Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

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hetalia kink meme
part 8



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In His Bones - Part 4 anonymous January 5 2010, 05:29:20 UTC
The War that would later be called the First World War had been long shimmering in the pot before everything finally blew - The big arms race between England's Household and his own being only one factor among many.

Ludwig is terribly fond of his Kaiserliche Marine (They were going to be better then England's Royal Navy one day, better by far, just you wait -) and his U-boats, too, stealthy beneath the waves. Ships that could navigate under the seas - How fascinating!

His brother Gilbert, on the other hand, just loves his airplanes and Zeppelins - which was just to be expected, of course, though Ludwig sometimes thought about how fast new things seemed to be invented, nowadays, everything changing all the time, like time itself had started to go faster in some strange fashion, and was somewhat - uneasy - about what the future could bring. Though they did seem to be very useful, he did have to admit.

And then he meets that strange, strange Nation hiding with his paws over his ears in the tomato box, and everything begins to change.

The Italian border is so easy to get through, it just about has to be a trap - But if it is, it's the strangest trap that he ever heard of.

And then - A tomato box. Which talked.

"H-Hey, I'm a tomato box fairy! I came to be friends with you - Let's go play, alright?"

"There seems to be somebody in there..."

"No, no, there isn't anybody in here at all! Why would you want to look at my innards..."

"Damn, it's heavy...Now, show yourself!"

What falls out of the box, screeching, is cream-colored and warm and has big ears.

"Baaaaa! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not really a tomato box fairy - Please don't shoot me! I'll do anything, just don't shoot me..."

Wait. Wait...This was the descendant of the Roman Empire? Surely not...

"I wanted some good pasta as a last meal, baaaaaa~~"

"...I...I have a question. Are you my enemy, the decendent of Rome?"

"Oh, you know Grandpa Rome? I'm Italy, Rome's grandson. I love pasta and pizza, and - "

And that was how he meets North Italy, warm and furry and amber-eyed.

He carries Italy back to his base in a sack, warm against his back.
"Baaaaa~~, Germany? Can I have pasta?"

"I do not have any pasta on hand, though you may have meat and potatoes once we get there."

Ludwig sighs, then.

"- Italy. You are a cat, correct?"

"I think so, ve?"

"...Then why are you baa-ing? You sound like a sheep of some kind..."

"Baaaa, my brother says that too, but I've always baa'd from the first time I transformed..."

" - I see. Do you eat meat or greens?"

"I eat everything, baa, but especially pasta!"

Even as a cat...thing? Ludwig sighs yet again.


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