite often, Austria, France, almost anybody his brother fought with or even besides, and Gilbert usually just laughed it off, but...

He has no idea if that is significient in any way, but he remembers it.


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